Legion TD 2 Update Patch Notes – April 12, 2023

Legion TD 2 update details released for PC (Steam) players. According to the official Legion TD 2 game patch notes, the latest update adds minor adjustments to the game.

Previously, a minor update was with tweaks and fixes. Unfortunately, players have been experiencing issues with the game since the last patch. Today’s Legion TD 2 Multiplayer Tower Defense patch 10.02.4 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Legion TD 2 Update Patch Notes – April 12, 2023

New Units: Treant, Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge


  • Tier 3 (Cost: 100g)
  • Role: Versatile
  • Melee / Impact / Fortified
  • 980 HP / 42 DPS

Starts off with +20% damage & damage reduction, but this bonus decreases by 5% after each wave until the bonus is lost.

Tree of Life

  • Tier 3 Upgrade (Upgrade Cost: 195g)
  • Role: Versatile
  • Melee / Impact / Fortified
  • 2400 HP / 103 DPS

Grants 5% missing health regeneration to the unit built directly behind it.

Tree of Knowledge

  • Tier 3 Upgrade (Upgrade Cost: 180g)
  • Role: Versatile
  • Melee / Impact / Fortified
  • 2200 HP / 94 DPS

Forbidden Fruit
Gains mana every time it attacks and is attacked. When this unit dies, deals 60-600 Magic damage based on its current mana.

New Feature: Free-look Camera

PressCTRL+[[/b] (adjustable in Options > Controls) to enter free-look mode, where the HUD is disabled. While in free-look mode:

  • Hold RMB + move mouse to rotate the camera
  • Use WASD to move up/down/left/right
  • Use Q/E to adjust height up/down

This feature is intended mainly for content creators to aid in creating interesting videos.

Major Improvement: Card Trader

Our favorite in-game merchant has beefed up his supply.

  • New Feature: Reroll: You can now reroll the Card Trader 1x per day, with up to 4x rerolls stored. Rerolling gives you completely new cards to choose from for that day. (Screenshot[i.imgur.com])
  • New Feature: Show My Stacks: You can now toggle a checkbox to show your current stacks of each card. (Screenshot[i.imgur.com])
New Unlockable: Oasis Background

Animated backgrounds give your game client a new look. Unlock them in the shop! (Screenshot[i.imgur.com])

Game Balance


Mode Voting: Mode Voting now requires 2 more yes votes than no votes to pass (up from 1).
Super Fiesta: Reworked. Now replaces regular Fiesta with Super Fiesta, which gives 100% Fiesta gold to yourself and 50% to each of your allies.

These two tweaks should alleviate some players’ concerns about feeling forced to play a different playstyle than they wanted


Cash Out
– Starting gold: 22 → 21

Our philosophy is to balance mastermind playstyles around Greed to avoid power creep. Cash Out is currently out-performing Greed.

Cartel is not being nerfed because it’s only strong for the top 2% of players, and even among this 2%, it’s strong but not heavily outclassing other playstyles.

When picking Fiesta, you now have a 50% reduced chance of rolling Seedling.

Reducing the frequency of a fun, but game-distorting combo.

– Health rescaled: +20% on wave 1 → -5% on wave 21
– Damage rescaled: +10% on wave 1 → -5% on wave 21
– Attack speed: 1.25 → 1.3
– Giant Slayer: 20% → 12%
– Upgrade Attack now affects Giant Slayer damage
– Upgrade Attack and Spell: 10% → 6%
– Lightning Hammer damage: -26% on wave 1 → -36% on wave 21
– Lightning Hammer now deals 4% current health damage (this is affected by Upgrade Spell)

These changes address some previously-unintuitive strategies, like upgrading spell being better than upgrading attack for Wave 20. Now:

  • Upgrade Attack is now more impactful against big targets.
  • Conversely, an unupgraded king is more vulnerable to big targets.
  • Tip: Upgrade Attack on boss waves or if you’re expecting a Mimic on 7 or Ogre on 9!
  • The king now takes slightly more damage against swarms, like wave 16.

Aqua Spirit
– Health: 380 → 370
– Attack speed: 0.82 → 0.833

Rogue Wave
– Health: 1150 → 1200

Fire Elemental
– Health: 1350 → 1400

Low win rate and pick rate. Shifting health and damage profiles, but an overall buff.

– Attack speed: 0.92 → 0.935

Low win rate. Everyone’s favorite cat is underperforming.

Sacred Steed
– Mana restore: 1 → 0.9

– Health: 2510 → 2470
– Damage: 112 → 110

High win rate and pick rate. Sacred Steed’s mana/gold efficiency now matches that of Pegasus.

– Health: 780 → 770

– Damage: 70 → 68

High win rate.

Infiltrator / Orchid
– Attack speed: 1.03 → 1.05

Low win rate and pick rate.

King Claw
– Damage: 125 → 120

Very high pick rate.

– Health: 4600 → 4550
– Damage: 181 → 179

High pick rate. You’ll now need more value in your Whitemane aura for it to be worth it.

Priestess of the Abyss
– Mana regeneration decreased by 4%

Priestess is the strongest opening in high Elo.

– Mana regeneration decreased by 4%
– Echo Strike: Max health damage: 0.06% → 0.1%

Making it more valuable to build more than 1 Azeria and hold onto Priestess in your roll late game in exchange for opening and early game power.

Lord of Death / Hades
– Intellect: Mana restore on kill: 10% → 8%

High win rate and pick rate. One of the strongest overbuild-and-cover units.

Shadow Dancer
– Health: 1690 → 1700
– Attack speed: 1.45 → 1.47

Dread Knight
– Health: 3710 → 3740
– Attack speed: 1.45 → 1.47

Low win rate and pick rate. Last patch’s Witch change hurt an already underperforming unit.

Millennium / Doomsday Machine
– Attack speed: 0.617 → 0.633

Low pick rate. An OG unit that’s fallen out of favor.


– Attack speed: 1.59 → 1.52

Last patch’s change gave Witch a stronger identity, and also spiked its win rate and usage rate.


Wave 17: Metal Dragons
– Attack speed: 1.71 → 1.68

Wave 21: Legion Lords & Legion King
– Legion Lords: Count: 10 → 8
– Legion Lords: Health: 6600 → 8250
– Legion Lords: Damage: 110 → 135
– Legion Lords: Bounty: 24 → 30
– Legion King: Damage: 550 → 540

AOE is now slightly weaker against wave 21.

On Watch

No outliers that we want to call out individually. As always, we’ll continue to keep a close eye on everything.

v10.02 has been, data-wise, the most balanced the game has ever been.

  • Fighters: spread between the worst and best unit (according to Jules’ power index) is the smallest it’s ever been
  • Waves: healthy distribution of game-ending waves
  • Mercenaries: all seeing healthy usage & consistent performance
  • Mastermind: all playstyles seeing healthy usage & consistent performance
  • Legion Spells: all seeing healthy usage & consistent performance
  • Openings: lots of openings being widely used at all skill levels

That’s not to say it’s perfect (after all, we’re continuing to patch the game), but it’s worth celebrating.

Fixes & Improvements
  • Takeover Bots: Fixed a few more cases where a takeover bot would send without his team
  • Options: Fixed a bug where the Client Background “Randomize on Startup” setting wasn’t saving/working properly
  • Matchmaking: Improved matchmaking fairness for players under 1800 (tweaked a few edge-cases that shouldn’t slow down anything for most matches)
  • FairPlay: Players muted for >30 days can now only ping once per minute. By comparison, players muted for <30 days can ping twice per 25 seconds (unchanged).
  • FairPlay: Players muted for >30 days can now only -ff once per 5 minutes. Players muted for <30 days can -ff once per 2 minutes (new limit).

Download free Legion TD 2 update on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.