Lords of the Fallen Patch 1.026 Notes (Version 1.026.000)

Lords of the Fallen Patch 1.026 is available to download on PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S. According to the official Lords of the Fallen 1.026 patch notes, the latest update adds improvements in core gameplay, matchmaking, performance, AI, collisions, and visuals. Apart from this, Lords of the Fallen update 1.026.000 also includes general stability fixes.

Recently, Lords of the Fallen patch 1.017 added over 100 enhancements that include performance improvements, co-op and PVP gameplay tweaks. Unfortunately, since the last major update, players have been experiencing various issues with the game. Today’s LOTF update 1.026 will address a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Lords of the Fallen Version 1.026 Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to look through the game world on top of the fallen Umbral tower in The Empyrean.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the environment around Leprosarium to visibly unload from far away.
  • Fixed an issue where wrong materials and tinct combinations were used for the Gauntlets of a Holy Bulwark.
  • Fixed a visual glitch that caused atmospheric effects to be detached from the environment in The Empyrean.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the chest piece of General Engstrom to be colored when coloring the gloves.

  • Fixed a collision issue where the player character could clip through certain stones in Leprosarium
  • Fixed a collision issue where throwables and spells could clip through stairs near Leprosarium
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get stuck behind Umbral assets after being damaged by enemies in The Empyrean.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get stuck in environmental assets close to the Hallowed Sentinel Scripture in Pilgrim’s Perch.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get stuck behind a wooden scaffolding near Lower Calrath.
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get stuck in rocks when jumping down a cliff near Shrine of Adyr.
  • Fixed collision issues with certain rocks that could cause players to get stuck near the Vestige of the Bloody Pilgrim.
  • Fixed a collision issue where throwables and spells would not trigger properly when hitting the floor on the top level of the cathedral in The Empyrean.
  • Fixed a collision issues that could cause players to get stuck behind impaled bodies at the plaza in Lower Calrath.
  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed players to unlock the Shrine of Adyr without having to defeat the Ruiner boss encounter by jumping on rocks near the ladder leading to the shrine.
  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed players to reach unintended areas and fall out of the game world near Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.
  • Fixed a collision issue that
  • Fixed a collision issue that could cause players to get stuck inside of assets near an Umbral platform in Revelation Depths.
  • Fixed a collision issue where the player character could clip through certain stone walls in Bramis Castle.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the coop partner’s character collision to remain while the coop partner was dead.
  • Fixed an issue where a connected client was not able to see the host’s withered health in specific situations.
  • Fixed an issue where the invaded player’s health bar was wrongly displayed as full before any damage was dealt.
  • Fixed an issue where a coop partner could fall through the elevator in Tower of Penance under special circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where the player’s Sanguinarix amount would be reduced upon returning back to their world after a failed invasion.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a connecting player to get stuck in the loading screen if the host made changes to the multiplayer settings while a connection was established.
  • Fixed an issue where the Divine Arms spell’s visual effects would look broken for the client.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent invaders and hosts to meet due to a locked door in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Pieta to cancel her animation when talking to her during the Sanguinarix upgrade.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player character to unexpectedly detach themselves from ladders when the enemy AI attempted to reach higher ground.
  • Fixed an issue where Pieta did not play her Sanguinarix upgrade animation if the upgrade started before Pieta finished her previous dialogue animation.
  • Improved the turn animations of General Engstrom to be more fluent.
  • Improved Pieta’s voice overs.
  • Improved the sound effects of Tancred, Master of Castigations.
  • Fixed an issue where the sound effects of Spirit of the Bleak Season could be heard without activating all pumpkin stigmas in the arena of the Hushed Saint.
  • Improved the voice overs of The Iron Wayfarer.
  • Improved Damarose’s voice overs.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Abiding Defender to lose player focus when traversing to Umbral.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Holy Bulwark to become unresponsive for a brief period.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Blood Tornado spell of Scourged Sister Delyth to prematurely explode when hitting the stairs in the boss arena.
  • Fixed an issue where the body of Mendacious Visage didn’t disappear after dying.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hushed Saint to not focus back on the player after defeating a summoned NPC.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Bringer of Stillness, Bringer of Nullity and Bringer of Silence to appear with low health in New Game +1.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Umbral parasites to appear when using the lamp at the Hushed Saint boss encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where the player didn’t get damaged by water under certain circumstances.
  • Added a death-zone trigger under the wooden bridge in Revelation Depths to prevent players from skipping a huge part of the area.
  • Added virtual keyboard support for interacting with the multiplayer password UI on Steamdeck.
  • Adjusted the sorting order of runes in the player’s inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where the braziers didn’t light up in the right color and didn’t play any sounds for coop partners in depths.
  • Fixed an issue where the braziers didn’t light up in the right color and didn’t play any sounds for coop partners in depths.
  • Removed the Christmas decorations on all Vestiges.
  • Further optimized characters and enemies by disabling irrelevant actions that were not needed in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue that caused lock-on targeting to have inverted controls on the Y axis.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from soulflaying certain objects and blocking their progression.
  • Adjusted the damage output of Grand Swords when using plunging attacks.
  • Fixed an issue where Lucent Beam would deal damage to players when blocking.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when interacting with certain NPCs.

The following changes were added previously


The Way of the Bucket:

  • A new questline event with a unique reward.

Similar to our Hallowen Event – ‘Season of the Bleak’ – today’s update brings with it ‘The Way of the Bucket’, a new and mysterious questline which upon completion, grants a reward of truly indeterminate value.

Seek guidance in the words below…

When time came to do or die, they emerged from their throes,
With meagre improvisations, spreading such desperate blows.
Should you as well seek meaning in these humble souls’ disguise,
Don makeshift twin attire and find the one that lies.
Salute, attest and once more show honour to their semblance,
And you’ll amass the sincere gifts of one held in remembrance.
Yet hoard not without measure, show mutual regard,
For greed amongst the downtrodden is seen as truly marred.

New Spells

Embrace the array of new spells now accessible across the three magical schools. You have the opportunity to acquire them by defeating their wielders.

Vortex of Torment

Summon a Radiant cyclone which inflicts physical damage and bleed buildup.

The Tolling

Unleash a wave of Radiant magic which inflicts holy damage and is capable of knocking down enemies.

Blistering Salvo

Unleash a volley of infernal darts which inflict physical damage and burn buildup.

Rising Fire

Summon several orbs of fire which explode following a short delay, inflicting fire damage and ignite buildup.

Pallid Bile

Unleash a torrent of Umbral magic, inflicting wither damage and poison buildup.

Septic Heave

Hurl several putrid orbs which inflict physical damage and poison buildup.

Please note that these spells will not count towards the Radiant, Inferno, or Umbral Adept Achievements.
Core Gameplay Improvement

With this patch if you begin an attack animation away from a ledge, you will no longer fall off if the attack animation draws you to the edge of said platform. However, if you start the attack animation when already standing at the edge, you will fall.

Improved Matchmaking

We’ve updated the matchmaking selection process, giving priority to ping while also performing additional checks on the connection at both ends. This may slightly increase matchmaking time, but it ensures a higher quality connection.

Umbral Ending

For players who previously encountered an issue with the Umbral ending, preventing them from completing the game, we have more positive news this week. We’ve implemented an additional check to address another edge case, allowing you to proceed after being blocked. So now, when you load the game, you should be able to directly access the ending.

We appreciate Fionn for sharing his save, to help identify and resolve this matter.. While we believe all outstanding issues have now been addressed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at[email protected]with your save information if you encounter any further problems.

  • Added additional precalculated PSOs to further reduce micro-stuttering throughout the game world.
  • Removed redundant collisions only on far-distance assets in the Empyrean Vista. All affected elements are out of the gameplay area.
  • Improved performance in the level art of the Upper Calrath nobles area by removing cast shadows from numerous assets without any impact on quality.
  • Optimized the Umbral level in Skyrest Bridge (Rampart and Parapet) by deleting hidden meshes and adjusting camera occlusion and pixel depth in certain meshes.
  • Second pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers. No loss in quality.
  • Second pass to reduce the number of actors casting shadows (small objects and minor details) in the Tower of Penance. No loss in quality.


  • Increased Scarlet Shadow’s senses to ensure it acquires the player as a target even in edge cases where it spawns far away from the player.
  • Linked the Ruiner to a leashing volume to prevent him from leaving the intended encounter area in Lower Calrath.
  • Added additional collisions for enemies spawning on the floor of Skyrest Bridge.
  • Filled a missing navmesh hole in one spot of Pilgrim’s Perch to improve AI navigation.
  • Fixed an AI that was not following its patrol in the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • A very treacherous NPC now says different things when defeating the player. Still obnoxious, but with style.


  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck near a crystal in Bramis Castle.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in Anchor Between Realms.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of world in The Empyrean.
  • Fixed minor clipping issues on some stairs in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Fixed an issue with a missing wall collision in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of world in Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • Adjusted moth walls to prevent players from leaving Otto’s boss encounter.
  • Adjusted the location of a chest to avoid players getting stuck in Forsaken Fen.
  • Placed blocking volume to prevent the player from jumping on a specific branch in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Fixed issues where players could skip certain areas in Fief of the Chill Curse.
  • Adjusted a flower bed near the Bellroom Vestige that could cause issues with gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck at a rock near the Tower of Penance.
  • Fixed an issue where players could skip the Pieta boss fight encounter by climbing up the Fire Giant’s corpse.


  • Improved player character turning animation for turning at very slow speed.
  • Added a missing base to one of the statues in Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.
  • Improved the specular and brightness for several weapons and armors sets materials.

Download free Lords of the Fallen update 1.026.000 on PlayStation 5, PC and Xbox Series X/S.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.