Len’s Island Update Patch Notes – December 21, 2021

A new Len’s Island update released on PC. According to the official Len’s Island patch notes, the latest hotfix brings various adjustments and gameplay improvements.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Len’s Island patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Len’s Island Patch Notes – December 21, 2021

Bugs and issues resolved this patch:
  • Issues with crops not visually updating if they are watered or not.
  • Lattices incorrectly required water to grow.
  • Reduced lag and memory usage from large farms and having lots of plants growing on screen.
  • Saving to menu/Save and exiting sometimes not saving.
  • Issues with stuff not saving between scenes.
  • Planting preview meshes being stuck on when entering edit mode or hitting escape from planting menu.
  • Not being able to replace farms when they are built close to wells, water towers, or windmills
  • Wooden farm frames incorrectly changing colour to match the dirt colour.
+ New features this patch:
  • Added ability to remove resources from refineries, fireplaces and windmills.
  • Many big improvements with performance related to large scale farms, we will continue to be making more and more performance improvements over the next couple of weeks.
~ Balancing and small changes this patch:
  • Water tower’s size reduced.
  • Reduce the water tower’s watering time from 20 hours to 12.
  • Reduced crop watered time from 36 hours to 26 hours.
  • Temporaliry disabled ability to move the inventory up and down.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.