LOL Wild Rift Update 2.4A Patch Notes – August 18, 2021

LOL Wild Rift update 2.4a (August 18, 2021) is now available to download on PC. According to the League of Legends Wild Rift patch notes, the latest update added some changes to Sona and various other gameplay optimizations. Apart from this, LOL patch 2.4a will also include stability fixes.

Previously, a big update was released with various quality of life improvements and changes.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing several issues with online gameplay. Today’s LOL update 2.4a will fix a few of these issues.

LOL Wild Rift Patch 2.4a Notes (August 18, 2021)





Sadistic and cunning, Thresh is an ambitious and restless spirit of the Shadow Isles. Once the custodian of countless arcane secrets, he was undone by a power greater than life or death, and now sustains himself by tormenting and breaking others with slow, excruciating inventiveness. His victims suffer far beyond their brief mortal coil as Thresh wreaks agony upon their souls, imprisoning them in his unholy lantern to torture for all eternity.


  • Pulsefire Thresh
  • Dark Star Kha’Zix
  • Dark Star Varus


You can earn or purchase accessories from a bunch of different sources. Please check the relevant page in game for more information on how to get ‘em!

Bauble: Flying off the Handle

Icon: Mini-Boss

All accessories will be released throughout the patch.



Fancy finding a flock of fuzzy friends? Fulfill fun and fabulous feats to fly with the fluft!



Our Rogue Sentinel is struggling quite a bit, so we are giving him a large dose of love to help him find his footing in Wild Rift.

Base Stats

  • Attack growth: 3.6 →4.5
  • Base mana: 345 →390
  • Base mana regen: 12 →15
  • Starting bonus attack speed: 30% →40%

(P) Dirty Fighting

  • Movement speed: 40-80 based on level →40-120 based on level

(1) Avengerang

  • Mana cost: 60/70/80/90 →50/60/70/80

(Ult) Comeuppance

  • Cooldown: 90/65/60s →75/65/55s
  • [NEW] Can now execute minions


Annie has been heating up in the mid lane, so we’re reducing her early game power to let her opponents cool off a bit.

Base Stats

  • Base health: 570 →530

(2) Incinerate

  • Mana cost: 60/70/80/90 →70/80/90/100


Blitzcrank’s grab doesn’t instill the terror that it should, and it’s too easy to survive even when it’s well-executed. We’re increasing the damage of (1) Rocket Grab so it feels more rewarding to catch stray enemies.

  1. Rocket Grab
  • Base damage: 80/140/200/260 →100/160/220/280


Camille is a bit too powerful, particularly in high level play, so we’re making her more vulnerable in the early game, and reducing the frequency at which she’s able to lock down targets.

(3) Hookshot

  • Stun duration: 1s →0.75s

(Ult) The Hextech Ultimatum

  • Cooldown: 90/75/60s →100/85/70s


The Daring Bombardier is overperforming in the Dragon Lane, so we’re toning down his survivability to open up a more meaningful weakness.

Base Stats

  • Armor per level: 4.3 →3.9

(2) Valkyrie

  • Cooldown: 20/18/16/14s →22/20/18/16s


The doctor has been performing well in the jungle, but struggling in the Baron Lane. We’re giving him a small boost to let him go where he pleases.

Base Stats

  • Base health: 650 →690
  • Base health regen: 9 →12

(1) Infected Cleaver

  • Health cost: 45/60/75/90 →30/45/60/75

(Ult) Sadism

  • Total health regen: 50/75/100% →60/85/110%


We’re reeling Fizz back in after his recent quality-of-life changes and buffs brought him too far into the deep end of power, particularly in the jungle.

(P) Seastone Trident

  • Damage to monsters ratio: 150% →120%

(3) Playful / Trickster

  • Cooldown: 15.5/13.5/11.5/9.5s →16/14/12/10s

(Ult) Chum the Waters

  • Cooldown: 65/55/45s →80/65/50s


Graves is benefitting too much from recent item changes and requires a small tap down to adjust for his newfound arsenal.

Base Stats

  • Base attack damage per level: 4.5 →3.6


Jax has been performing well in the Jungle, but has yet to find his place in the Baron Lane. We’re shifting around his power and adding a new mechanic to Counter Strike so the Grandmaster at Arms can thrive in the Baron Lane and better survive teamfights.

Base Stats

  • Base bonus attack speed: 20% →10%

(P) Relentless Assault

  • Jax now gains 2 stacks of Relentless Assault when attacking enemy champions or minions.
  • Max Relentless Assault stacks: 8 →10
  • Bonus attack speed per Relentless Assault stack: 3.6/4.2/4.8/5.4/6/6.6/7.2/7.8/8.4/9/9.6/10.2/10.8/11.4/12 →3/3.6/4.2/4.8/5.4/6/6.6/7.2/7.8/8.4/9/9.6/10.2/10.8/11.4

(3) Counter Strike

  • [NEW] Jax now takes 25% reduced damage from champions during his defensive stance


Lucian is overperforming in multiple lanes and scaling too well, so these changes tone down his overall scaling and make him a bit easier to catch when he’s playing aggressively.

Base Stats

  • Base attack damage: 58 →64
  • Base attack damage per level: 4.55 →2.65
  • Armor per level: 4.3 →3.9

(3) Relentless Pursuit

  • Cooldown: 22/19/16/13s →23/20/17/14s


Master Yi has been struggling to keep his footing in the jungle, so we’re giving him a handful of buffs that will allow him to participate in skirmishes more frequently and scale into the late game more effectively.

Base Stats

  • Armor per level: 3.5 →3.9

(1) Alpha Strike

  • Bonus damage to monsters: 75/110/145/180 →90/125/160/195

(3) Wuju Style

  • Bonus true damage: 18/30/42/54 →25/40/55/70

(Ult) Highlander

  • Cooldown: 85/75/65s →75/60/45s
  • Movement speed: 25%/35%/45% →35%/45%/55%


The Armordillo’s jungle clear speed has been a pain point for a while now. These changes are geared towards remedying that, helping him deal with jungle invades and allow him to gank sooner, while reducing some of his hidden damage in team fights.

Base Stats

  • Mana regen per level: 1.1 →0.9
  • Mana resistance per level: 1.6 →0.8

(2) Defensive Ball Curl

  • Damage to monsters: 100% →150%

(Ult) Soaring Slam

  • Base damage: 125/200/275 →100/175/250
  • Aftershock damage: 35/60/85 →30/45/60
    • Tooltip now correctly shows Aftershock damage


Rengar is overbearing in high-skilled play, but just somewhat strong for most players. We’re adjusting the Pridestalker’s power during the early game, allowing space for opponents to punish him before he has snowballed.

(2) Battle Roar

  • Base damage: 80/110/140/170 →50/90/130/170

(3) Bola Strike

  • Slow value: 45/60/75/90% →30/50/70/90%

(Ult) Thrill of the Hunt

  • Cooldown: 90/75/60s –>100/80/60s


Seraphine had a minor technical difficulty on stage. We’ve resolved it so the show can go on for Starry-Eyed Songstress without a hitch.

  • [BUGFIX] Beat Drop now correctly applies its damage before checking if the target is slowed
    • This means that Rylai’s Crystal Scepter now works with (3) Beat Drop, and it will transform the slow into a root!


Soraka’s power is hard to feel, and this is exacerbated by her constant need to sacrifice her health. This change will help skillful players that land (1) Starcall avoid the cost of spending their health too quickly to heal allies.

(2) Astral Infusion

  • Cooldown: 8/6/4/2s →5/4/3/2s
  • [NEW] If casted while Rejuvenated, the health cost will be reduced by 70/80/90/100%




Bloodthirster has felt underwhelming since its update, so we’re giving it more juice to make it more attractive to include in heavy AD builds.

  • Total cost: 3200g →3300g
    • Combined cost: 1000g →1100g
  • Attack damage: 40 →50


Essence Reaver is offering too much for too cheap of a price, so we are carving it down to keep it in line.

  • Total Cost: 3100g →3250g
    • Combined cost: 900g →1050g
  • Ability haste: 25 →20


Too many AP users are rushing Rabadon’s Deathcap when we believe the item is healthier as a later buy. We’re making some adjustments to make this strategy harder to pull off and a bit less worth it.

  • Ability power: 65 →60
  • Combined cost: 800 →900


  • Combined cost: 900g →700g
  • Ability power: 130 →120


Solari Chargeblade is packing too much of a punch for its price, so we are increasing its cost.

  • Total cost: 3000g →3100g
    • Combined cost: 800g →900g


August 19 – August 25: Darius, Fizz, Graves, Jhin, Kai’Sa, Katarina, Leona, Olaf, Renekton, Soraka

August 26– September 1: Ahri, Alistar, Aurelion Sol, Camille, Ezreal, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Riven, Thresh, Tristana

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.