Legion TD 2 Update 9.08 Patch Notes – Official

Legion TD 2 update 9.08 is available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Legion TD 2 game patch notes, the latest update added new units, new skins and much more.

Previously, a minor update was with tweaks and fixes. Unfortunately, players have been experiencing issues with the game since the last patch.

Today’s Legion TD 2 Multiplayer Tower Defense patch 9.08 will fix a few of these issues.

Legion TD 2 Update Patch Notes – September 16, 2022

New Units: Slime Larva & Slime Siren

Slime Larva

  • Tier 2 (Cost: 50g)
  • Role: Versatile
  • Melee / Impact / Arcane
  • 400 HP / 24 DPS

Mini Slime
When this unit dies, it leaves behind a Mini Slime.

Slime Siren

  • Tier 2 Upgrade (Upgrade cost: 125g)
  • Role: Versatile, Mana User
  • Melee / Impact / Arcane
  • 1240 HP / 73 DPS

Slime Propagation
Gains mana whenever it attacks or is attacked. When this unit dies, it leaves behind a Slime Larva. If its mana is maxed, it spawns an extra Slime Larva.

New Skin: Mecha Arctaire

New Skin: Underworld Great Boar

Improvements & Fixes

Major Improvements

  • Interface: You can now queue mercenaries via hotkeys. Default is pressing Shift+A, Shift+S, etc. It is customizable in the Options > Controls menu.
  • Bots: Now a bit smarter in a variety of situations. Bots received some love as part of the development of the upcoming Desert Ridge campaign.
  • Campaign: Shadowynn & King Dan now perform more consistently (overall buff). Added a congratulations popup after you beat King Dan on Normal. Fixed some -restart bugs.
  • Performance: Improved performance when wave starts (there’s more to still be done in future patches)

Minor Improvements

  • Game Coach: No longer warns/bothers you about your Mastermind roll if you picked Yolo
  • Takeover Bots: Now Auto-sends if its allies are all Auto-sending, instead of never Auto-sending at all. This should help Takeover bots not fall behind as much in Classic.
  • Codex: Now rounds “per gold” numbers to 2 decimal places instead of 1
  • New Emojis: “pogchamp” and “tools”

Bug Fixes

  • Gameplay: Fixed a major bug with Harpy and Sky Queen not attacking as fast as their numbers indicated. Some units with Dark Mage buff also didn’t attack as fast as they should have, and the same fix applies to those.
  • Profiles & Stats: Fixed some rare cases where Season Goals or other rewards weren’t given out in some rare circumstances
  • Interface: Fixed a bug where flying units had their selection hitboxes too low. They should be easier to click now.
  • Tooltips: Fixed a bug where Mana Regen percentages for units without natural mana regen were displaying incorrectly
  • Controls: Fixed a bug where Ctrl+Shift/Ctrl+Alt/Alt+Shift modifiers didn’t save/load properly
  • Pause: Fixed a bug where the game would sometimes think you were AFK if pausing the game for a long time

Localization & API

  • Localization: Improved formatting of Google Sheets (word wrap is now enabled!)
  • Localization: Fixed a bug where some translation fields weren’t available on the Google Sheets, such as “Already Equipped”, “Owned”, “Not Available”, “Buy”, and a few others
  • API: Variety of fixes & improvements
  • API: Added valuePerWave property to see player value per wave (including stacks)

Game Balance

  • Health and damage increased slightly on wave 13 only
  • Upgrade King Attack: 17% → 18%
Legion Spells


  • Damage and damage reduction: 5.5% → 5.25%

High win rate and pick rate.

Glacial Touch

  • Damage: 50 → 45

High pick rate.


  • Health: 1350 → 1400

Slightly low win rate and pick rate.



  • Attack speed: 2.353 → 2.326

High win rate.

Harpy / Sky Queen

  • Fixed a bug where Harpy and Sky Queen were doing significantly less damage than expected at high attack speeds. This bug is the reason previous attack speed buffs had little to no effect.
  • Decreased attack speed by 30%. Together with the bug fix, this is still an overall buff, since the previous Harpy/Sky Queen patches didn’t do what they were supposed to.

Infiltrator / Orchid

  • Shuriken bonus damage: 33 → 35

Gateguard / Harbinger

  • Mana regeneration increased by 4%

Desert Pilgrim / Lost Chieftain

  • Attack speed: 0.83 → 0.85

Slightly low win rate and pick rate.


  • Health: 1600 → 1570


  • Health: 4750 → 4700

Slightly high win rate and pick rate.


  • Health: 1330 → 1310

King Claw

  • Mana regeneration increased by 11%

King Claw deserves a buff. To avoid power creep, it is being paired with a small Grarl nerf (above).


  • Damage: 75 → 73

Slightly high win rate and pick rate.

Sand Badger

  • Health: 2460 → 2500
  • Damage: 74 → 75

Low win rate.

Iron Scales

  • Health: 6680 → 6730
  • Damage: 201 → 202

Banana Bunk

  • Damage: 70 → 67

High pick rate and indirectly buffed by wave changes (higher attack speed → more reflect damage).

Soul Gate / Hell Gate

  • Attack speed of all spawns decreased by 4%

Slightly high win rate and pick rate.

Holy Avenger / Sovereign

  • Attack speed: 1.143 → 1.13


  • Damage: 138 → 144
  • Hydraling: Damage: 46 → 48

Low win rate and pick rate.



  • Damage: 34 → 35


  • Health: 920 → 950


  • Health: 1260 → 1300


  • Damage: 105 → 110


  • Attack speed: 1 → 1.04

Snail and Dragon Turtle have been outshining higher income mercenaries most of the time. No longer!


  • Health: 870 → 880
  • Damage: 55 → 56

With this patch’s buffs to income mercenaries, Brute is also receiving a very small buff to make sure it continues to be worth the risk (giving up income) in the early game.

Pack Leader

  • Leadership Aura: Damage increase: 6 (15 for bosses) → 5 (15 for bosses)

Pack Leader continues to be almost always good and too often the best choice, crowding out other options and outshining more expensive mercenaries in the late game. This change makes Pack Leader weaker in the late game. Wave adjustments (see below) keep Pack Leader viable in the early game.


Waves 7, 8, 9, 12

  • Attack speed: +20%, damage -17% (DPS unchanged)

This change keeps Pack Leader viable on early waves without changing any DPS.

Download free Legion TD 2 update 9.08 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.