LOL Update 12.23 Patch Notes (lol 12.23) – Dec. 6, 2022

[League of Legends] LOL patch 12.23 notes are now available for players. According to the official lol 12.23 patch notes, the latest update brings a few large changes like Frostgates, bridge repairs, and landscaping. Apart from this, lol update 12.23 also brings changes to Aurelion Sol, Double Up improvements, and more.

Previously, a big update nerfed the staple frontliners (Ivern, Jax, Volibear), continuing to adjust Radiant Items, and making 3-star 4-costs feel as dangerous as they should be. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing several issues with online gameplay. Today’s LOL update 12.23 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

[League of Legends] LOL 12.23 Patch Notes – December 6, 2022


  • Fixed a bug where some champion’s icons would briefly flicker on the minimap at their last known location when they exit the Fog of War elsewhere
  • Fixed a bug where Gnar’s Q would veer off in an unexpected direction if a movement command was issued right when the boomerang was about to return
  • Fixed a bug that caused Singed and Cassiopeia’s on-hit VFX to not be visible
  • Fixed a bug where Yasuo’s Windwall would not correctly block Syndra’s spheres if they were pushed by her E
  • Fixed a bug where Sion’s R would not proc Radiant Virtue if he used his R during his passive
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Ivern to Smite jungle monsters not marked by his passive. Camps are friends.
  • Fixed a bug where Karma could extend the cast time of her R by casting W or E on champions very far away from her
  • Fixed a bug where Skarner’s W would reset an in-progress basic attack
  • Fixed a bug that would disable Viego’s W if he ended possession of K’Sante while casting K’Sante’s W
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Samira’s E+Q combo to be counted as one spell for effect like Conqueror or Electrocute
  • Fixed a bug where Sylas’ could cast his R to steal Tahm Kench’s ultimate faster than he could use it to steal other champion’s ultimate abilities
  • Fixed a bug where K’Sante could cast R – All Out and move Mordekaiser outside of his Death Realm
  • Fixed a bug where Caitlyn would not attack enemies that taunted her if she was taunted while casting her R
  • Fixed a bug where undoing selling Ravenous Hydra would cause the item to lose all acquired stacks
  • Fixed a bug that caused Ravenous Hydra to stop functioning correctly ~40 minutes after purchasing the item
  • Fixed a bug where Jak’Sho’s percent Armor and MR increase would not correctly calculate with other Armor and MR increases
  • Fixed a bug where Jak’Sho the Protean would generate stacks of Voidborn Resilience after a champion’s death
  • Fixed a bug where Xayah’s W feathers were not receiving Navori Quickblade’s Impermanence’s bonus damage
  • Fixed a bug where Tahm Kench could re-proc Radiant Virtue after using his R
  • Fixed a bug that caused Pyke’s R to proc Radiant Virtue, but not heal himself or allies
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the bonus HP from Radiant Virtue to not be converted into AD with Pyke’s passive
  • Fixed a bug that was caused Taliyah’s and Anivia’s ultimates to not proc Radiant Virtue
  • Fixed a bug where jungle companions would separate from their champions to path around walls
  • Fixed a bug where non-champion primary targets would not be crippled by Iceborn Gauntlet’s effect
  • Fixed a bug where Rek’Sai’s R would not procRadiant Virtue’s passive
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could tell which Shaco was the clone due to Radiant Virtue’s VFX
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Guinsoo’s Rageblade’s On-Hit damage to be counted as magic damage
  • Fixed a bug that causes K’Sante’s bonus Armor and MR from sources like Hullbreaker to not reduce his Q cooldown
  • Fixed a bug that cause K’Sante to temporarily lose Hullbreaker’s bonus stats while casting his R
  • Fixed a bug that caused jungle camps to not properly aggro summoned units like Shaco’s boxes or Elise’s spiderlings
  • Fixed a bug that was caused Draven’s VO’s to not play correctly when catching his axes with Q
  • Fixed a bug that caused the practice tool drake soul to be infernal 100% of the time
  • Fixed a bug that caused the VO lines announcing tower plating will soon fall to not play
  • Fixed a bug that was causing some of Neeko’s VO lines to not play
  • Fixed a bug that caused Program Camille’s VOs to play globally for allies and enemies if she was outside of the Fog of War
  • Fixed a bug that caused Clash capsules, orbs, banners, and trophies to not be awarded correctly

Download free lol update 12.23.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.