Major UFC 3 Update is Coming with New Features and Changes

A major UFC 3 update will roll out today onPlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The latest UFC 3 patch will include some exciting new features, gameplay changes, and fixes. The latest update will add a new, faster retreating evasive movement option performed by holding R1+R2 and moving away from your opponent. In addition, the patch will also include seven new AI fighter customizations and applied existing customizations to numerous templated fighters. Unfortunately, we have no news regarding upcoming fighters.

Check out more details below.

UFC 3 Update Preview [Updated]

  • Added a new, faster retreating evasive movement option performed by holding R1+R2 and moving away from your opponent.
  • Reduced the frequency of sweeps on the ground by the AI for standup-oriented fighters.
  • Add AI tuning tendency for using strikes vs denials to stop grappling transitions.
  • Adds seven new AI fighter customizations and applied existing customizations to numerous templated fighters.
  • Added the ability to partially block the counter strike after a catch kick. An unblocked strike will deal the same damage as before, a blocked strike will reduce the damage by 50%.
  • Should open up the takedown mix up while still making it possible to punish the caught kick.
  • Made it so block breaks down faster when you are moving forward.
  • Allow the AI to perform the correct evasion at the wrong time, better mimicking how users play.
  • Greatly increase grapple-oriented AIs tendency to takedown after catch-kicks
  • Remove the ability for boxing-oriented AIs to throw as many kicks while at the range.
  • Make long-term leg damage have a significant and permanent impact on grapple advantage.
  • Reduces the tendency for AI to spam takedowns from certain clinch positions.
  • [New] Improve AIs cage awareness.
  • [New] Revamped how combinations interact with head movement. Slipping a jab will no longer slow down combinations coming off the jab, and the follow-up strike off the jab will track the fighter unless they slip again to avoid that second strike.
  • [New] Give priority to undeniable get-ups and breaks when first entering into a dominant grappling position. If you sweep someone from bottom side control to top, you’ll now be able to get up right away before your opponent can transition if you initiate it right away. Before you’d have to deny first.
  • [New] Improved head movement responsiveness and effectiveness, particularly around chained head movement, to make double slipping more effective.
  • [New] Added special tuning for chain submissions to make them more survivable.
  • [New] Increased grapple-oriented AIs tendency to takedown after a successful defense.
  • [New] Fix various holes in AI logic causing AI to idle unintentionally.
  • [New] Added the ability to block while you return your head to the center line after a successful slip.
  • [New] Added the ability to sidestep the oblique kick with the regular lunge.
  • [New] Made the effectiveness of ducking a strike highly dependant on the height of the fighters involved. If a hook lands before you get low enough, the duck will continue, but if a straight punch lands before you get low enough, it will interrupt the duck.
  • [New] Greatly improved the AI logic for defending takedowns in the clinch/standup.
  • [New] Split AI strikes targeting tendencies for kicks vs punches.
  • [New] Made back sways better at evading hooks and uppercuts.
  • [New] Re-tune AI submission competency on attack and defense on all difficulties.
  • [New] Added a new set of sway animations to support the new concept of minor vs major sways. To perform a minor sway, lightly flick the right stick. A harder press for the major sways.

We’ll update the article as soon as the official changelog goes online.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
I am passionate about Web development and networking. When i am not hacking away on my computer, i enjoys exploring new places, watching movies and biking.