Len’s Island Update 1.0.6 Patch Notes (Official) – January 28, 2022

A new Len’s Island update 1.0.6 released on PC. According to the official Len’s Island game patch notes, the latest added New Pagoda building style, New lantern, a long list of bug fixes, and gameplay changes.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Len’s Island patch 1.0.6 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

What is new in Len’s Island January 28 Update?

New features this patch:
  • New Pagoda building style.
  • New lantern and combat dummy deco items.
  • Pagoda windmill, water tower and fence styles.
  • Stone windmill, water tower and fence styles.
  • Ornate windmill, water and fence styles.

What is fixed in Len’s Island January 28 Update?

  • Fixed issues with corrupt saving and loading of saved data.
  • ”Day in Paradise” Steam achievement not working correctly.
  • Crops sometimes disappearing between scene changes.
  • Major improvements with memory usage through gameplay.
  • Issues with refinery being able to light with no fuel and not working properly.
  • Building list in the town not showing the bottom row of decor items.
  • Major building fading optimizations, improving performance while any buildings are on screen.
  • Problems with the Save and Quit button sometimes not saving correctly.
  • NPC names being mismatched sometimes.
  • Several areas around the island in which you can get stuck on geometry.
  • Removing a farm while hovering over a crop keeps the hover effect stuck on.
  • Removed ability to duplicate items in a refinery.
  • Building fading happening at different speeds for player built/NPC housing.
  • Issues with build fading causing building pieces to turn black.
  • Fisherman now includes dialogue to suggest where the last weapon in the set is.
~ More changes coming very soon:
  • Full keymapping support (within a week from now)
  • Full controller support (3-4 weeks from now)
  • Overhaul of the power/water system and several new mechanical items to build (3-5 weeks from now)

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.