Minecraft Update 1.21.1 Patch Notes (Bedrock Edition)

Minecraft update 1.21.1 details released for PC, PS4, Xbox, and Switch. According to the official Minecraft 1.21.1 patch notes, the latest update introduces significant fixes and enhancements across various gameplay aspects, aiming to improve stability and user experience. Additionally, the Minecraft patch 1.21.1 update also includes quality-of-life fixes and changes.

Previously, a big Microsoft update 1.19.10 added new changes and fixes to the game. Unfortunately, players are still facing issues with the game. Today’s Minecraft patch 1.21.1 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Minecraft 1.21.1 Patch Notes – June 17, 2024

A Minecraft trial chamber, with banners and a trial spawner

Trial Chambers

  • Mobs no longer naturally spawn inside Trial Chambers.

Trial Spawner

  • Fixed a bug where Trial Spawners would no longer spawn mobs after toggling the ‘domobspawning’ game rule off and on again.
  • Fixed a bug where the Arrow projectiles randomly shot down in an Ominous Trial would have Harming II or Slow Falling as their effect instead of Poison or Slowness IV.


  • Fixed a bug where Arrows of Slow Falling could be found in Ominous Vaults instead of Arrows of Slowness IV.
  • Fixed a bug where Arrows of Harming II could be found in Vaults and supply chests instead of Arrows of Poison.


  • The chances for mob equipment to drop has been brought closer to Java Edition.
    • Enchanted mob equipment no longer has double the chance to drop.
    • Each level of the Looting enchantment now gives a +1% chance for mob equipment to drop, down from +4%.


  • Mace Smash attack no longer triggers automatically when swapping to the Mace after initiating a Trident Riptide attack.


  • Banners are once again obtainable via the recipe book.


  • Fixed a bug where the Looting enchantment could cause mob equipment with a 0% drop chance to still drop, such as Vex swords or equipment from Ominous Trials.


  • Fixed error that could sometimes occur when opening Realms Stories.

Dressing Room

  • Fixed a bug causing Character Creator skins with removed eyes to break skin texture loading.

Download free Minecraft update 1.21.1 and apk files.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.