Madden 25 Patch 1.09 Notes for PS4, PC & Xbox

EA Madden 25 patch 1.09 is rolling out on PS4, PC and Xbox One. According to the official Madden 25 1.09 patch notes, the latest update resolves issues related to crashing, matchmaking and cross play. Apart from this, Madden NFL 25 version 1.09 also includes general stability and gameplay performance improvements.

Previously, a minor Madden NFL 25 update 1.05 added season 2 with new changes and improvements. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players have been experiencing several server related issues. Madden 25 patch 1.09 will fix a few of these issues.

What is new in Madden 25 1.09 Patch Notes


  • Introducing the ability to Save Custom Audibles across all modes.
    • Dev Note: As you change audibles in your formation at play call, they will save automatically and will not change from game to game. You will be able to do this for up to 32 playbooks. To change audibles, press LT/L2 after choosing a formation in play-call.
  • Tuning to increase the chances of AI controlled defenders attempting interceptions rather than swats on catchable passes.
  • Tuning to make AI controlled WRs play more aggressively to the catch point when targeted.
  • Tuning to improve WR’s feet staying in bounds on a catchable pass near the sideline.
  • Fixed an issue where AI-controlled QBs would check the ball down to a receiver coming out of the backfield too frequently when they were not under pressure.
  • Fixed an issue where AI-controlled QBs were considering receivers open on Curl routes when they were covered resulting in too many interceptions being thrown.
  • Fixed an issue preventing defensive backs from matching press animations when running the Cover 1 Robber Press defensive play against streak, curl, and inside-release dig routes.
  • Fixed an issue causing the QB to keep the ball on a run play when using multiple preplay adjustments at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue preventing pass blockers from handing off pass rushers to other blockers vs defensive line crash inside.
  • Fixed a rare issue causing the ball to warp through a defender’s body when attempting to make an interception.
  • Fixed a rare issue sometimes causing a tackler to freeze after a hit-stick vs. a ball carrier.
  • Tuning to improve the preservation momentum in physics-based tackles.
  • Tuning to improve collision on dive tackles that make contact with the ball carrier’s upper leg.
  • Tuning to improve player-falls on collisions between ball carriers and defenders.

Superstar Mode (PS5, Xbox Series X|S & PC only)

  • General stability improvements.

Online H2H Ranked

  • General stability fixes.


  • Tuned pre-snap field of view in Standard gameplay camera to more closely resemble MADDEN NFL 24.
  • Added gameplay camera called Standard Alternate that resembles the default gameplay camera in EA SPORTS College Football 25.


  • Texans Uniform and field fixes
  • Chiefs Uniform updates to pants stripes
  • New Cleats added:
    • Adidas Chaos
    • Jordan 11 Mid
  • New Facemasks added:
    • Speedflex Robot Jagged
    • Speedflex JR Cross
    • Axiom 2 Bar Jagged
    • Axiom 3 Bar Double
    • Axiom 3 Bar Jagged Double
    • Axiom 3 Bar LB Jagged Double
    • Axiom Robot Jagged
    • Axiom Robot RB Jagged
    • F7 Robot Jagged
    • F7 Robot Jagged 2
    • F7 Robot Jagged 3
    • F7 JR Cross
    • F7 808
    • F7 Robot 808
    • F7 2 Bar Jagged
    • Vicis Zero2 Robot Jagged
    • Vicis Zero 2 Robot 808
    • Vicis Zero 2 808
    • Vicis Zero 2 Robot Trench


  • Added new commentary from Brock Huard, Kate Scott, and Mike Tirico.
  • Fixed an issue where commentary would incorrectly reference the game location.
  • Fixed an issue where commentary would mention a missed PAT for every subsequent kickoff by that same kicker.
  • Fixed an issue where commentary would not be interrupted by a successful 2-point conversion.
  • Fixed an issue where commentary would incorrectly mention how the previous drive concluded coming out of super sim.
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect commentary would be heard for a single season receiving touchdowns record.
  • Fixed an issue where commentary would incorrectly reference the score differential at the end of a game.
  • Fixed an issue where MADDEN theme song would continue to play after selecting Resume Activity on the PlayStation 5 home screen.
  • Addressed game crashing issues.
  • Addressed cross play related issues.
  • Added matchmaking improvements.
  • Added general stability improvements.
  • Added gameplay performance enhancements.
  • Other minor under the hood fixes

Note: The full changelog will be available soon.

Known Issues

  • We are aware and investigating an issue with Cross-play. This issue is currently affecting matchmaking, and access to both Franchise and Superstar save files.
  • Franchise and Superstar users with leagues that have cross-play enabled will have difficulty accessing save files until this issue is resolved.

Download free Madden 25 update 1.09 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.