Lords of the Fallen update 1.040 (Ver.1.1.626) is available to download on PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S. According to the official Lords of the Fallen 1.040.000 patch notes, the latest update focuses on maintenance, addressing various issues reported by the community and discovered internally. Apart from this, Lords of the Fallen version 1.040 also fixes related to visuals, UI, multiplayer, level design, enemies, stability, balancing, and other miscellaneous improvements.
Recently, Lords of the Fallen patch 1.017 added over 100 enhancements that include performance improvements, co-op and PVP gameplay tweaks. Unfortunately, since the last major update, players have been experiencing various issues with the game. Today’s LOTF update 1.040.000 will address a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Lords of the Fallen Patch 1.040 Notes – March 22, 2024

Visual Fixes:
- Boss Arena Exploits: Addressed a glitch in the photo mode near the Spurned Progeny boss arena, preventing players from seeing outside the game world.
- World Streaming: Resolved an issue where the game world would load visibly when leaving Skyrest Bridge for Sanctuary.
- Mines and Caves: Fixed instances where players could use photo mode to see outside the game world near the Mines entrance and in a cave in Pilgrim’s Perch.
- Skinstealer Animation: Corrected a glitch that briefly displayed the Skinstealer in the boss arena before its actual spawn animation.
- Umbral Objects: Adjusted loading of Umbral objects near Redcopse Windmill and Tancred, Master of Castigations’ boss arena.
- Death Particles: Rectified an issue with incorrect death particles appearing on enemies.
UI Fixes:
- Menu Selection: Addressed an issue causing the menu selection to reset when adjusting certain Display Settings.
- Character Customization Warning: Added a warning popup to indicate character customization reset when switching body types.
- Rune Tab Display: Fixed incorrect placeholder text and icon display in the Rune tab of the Inventory.
- Shop Prices: Corrected instances where wrong shop prices were displayed after freeing Sparky.
- Inventory Counter: Fixed an issue where the Inventory item counter didn’t update without reopening the Inventory.
Multiplayer Improvements:
- Rubberbanding Reduction: Enhanced multiplayer experience to reduce rubberbanding and desynchronization in 2 and 3 player matchups, providing a performance boost.
- Input Loss: Fixed an issue causing the coop partner to lose input after being teleported to the host.
- Severed Hands: Addressed a glitch where coop partners would receive Severed Hands after defeating Invaders using a password to matchmake.
Level Design Fixes:
- Pilgrim’s Perch Shortcut: Patched a gap allowing players to skip a section of Pilgrim’s Perch by jumping on wooden assets.
- Hushed Saint Encounter: Fixed an exploit allowing players to skip the boss encounter with the Hushed Saint by jumping on Umbral objects.
Enemy Fixes:
- Bramis Castle Shortcut: Corrected an exploit allowing players to skip Bramis Castle by defeating the last Conflagrant Seer with a Corrupted Banner Javelin.
- Aggro Trigger: Addressed an issue preventing enemies from triggering aggro when affected by a status effect.
Stability Improvements:
- Load Game Crash: Fixed a crash occurring when pressing the Load Game button while savegames were loading.
- Tincts Crash: Addressed a rare crash when selecting the Apply to All option for Tincts.
- PVP Damage: Increased overall damage received by players by 10% in PVP.
Other Fixes:
- Ground Stuck: Resolved a rare issue causing players to get stuck in the ground when starting a new game.
- Streaming Volumes: Adjusted streaming volumes to improve performance near the Vestige of the Bloody Pilgrim.
- Boss Arena Entry: Fixed an issue preventing players from entering the boss arena with Griefbound Rowena through the moth wall while in Umbral due to Umbral enemies blocking the entrance.
- Bucketlord Animation: Corrected animation issues with the Bucketlord NPC when grabbed by Carrion Knights.
Download free Lords of the Fallen update 1.040.000 on PlayStation 5, PC and Xbox Series X/S.