LOL Update 12.13 Patch Notes (lol 12.13) – New Champion Nilah

[League of Legends] LOL patch 12.13 notes are now available for players. According to the official lol 12.13 patch notes, the latest update added the newest champion (and Star Guardian) Nilah to the game. Apart from this, lol update 12.13 also brings changes to Aurelion Sol, Double Up improvements, and more.

Previously, a big update nerfed the staple frontliners (Ivern, Jax, Volibear), continuing to adjust Radiant Items, and making 3-star 4-costs feel as dangerous as they should be.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing several issues with online gameplay. Today’s LOL update 12.13 will fix a few of these issues.

[League of Legends] LOL 12.13 Patch Notes – July 12, 2022

New Champion Nilah


Ultimate Spellbook makes a return, but this time it’s Star Guardian themed. This iteration of Spellbook will include Star Guardian minions and Ahri as an announcer!

We’ve also made some other non-Star Guardian related updates to this game mode:

  • Players can now choose from 4 ultimate abilities instead of 3
  • The pool of ultimates to choose from has been updated with new abilities
  • All of the dragons from traditional Summoner’s Rift have made their way into Spellbook


Team formation for the second weekend of Shadow Isles Clash starts on July 18, and the tournament days are on July 23 and 24.


Adding Regional Transfer Rank Preservation. If you transfer your account out of a region and back to that region within two weeks, your account’s ranked state upon returning to your original region will be restored to what it was when you left. This is intended to curb some region-transfer rank abuse we’ve been seeing and also means you won’t have to re-do your ranked climb if you take your League account with you on a quick vacation.


QoL Changes

  • Kayle now slightly increases in size when she reaches level 11
  • Bel’Veth is now slightly smaller when in her True Form
  • Bel’Veth’s resource bar has been updated to reflect the duration of her True Form
  • Goredrinker’s healing tracker now tracks healing from all targets hit, not just once per cast
  • Black Cleaver now displays the bonus damage caused by its armor shred passive
  • Umbral Glaive now displays the number of wards killed while you have the item
  • EDG Zoe’s sleep status effect is now more visible, especially in the river

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where in-game ping indicators displayed latency as 7ms higher than actual ping for all players
  • Fixed a bug where Pantheon’s Q length and width were incorrectly reverted to their pre-12.7 values
  • Fixed a bug where Bel’Veth’s ranged Voidlings were not correctly receiving Baron buff
  • Fixed a bug where Bel’Veth’s Void Corals could form inside of Morderkaiser’sR – Death Realmif an enemy was killed outside in the same area
  • Fixed a bug where Samira’sE – Wild Rushwould reset upon taking down an enemy clone
  • Fixed a bug where Draven’s Passive minion streak would reset if his support executed a minion with Spoils of War from Relic Shield/Steel Shoulderguards
  • Fixed a bug where Sivir’s attack bounces fromW – Ricochetwould do 0 damage to Zyra’s plants
  • Fixed a bug where Volibear could clip through red side’s spawn gate with hisE – Sky Splitter
  • Fixed a bug where Shadowflame’s bonus damage tracker was displaying the incorrect amount of bonus damage
  • Fixed a bug where Kayn would gain transformation progress from First Strike’s bonus damage
  • Fixed a bug where Maokai’sE – Sapling Tosssaplings would do damage through spell shields
  • Fixed a bug where Shaco’sR – Hallucinateclone would be unable to proc Lich Bane
  • Fixed a bug where Goredrinker’s healing tracking was only tracking damage by cast, not total damage
  • Fixed a bug where Viego’s Lord of the Mist and Harrowed Path buff icons were not correctly appearing upon entering his Black Mist
  • Fixed a bug where Rell’s animations would momentarily freeze after using herE – Attract and Repel
  • Fixed a bug where Ornn’s progress bar when using hisPassive – Living Forgewould display incorrect ability names
  • Fixed a bug where players could ping Hullbreaker and receive the message “I’m hunting alone” if they had a Yuumi attached to them. Yes, Yuumi does count as a champion.
  • Fixed a bug where Hullbreaker’s bonus resistances when hunting alone would immediately disappear when allies got too close instead of after a 3 second delay
  • Fixed a bug so that stat shard selections now show up when hovering over the icon in the runes panel
  • Fixed a bug where aura buff icons (like Skarner’s Passive or Viego’s E) would constantly refresh on the buff bar instead of remaining constant
  • Fixed a bug where Thresh’sPassive – Damnationwould show up on his buff bar as a temporary effect
  • Fixed a bug where Vladmir’sQ – Transfusionwould show up on his buff bar as a temporary effect
  • Fixed a bug where Ivern’s tooltip for hisR – Daisy!was not showing the correct formula
  • Fixed a bug where Anathema’s Chains could not be cast while dead
  • Fixed a bug where Anathema’s Chains would reveal its user on cast
  • Fixed a bug where First Strike would reveal its user upon proccing the rune
  • Fixed a bug where Luden’s Tempest would reveal its user when procced
  • Fixed a bug where the sound effects from Scuttle’s movement speed buff did not match the buff duration
  • Fixed a bug where Goredrinker’s healing tracking would be lower than intended when hitting more than one champion
  • Fixed a bug where disabling all sounds in game would not carry over to future games
  • Fixed a bug where the Treasure Hunter rune was not being counted accurately in the End of Game screen

Download free lol update 12.13.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.