Legion TD 2 Update 10.01 Patch Notes: New Skins & Fixes

Legion TD 2 update 10.01 is available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Legion TD 2 game patch notes, the latest update adds a long list of bug fixes and improvements.

Previously, a minor update was with tweaks and fixes. Unfortunately, players have been experiencing issues with the game since the last patch. Today’s Legion TD 2 Multiplayer Tower Defense patch 10.01 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Legion TD 2 Update Patch Notes – February 2, 2023

Game Balance


Dual Building (4v4)

  • Haste: Area-of-effect reduction: 40% → 45% (also affects Hades’ Necromancy)
  • Delay before units begin to generate mana: 8 seconds → 9

Dual building is too strong when played optimally.



  • Health increased by +14% → -1% from waves 1 → 21
  • Damage and area-of-effect damage increased by 11% → -4% from waves 1 → 21

The king is now moderately stronger early game to allow more aggressive worker pushing. Slight nerf late game to reduce king power creep.

Legion Spells


  • Damage and damage reduction: 5.25% → 5%

Very high pick rate, crowding out other options.


  • Regeneration: 0.9% → 0.8%

Very high pick rate, crowding out other options.



  • Attack speed: 1.15 → 1.17


  • Attack speed: 1.15 → 1.17
  • Mana synergy with mana gain effects increased by 40%

Low win rate and pick rate. Make Atom a Magician! MAAM!

Pack Rat

  • Treasure Hunt: Mythium gained: 12 → 11

High win rate. Treasure Hunt is highly efficient in the early game (particularly wave 1) and even strong late game due to sending patterns being more predictable.

Aqua Spirit

  • Attack speed: 0.79 → 0.81

Rogue Wave

  • Attack speed: 0.73 → 0.752

Fire Elemental

  • Attack speed: 0.82 → 0.833

Low win rate and low pick rate.


  • Damage: 35 → 36


  • Attack speed: 2.44 → 2.47


  • Health: 1750 → 1780

Low win rate.


  • Health: 570 → 560
  • Attack speed: 1.05 → 1.01


  • Health: 1640 → 1610
  • Damage: 77 → 78
  • Attack speed: 1.05 → 1.01
  • Cerberus: Damage: 77 → 78

High win rate. Nerfing summoners, rather than doggos, to reward players for getting off multiple doggos. Hitting Gateguard slightly more than Harbinger.


  • Health: 1830 → 1770
  • Damage: 72 → 70

High win rate. Reducing stats to require more fighter value in the aura before it’s efficient to upgrade to Leviathan.

Cursed Casket

  • Health: 1560 → 1540

Cage of Pain

  • Health: 2740 → 2710

Iron Maiden

  • Health: 3920 → 3870

High win rate. Currently the best arcane option.

Ocean Templar

  • Resonance: Magic resistance: 15% → 12%

Very high pick rate. Ocean Templar offers too much power, particularly on magic waves.


  • Health: 1140 → 1180

Low pick rate.

Shadow Dancer

  • Health: 1600 → 1660
  • Shadowbreeder: 16.6% chance to spawn a clone → spawns a clone every 6 attacks
  • Clones now spawn with 25/25% health instead of 25/100% health

Dread Knight

  • Health: 3520 → 3650
  • Hatebreeder: 20% chance to spawn a clone → spawns a clone every 5 attacks
  • Clones now spawn with 25/25% health instead of 25/100% health

Buffed on their own, nerfed with lifesteal and healing effects. Removed rng.

Lord of Death

  • Intellect: Mana restore on kill for both summoner and dragon: 15% → 12%
  • Mana regeneration increased by 4%


  • Intellect: Mana restore on kill for both summoner and dragon: 15% → 12%

High win rate. The rework is fun, but Hades is too strong now.


  • Attack speed: 0.606 → 0.617

Doomsday Machine

  • Damage: 610 → 617
  • Attack speed: 0.613 → 0.617

Low pick rate.



  • Damage: 58 → 59

Low win rate and indirectly nerfed by the early game king buff.


  • Attack speed: 1.41 → 1.38

High usage rate. Ogre currently dominates on waves 7-10.


  • Attack speed: 1.54 → 1.59

Low usage rate. With cheap unit spam being less prolific due to wave changes and the introduction of Needler, Witch has fallen out of favor.

Siege Ram

  • Health: 5550 -> 5600
  • Damage: 292 → 294

Low usage rate.


  • Attack speed: 2.06 → 1.98

High win rate and usage rate. Needler is too good too often.


(10) Granddaddy

  • Attack speed: 3.773 → 3.7

(11) Quill Shooters

  • Attack speed: 1.613 → 1.626

(12) Mantises

  • Health: 1270 → 1290

Shifting power from wave 10 to 11 and 12 to disrupt the 10 → 13 meta.

Balance watch list
  • Cartel
  • Fiesta + Chloropixie
  • Classic 4v4 meta

We’d love tohear your thoughtson 4v4 mythium saving and auto-sending.


The holiday season has come and gone, and the normal forest & desert maps have returned! We’ll have to say goodbye to the Christmas tree and candy-cane filled winter wonderland…. until next holiday season!

Improvements & Fixes


  • Client UI: You can now press ESC during the Card Trader card animation to skip it
  • Game HUD: Tab Scoreboard colors tweaked to be easier to tell if you’re viewing your own lane vs. enemy’s lane at a glance
  • Game HUD: If you sell a unit while Ready for wave 1, you will now automatically un-ready yourself
  • Game HUD: Slightly improved cursor graphic for mouse drag
  • Game HUD: Now, you can right click Mastermind Playstyles and Lock-In choices to signal to your ally what you intend to choose
  • Game Options: New Interface option: “Enable Legion Spell Hotkeys” (scroll all the way to the bottom). Default OFF. This will prevent Legion Spell abilities from being casted via hotkeys. This should mean fewer accidentally Sacrificed Nekomatas. Set to ON to re-enable the hotkeys as before.
  • Sandbox: Sakura: Fixed a bug where Superbloom stacks weren’t properly loading via -load. Also added -stacks X support for setting Sakura stacks by hand.
  • Reconnecting: Added a 5 second countdown to give the reconnecting player a little time to get their bearings before the game unpauses


  • Client UI: Fixed a display-only bug where some extra grayed-out fighters were mistakenly displayed in the Masteries profile tab
  • Client UI: Fixed a display-only bug where ties (match canceled) appeared to award Mastery Points
  • Client UI: Fixed some rare cases where the client would repeatedly fail to connect log-in
  • Client UI: Fixed a bug in the postgame Builds tab where underbuilt value was wrongly gray when it
    should have been yellow
  • Client UI: Fixed a bug where full-screen News popup was accidentally closeable with ESC, which led to a blank screen.
  • Game HUD: Fixed a bug where Giant Snail name was incorrect in the Mercenary Damage tracker
  • Game HUD: Fixed a bug where Lost Chieftain’s green buff indicator was incorrect
  • Kingpin: Fixed an interaction with Guardian Angel that allowed the revived copy to bypass the max health limit of the spell
  • Card Trader: Fixed a bug where some cards would appear in the rotation more frequently than others. More QoL improvements to come likely in v10.02.
  • Shadow Dancer & Dread Knight: Fixed a bug where Sorcerer was mistakenly allowed to be cast on them, resulting in no effect

New Player Experience

  • New Player Teammate Bonus: In matchmade games, new players (level 4 and below) in the loading screen now have an [innocent face] badge in the loading screen, and provide +30% Bonus Essence to allies if your team wins the game.
  • Improved new player Classic matchmaking/rating progression
  • UI now warns low-level players against playing Classic and recommends to play Ranked instead for fairer matches

Download free Legion TD 2 update 10.01 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.