Knockout City Update 2.00 (v2.0) Patch Notes – July 27, 2021

Knockout City update 2.00 (v2.0) patch notes released for PC and PS4 players. According to the official Knockout City patch notes, the latest update brings new features, a new challenge, changes, and fixes for several in-game issues. Read the full Knockout City patch 2.00 details below.

Knockout City Version 2.00 (v2.0) Patch Notes


Knockout City’s new Drive-in (hover-in?) Holographic Theater has the entire city experiencing a little movie madness, with brawlers throwing down within their favorite scenes from the hottest blockbusters out in the streets. It’s a whole new world out there, so let’s check out everything this season has to offer! But first, a word from Magpie Films:


The Holowood Drive-In is the only theater in Knockout City designed to provide a brand new and revolutionary way to immerse yourself in this summer’s hottest blockbusters! With its unique Theater-in-the-Round style holo-projection, you are guaranteed a movie going experience like never before!

The backbone of this technology is the Holo-Film recording process, originally developed in a partnership between Perennial Labs and Magpie Industries for the purpose ofREDACTEDandREDACTED, it has found a new home at the movies! The proprietary Holo-Film recording process allows for the capture of full-motion three dimensional scenes with few visual artifacts. Unlike past prototypes of this technology, the Holo-Film process allows for a higher visual fidelity and doesn’t break down when scaled up to the epic scope that modern movies demand!

The crisp image and immersive feeling of being literally inside the movie as the terrifying Armazillo stomps its way across the Holo-Stage is something your customer will love! The fact that the true three-dimensional experience means you can’t possibly see all of the movie at once so you must come back again and again to view it from all angles is something your shareholders will love! We guarantee* that ticket sales will soar into a new dimension… The 3rd Dimension!


Cruise right on into the Holowood Drive-In, and get ready for the brawl of your life in Knockout City’s first ever drive-in Holo-Theater! Upon arrival, you’ll find yourself conveniently located in either the soda or popcorn stand, but there’s no time to load up on snacks, because the movie’s already starting! This ain’t no ordinary theater, either. It’s a Knockout City state-of-the-art Holo-Theater, using the latest in Holo-Film technology to project your film experience onto the Holo-Stage. It’s so realistic, you’ll swear you’re there.


All that brawlin’ has got me thirsty, pass me a Boba Cola will ‘ya? But be careful, because this one got a little shook up with all that brawlin’ goin on. Handle this one with care, or you’re going to find yourself a little… well, sticky. And you know how those movie theater napkins are at soaking things up: just useless. When you see a ball-shaped soda bottle laying on the ground just about bursting with Boba Cola, run over to pick it up like a normal ball. To start shaking it up, simply start charging a throw or pass. Once you start shaking, though, there’s no going back, and a meter will appear onscreen as the pressure starts to build inside and cola starts spurting out the edges of the cap. Once the pressure gauge reaches max, the ball will BURST, covering all nearby players in soda. This won’t damage you, but it will temporarily block your vision, making you a much easier target without teammates nearby to help you out. Actually throwing the Soda Ball at an opponent and HITTING them with it BEFORE it bursts will do damage though, so there are a lot of different strategies to learn.


Not in the mood for a soda? How about a little energy boost? This little can packs a real punch, giving you +500% XP for KO finishes with Overcharged shots—those super satisfying KOs you land after receiving a pass. The effects of this beverage last for an entire hour, so bottoms up before you pass the ball.


Still feeling a little sticky from that Soda Ball? Let’s head on over to the Brawl Shop and talk about new season cosmetics—maybe get you into a new outfit. This season we’re trying a little something new: introducing the Bundle Shop, a new tab in the Brawl Shop that features groups of individual items bundled together for a great value, so you can stretch your Holobux a little further.

We’ve got three bundles available when Season 2 lands tomorrow: Energy Boost, Gumbrawler, and—smashing its way through a city near you: Armazillo. Get the Kaiju Terror: Armazillo! outfit, Armazillo Mask, Kaiju Claws, City Crusher Defeat Pose, Armazillo Player Icon and Nuclear Fallout Crew Logo. Snag it for just 2400 Holobux, a massive discount over buying the items individually!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the problem where Contracts were sometimes not progressing when players joined an in-progress game.
  • Fixedanotherbunch of issues that could cause players to get stuck in the Match Lobby or Next Match screen while a match started and could be heard in the background.
  • Fixed an issue where Crew Contracts could change after the player left a group with Crew Members.
  • Just checking to see who reads the Patch Notes: Starting immediately, you’ll be able to enjoy Happy Hours from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. UTC every weekday this week, Monday through Friday. During Happy Hours, you’ll earn Bonus XP for every KO you make in Street Play and League Play!
  • Fixed an issue where players could pass through or become stuck in thin parts of the environment if they were thrown in Ballform, but jump out of Ballform before hitting the underside of a bus stop, a bridge, or a low ceiling.
  • Fixed an issue where the Matchmaking popup could be stuck on screen saying “Waiting for Players” after the player joined a match in progress.
  • Fixed an issue where a player joining a Private Match while the group is still in the team selection screen can end up in the match on a team that would not score points, and another issue where if one player failed to join a Private Match, other players could not select a team.
  • Prevented players from performing a fake throw that looked like a real throw when done simultaneously while jumping.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.