Madden NFL 19 November gameplay tuning update is now available for players on PlayStation 4 and XBox One. The new tuning update has reduced the stamina penalty and added 30% increment to defensive run-block disengage angles. In addition, there is now 20% increase to ball carrier fumble chance when using the ‘Aggressive Ball Carrier’ Coach Adjustment. Check out more details below.
According to the EA Games, they are listening to the community feedback. As a result, they have added some tuning changes for Gameplay to provide some further balance to previous improvements and fixes.
Madden NFL 19 November Gameplay Tuning Update
- Reduced the stamina penalty when using Acceleration boost and/or One Cut to lengthen the time necessary before fatigue sets in on a per-play basis.
- 30% increase to defensive run-block disengage angles (this is 30% back in opposite direction from previous tuning made in October Title Update).
- Decreased Interception Threshold to a value of 60 from 75 – any defender with a catch rating of 60 or higher will never drop an INT when in open space.
- 60% decrease to offensive success chance for multi-player aggressive catches.
- 30% increase to defensive run-block disengage angles (this is 30% back in opposite direction from previous tuning made in October Title Update).
Tuning across all Gamestyles (Simulation, Arcade, Competitive):
- 20% increase to ball carrier fumble chance when using the ‘Aggressive Ball Carrier’ Coach Adjustment.