Killing Floor 2 Update Version 1.32 PS4 Patch Notes

A new Killing Floor 2 update 1.32 is now available for PS4 and Xbox One players. According to the official Killing Floor 2 1.32 patch notes, the latst update comes with a new event, a new game mode, a new map and more. In addition, Killing Floor 2 version 1.32 also includes a long list of bug fixes.

Previously, a big update was released with the new features, new events and a long list of bug fixes. Unfortunately, since this update, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Killing Floor 2 1.32 is expected to fix all these issues. Check out more details below.

Killing Floor 2 Update 1.32 Patch Notes for PS4

New Event

  • Back & Kickin’ Brass

  • Come one, come all to the introduction of our latest game mode, Objective! Assist Dr. Ogada Buyu and Lockheart to complete thrilling tasks for loads of dosh while wearing the latest fashion trends in Steampunk attire! Use the Seal Squeal to fire harpoons and pin Zed corpses against walls so they hang like fleshbag pinatas! Or beat the sense…erm…heals into your allies with our Hemoclobber! These fantastic inventions and more await you on the killing floor! Tally-ho and off you go!

  • Event ends on 7 / 31 / 2019

New Additions and Highlights

  • 1 New Game Mode

    • Objective

      • Every wave has a mandatory objective and these objectives must be accomplished to proceed to the next wave.

      • An objective map has a predetermined number of waves. There is no short, medium, or long game length for these.

      • It has story elements! There are unique user interface elements, characters, environment objects, special effects, cinematics, and voice overs to convey a narrative experience alongside the Zed carnage.

  • 1 New Map

    • Steam Fortress

      • Compatible with Survival, Weekly, Endless, and Objective Game Modes.

      • Fend off hordes of Zeds inside Lockheart’s very own metal fortress of steam!

  • 3 Objective Maps

    • Steam Fortress

      • Mercenaries prepare a rocket to assist Lockheart in his magnificent journey to reach beyond the skies!

    • Zed Landing

      • Mercenaries work with Dr. Ogada Buyu to uncover the events of the Horzine plane crash and locate important information for her before Horzine gets their hands on it!

    • Outpost

      • Mercenaries assist Dr. Ogada Buyu in retrieving server data from the abandoned Horzine base before destroying all traces of it to eliminate the Zed threat.

  • New Objective types

    • Transport

      • Players are required to pick up an item and deliver it to a predetermined location on the map. The objective is complete once the required amount of items are delivered.

      • Players carrying the item will receive a movement speed reduction of 53% to walk and 60% to run speed. This movement speed reduction does not apply to solo players or the last player alive.

    • Exterminate

      • Players are required to kill Zeds until the Zed counter reaches 0. These waves can have special makeups to differ them from the Survival game mode wave variants.

      • Boss variant of Exterminate requires the players to kill the boss. This is the same as the boss wave from the Survival game mode.

  • 2 New Weapons

    • Seal Squeal for the Demolitionist.

      • An explosive semi-automatic harpoon launcher that fires harpoons timed for explosion after 4 seconds. Alt-fire manually triggers detonation of all set harpoons. If the harpoon impact kills the Zed, it will pin their corpse to any solid environment surface that the harpoon lands on.

      • Trader price is 1100 Dosh.

    • Hemoclobber for the Berserker and Field Medic.

      • A long, needle-laced bat that deals bludgeon and toxic damage to Zeds and heals players on impact. If a heavy attack has ammunition loaded into the magazine, impact against a player or Zed causes an explosion of blue gas that heals all players and damages all Zeds within its radius.

      • Trader price is 1200 Dosh.

  • Prestige System

    • Prestige rank 5 is now available

    • New rank 5 prestige weapon skins

      • Berserker – Eviscerator

      • Commando – SCAR-H Assault Rifle

      • Support – AA-12 Auto Shotgun

      • Field Medic – HMTech-401 Assault Rifle

      • Demolitionist – RPG-7

      • Firebug – Microwave Gun

      • Gunslinger – .500 Magnum Revolver

      • Sharpshooter – Rail Gun

      • SWAT – Kriss SMG

      • Survivalist – Killerwatt

  • Dosh Vault

    • Added additional tier 4 weapon skins

  • New Steam Achievements

    • Steam Fortress Objective game mode completion and its collectibles

    • Zed Landing Objective game mode completion

    • Outpost Objective game mode completion

  • Time-limited Summer Objectives, Tickets, and Cosmetics

    • Summer seasonal objectives to earn last year’s Steampunk Outfit cosmetic and the new M99 AMR Steampunk Precious weapon skin

    • Summer event tickets

    • Summer cosmetics

  • Zedconomy

    • Added Dragon & Koi Tier 1 Skin Pack

    • Added Dragon & Koi Tier 2 Skin Pack

    • Added Clot Backpack Bundle

    • Added Horzine Supply Crate | Project H Series #1

    • Added Steampunk Encrypted USB

    • Added Bronze, Silver, and Gold Bundle Packs for :

      • Horzine Supply Crate | Project H Series #1

      • Steampunk USB Bundle Pack

      • DAR Crate Bundle Pack

This update contains new content, adjustments, and bug fixes from the Beta feedback. We appreciate your feedback and thank you very much for it!


  • User Interface Improvements :

    • Added an objective tracker for any wave with an active objective that is optional or mandatory. This tracker relays information and conditions about the objective.

    • Updated player health bars to improve visibility and distinction. We also added an option in the Gameplay options to revert back to the old version.

    • Updated coloration of some objective elements to purple to improve their distinction.

    • Replaced objective iconography with exclamations to denote points of interest.

    • Killing Floor 2 update 1.32 added a drop shadow to player names and icons to improve legibility

  • Added new in-game musical compositions by Sigurd Jøhnk-Jensen :

    • “Menace”

    • “Infectious”

  • Killing Floor 2 version 1.32 added new main menu music titled “Copper Cutter” by Rocky Gray.

Addressed Community Feedback


  • Weapons

    • C4

      • Trader price reduced from 650 to 300.

      • Spare ammo capacity increased from 1 to 2.

      • Ammo price per magazine increased from 27 to 50.

      • Changed HUD Inventory listing from Primary to Secondary.

      • Inventory group prioritization set to 0. This will shift the C4 to a lower slot under the Secondary section of the Inventory.

    • Freezethrower

      • Alt-fire ice blast spread increased by 300%.

      • Number of ice shards fired increased from 7 to 12.

      • Unequip animation plays 23% faster.

      • Spare ammo capacity increased from 400 to 500.

      • Added penetration value of 4 to the Alt-fire ice blast. This means that it can pierce up to 4 undeveloped clots.

      • Removed freeze affliction from Alt-fire ice shards.

      • Added stumble capability to Alt-fire ice shards.

      • Added freeze capability to ground ice.

      • Ground ice damage increased from 5 to 7 per tick.

      • 1st weapon upgrade damage for ice shards decreased from 28 to 23.

      • 2nd weapon upgrade damage for ice shards decreased from 36 to 26.

    • Husk Cannon

      • Killing Floor 2 update 1.32 added 40 ballistic damage on impact. The damage increases with each charge of the Husk Cannon to a max of 140 damage.

      • Explosion damage reduced from 100 to 60.

      • Magazine size increased from 20 to 30.

      • Fire rate increased by 79.3%.

      • Damage modifier rate increased from 70% to 80% per charge, effectively increasing the final charge damage from 450% to 500% of the base.

      • Explosive radius expansion rate increased from 30% to 60% per charge, effectively increasing the final charge blast explosive radius from 150% to 300% of the base.

      • Killing Floor 2 version 1.32 removed ammo consumption while maintaining full charge.

      • Spare ammo capacity reduced from 240 to 150.

      • Starting spare magazines upon purchase reduced from 4 to 1.

      • Ammo price per magazine increased from 90 to 125.

  • Perks

    • Berserker

      • Updated Auto-Trade feature so that the Katana is selected in place of the VLAD-1000 Nailgun.

    • Commando

      • Level 10 Fallback

        • Damage increased from 50% to 85%.

        • Updated text description to reflect the change.

    • SWAT

      • Level 10 Close Combat Training

        • Damage increased from 50% to 85%.

        • Updated text description to reflect the change.

      • Level 20 Cripple

        • Changed shot effectiveness from Zed legs to Zed heads and weak spots.

        • Movement speed reduction application rate increased by 66%. This means that the slow affliction should apply 66% faster.

        • Updated text description to reflect the change.

      • Level 25 ZED TIME – Battering Ram

        • Added 450 bludgeon damage alongside knockdown and stumble.

        • Added 25% increased movement speed during Zed time.

    • Survivalist

      • Level 20 Make Things Go Boom

        • Added 40% explosive resistance.

        • Updated text description to reflect the change.

      • Updated Auto-Trade feature so that the Freezethrower is selected in place of the M16 M203 Assault Rifle.

Bug Fixes in Killing Floor 2 version 1.32

Also mentioned in the 2018 Killing Floor 2 ‘State of the Game’ our goal is to bring to the community a continued stream of community reported bug fixes for each update throughout the year.

Top Community Issues:

  • Fixed an issue where the Elite Crawler poison cloud damage radius did not match up with the FX.

  • Fixed an issue where the Cyberpunk Outfit 1st person arms for Ana Larive and Mrs. Foster were always teal.

  • Fixed an issue where players randomly received an infinite amount of crates.

  • Fixed an issue where HMTech-501’s grenade HUD displayed the spare ammo count instead of the total ammo count.

  • Killing Floor 2 update 1.32 fixed an issue where quick healing with the syringe, then swapping weapons allowed players to use weapons when carrying the Transport carryable during a Transport objective.


  • Fixed an issue where the client crashes when map travelling to a VS Survival game session.


  • Fixed an issue where the Freezethrower was not applying afflictions with its ground ice. It should now be capable of freezing enemies who walk over it.

  • Killing Floor 2 version 1.32 fixed an issue where Auto-Trade did not include Tier 5 weapons for multiple Perks.

  • Fixed an issue where multiple items were missing from the Cyberpunk ticket pool.

  • Fixed an issue where Headshot FXs did not play in the Bobble Zed Weekly game mode.

  • Fixed an issue where the Freezethrower alt-fire ice shards applied the freeze affliction.

  • Fixed an issue where the Transport carryables (Gear / Data Pad) used higher than intended parry and block values.

  • Killing Floor 2 update 1.32 fixed an issue where the Survivalist Make Things Go Boom Perk skill applied to all types of damage reduction.

  • Fixed an issue where the drone was still targetable by bosses.

  • Fixed an issue where the Steam Fortress Objective game mode gear would despawn if the player carrying it switched items while dying.

  • Fixed an issue where the game type sets to the Objective game mode when map travelling from a long gamelength Survival game session.

  • Fixed an issue where the Objective Data Pad could be grabbed through floors.

  • Fixed an issue where the King Fleshpound targeted the drone on Zed Landing Objective game mode.


  • Fixed an issue where the chainsaw animations of the Christmas Scrake persisted after death.


  • Steam Fortress

    • Killing Floor 2 1.32 fixed an issue where the Trader pod inside the rocket activated before the boss wave.

    • Fixed an issue where the Trader pod inside the rocket did not work during game modes outside of Objective.

    • Fixed and issue where any player could become permanently stuck next to the rocket ship Trader pod.

    • Fixed an issue where the rocket ship Trader pod could be selected as the Trader pod for Trader time while it was inaccessible.

    • Fixed an issue where a weapon pickup spawned in an inaccessible spot. It has been removed.

    • Cleaned up multiple snag spots throughout the map.

  • Zed Landing

    • Fixed an issue where players could snag on debris nearby the beach trader pod.

  • Santa’s Workshop

    • Fixed an issue where the Christmas cart displayed incorrect FX during certain repair stages.

    • Fixed an issue where the screen displayed a death message whenever the objective completed while the Christmas cart was poisoned.

    • Fixed an issue where the Zeds were not playing Christmas VO.

  • Spillway

    • Cleaned up multiple instances of Zeds spawning in certain doorways.


  • Killerwatt

    • Fixed an issue where the overcharge mode beam did not grant XP upon Zed death.

    • Fixed an issue where quick charge shots continued to consume ammunition during the duration of the fired stream.

  • Fixed an issue where the Seal Squeal harpoons ricochet off of metal walls.


  • Fixed an issue where the Ronin cosmetic would override itself.

  • Fixed an issue where the Cyber Punk Helmet was named “Cyberpunk Outfit” in the player’s inventory.

  • Fixed an issue where the HMTech-401 Assault Rifle prestige skin was incorrectly mapped to the model.

  • Fixed an issue where all weapon skins for the HMTech-401 Assault Rifle used low resolution textures in 3rd person.

  • Fixed an issue where the Kriss SMG Vault Vosh skin was untextured during gameplay.

  • Fixed an issue where the Railgun Vault Vosh skin was untextured during gameplay.

  • Fixed an issue where the Battleaxe Vault Vosh weapon skin used the candy cane texture from the Krampus weapon skin variant.

  • Fixed an issue where players did not receive the M99 | Steampunk | Precious weapon skin after completing the seasonal objectives.


  • Fixed an issue where Objective game mode dialogue would play in VS Survival lobbies.

User Interface:

  • Fixed an issue where the Berserker Butcher Perk skill description text listed the incorrect damage modifier value of 25% instead of 20%.

  • Fixed an issue where the Berserker ZED TIME – Berserker Rage Perk skill description text did not list that the heal applies every time Zed time activates or refreshes.

  • Fixed an issue where the Demolitionist Shock Trooper Perk skill description text listed a specific value for the reload speed increase. The reload speed increase varied with some Demolitionist weapons, and some Demolitionist weapons have elite versions of their standard reloads.

  • Fixed an issue where the Demolitionist Shock Trooper Perk skill description text listed stumble and knockdown instead of just knockdown.

  • Fixed an issue where the Demolitionist Shock Trooper Perk skill description text listed the incorrect Knockdown modifier value of 25% instead of 10%.

  • Fixed an issue where the Demolitionist High Impact Rounds Perk skill description text listed the incorrect damage modifier value of 20% instead of 25%.

  • Fixed an issue where the Demolitionist Extra Rounds Perk skill description text did not list that it did not apply to C4.

  • Fixed an issue where the Commando Passive skill text for Zed time renewal referred to it as Zed time extension.

  • Fixed an issue where the Firebug Ground Fire Perk skill description text listed the incorrect movement speed value of 20% instead of 30% and did not specify what the damage increase was and that the Perk skill did not affect the molotov.

  • Fixed an issue where the Firebug XP OBJECTIVES only listed the Crawler instead of the Bloat and Crawler.

  • Fixed an issue where the Sharpshooter Always Prepared Perk skill description text listed that it grants 25% more grenades instead of one extra grenade.

  • Fixed multiple instances where the HUD inventory grouping priority for the below weapons were set to the incorrect value. This will change the weapon arrangement on the player HUD inventory and what is considered a higher priority weapon.

    • Killerwatt

    • HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle

    • Helios Rifle

    • Battleaxe

    • M32 Grenade Launcher

    • M99 AMR

    • Zweihander

    • Road Redeemer

    • Katana

    • Fire Axe

  • Fixed an issue where the Rare Synthwave HMTech Healer skin had a Mastercrafted border.

  • Fixed an issue where the zed tracker would randomly add or subtract zeds.

  • Fixed an issue where the Killerwatt was listed as a flame weapon in the trader menu when sorting by types.

  • Fixed an issue where the HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle was listed as a handgun in the trader menu when sorting by types.

  • Fixed an issue where the Tommy Gun was filtered as an assault weapon in the Inventory Tab.

  • Fixed an issue where Dual Perk weapon skins were not showing up under the Survivalist Perk filter in the Inventory Tab.

  • Fixed an issue where the Christmas cart health bar was clipped off when snapped to the side of the screen.

  • Fixed an issue where multiple USBs and Crates had text cutoff in their item descriptions.

  • Fixed an issue where the description for the Objective game mode was not localized.

  • Fixed an issue where completing an objective with one zed on the map left the counter at infinite.

  • Fixed an issue where players could use Create a Match to set up a server to do an Objective game mode of non-Objective maps.


  • Fixed an issue where French lines for the Zed Landing Objective game mode played out of order. (Thanks to Dodo la Saumure for bringing this to our attention!)

  • Addressed the dosh vault issue, which also related to players having inventory population issues as well as crafting and grant difficulties.
  • Added fixes for some crashing issues with Killing Floor 2 1.32.
  • Added fixes for stuttering and lag issues.
  • Killing Floor 2 update 1.32 added stability and performance improvements.
  • Added other minor under the hood improvements with Killing Floor 2 1.32.
  • Various UI fixes and changes.

Killing Floor 2 update 1.32 for PS4 is now available for download.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.