Marvel Avengers Update 1.74 Patch Notes

Marvels Avengers update 1.74 is now available to download on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Avengers 1.74 patch notes, the latest update brings a rework of the rewards, fixes and changes. Apart from this, today’s Marvel Avengers version 1.74 also includes stability fixes.

Unfortunately, since the last major update, players are facing various bugs and errors. Today’s Marvel Avengers patch 1.74 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Marvels Avengers 1.74 Patch Notes

The Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier

Scott Porter joins our expanding Avengers’ cast as Cap’s old sidekick: James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes, The Winter Soldier, who has escaped captivity and rejoined his friend and allies.

The Winter Soldier is a master assassin. He adds to the roster an almost purely assault-focused hero focused on dealing damage to his enemies in a variety of ways. Players will find multiple different builds and playstyles to embody that character fantasy, from the ranged marksman to an expert hand-to-hand combatant, to the deadly super-soldier.

Players will find all new animations, a new full skill tree, and heroic abilities all his own when they enter a mission as the Winter Soldier.

Winter Soldier will also launch with his own heroic mission chain that sees the Avengers help him regain his confidence in his capacity for good and deal with the trauma inflicted on him by his captors. Players that complete the mission chain will be rewarded with Bucky’s iconic outfit.

Cloning Lab Omega-Level Threat

This Omega Level Threat is a new end-game challenge headlined by a climactic confrontation with the deranged genius to end the danger once and for all.

The Lab is a challenging AIM base that players will navigate before facing off one last time against MODOK in a grand multiplayer fight. MODOK has developed new tactics since players confronted him in San Francisco, and is designed to test our heroes in this new four-against-one fight.

As an OLT, Cloning Lab is designed to push a team of four high-level heroes, though it will be of similar accessible length to our previous OLT, Family Reunion. Cloning Lab requires Power Level 175 to enter will reward both new gear and higher-level gear than ever before, with the power-level cap increasing to 185.

Increased Power Level Cap

We’ve increased the Power Level cap from 175 to 185! To level up from 175, you’ll need to earn the new gear rewarded for completing the new Omega-Level Threat: AIM’s Cloning Lab.

Winter Soldier Streamer Kit: DownloadHERE.



  • Some players experienced an issue where Hulk’s ‘Unbearable Might’ and ‘Survival Instincts’ skills would relock when starting certain missions. Loading into missions will no longer lock these skills.
  • We’ve made a few tweaks to Monica in the ‘No Rest for the Wicked’ boss encounter:
  • We’ve moved Monica’s spawn in front of the players’ spawn point so Monica will notice them faster, fixing an issue where Monica will shrink herself when turning.
  • We fixed an issue where Monica’s teleportation VFX and audio can fall out of sync for some players.
  • Monica can no longer be affected by Spider-Man’s Webbed status, as this wasn’t intended in our mission design.
  • Spoiler alert! In ‘No Rest for the Wicked,’ Monica’s life bar used to displaybeforeplayers entered the room where they encounter her. We’ve updated the mission so that her life bar doesn’t appear until after players enter the room.

there are now three mission chain types to complete during our limited-time events like Tachyon Anomaly or Corrupted Vibranium. These two-week sprints will provide rewards for daily play and sustained play. The three mission chain types include:

  • Meta Mission Chains:Completing all tasks in a Meta Mission Chain will offer up the best rewards during our limited-time events. By completing the full list of Daily and Minor Mission Chains, you’ll earn Exotics above Power Level 120 for your entire roster. Even better, these Superior Exotics will drop at a 140+ Power Level. Previously 140+ Power Level items could only be earned by endgame players who completed the Family Reunion Omega Level Threat or the Discordant Sound Raid.
  • Minor Mission Chains:These mission chains are sometimes Hero-specific and offer another way to increase your Power Level on a per-Hero basis.
  • Daily Mission Chains:Daily missions feed into the larger Meta Mission Chain objective and will offer repeatable gear rewards for the entirety of the two-week event.

Check out our rotating roster of limited-time events in detail below!

Tachyon Anomaly(Coming up: May 26 – June 9)

  • Meta Mission Chain Rewards (Full Roster)
    • Superior Exotic Tachyon Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
  • Minor Mission Chain Rewards
    • Superior Exotic Tachyon Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
    • Superior Cosmic Minor Artifact (for Heroes above Power Level 100)
  • Daily Mission Chain Rewards
    • Legendary Tachyon Surge Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 80)
    • Polychoron x 20

Rooskaya Protocols

  • Meta Mission Chain Rewards (Full Roster)
    • Superior Exotic Apex Power Defense Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
    • Superior Exotic Apex Power Heroic Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
  • Minor Mission Chain Rewards (Per Hero)
    • Superior Exotic Apex Power Melee Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
    • Superior Exotic Apex Power Ranged Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
  • Daily Mission Chain Rewards
    • Scaling (Uncommon to Legendary based on Hero PL) Jarvis Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 80)
    • Upgrade Modules x 30

Corrupted Vibranium

  • Meta Mission Chain Rewards (Full Roster)
    • Superior Exotic Discordant Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
  • Minor Mission Chain Rewards (Per Hero)
    • Scaling Vibranium Payload Gear (for Heroes below Power Level 120)
    • Exotic Discordant Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
    • Superior Discordant Minor Artifact (for Heroes above PL 120)
  • Daily Mission Chain Rewards
    • Scaling Vibranium Payload Gear
    • Polychoron x 20

Red Room Takeover

  • Meta Mission Chain Rewards (Full Roster)
    • Superior Exotic Technical Power Set Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
  • Minor Mission Chain Rewards (Per Hero)
    • Scaling Gear (for Heroes below Power Level 80)
    • Legendary Technical Power Set (for Heroes below Power Level 120)
    • Exotic Technical Power Set (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
  • Daily Mission Chain Rewards
    • Epic HARM Gear (for Heroes below Power Level 80)
    • Legendary HARM Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 80)
    • Upgrade Modules x 30

Cosmic Threat

  • Meta Mission Chain Rewards (Full Roster)
    • Superior Exotic Omega Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
  • Minor Mission Chain Rewards (Per Hero)
    • Superior Exotic Omega Gear (for Heroes above Power Level 120)
  • Daily Mission Chain Rewards
    • Cosmic Minor Artifact
    • Upgrade Modules x 30
    • Polychoron x 20

Note: The full changelog will be available soon.

Download free Marvel Avengers update 1.74 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.