Killing Floor 2 (KF2) Update 1.68 Patch Notes (Winter Update)

Killing Floor 2 update 1.68 (Winter Update) is rolling out on PS4, PC, and Xbox One players. According to the official KF2 1.68 patch notes, the latest update added a new winter event, a new map, new weapons, balancing changes and much more. Apart from this, today’s Killing Floor 2 version 1.68 also includes various performance improvements.

Recently, a major Tidal Terror update added a new Day of the Zed event to the game. Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players are still experiencing several performance issues. Today’s Killing Floor 2 version 1.68 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Killing Floor 2 1.66 Patch notes – December 7, 2022

Polar Distress

  • A Horzine cargo train traveling through the English countryside has crashed at an industrial plant, starting a Zed outbreak in the area. Be sure to dispose of the threat and secure the cargo in this new map called Crash. By the way, choosing Perk is sometimes a difficult decision, but it won’t be in the new Weekly Mode, Perk Roulette, in which every wave you will play as a different perk randomly assigned. But don’t worry, because you can still choose our two new HRG weapons just created by Horzine Research Group: the HRG Ballistic Bouncer for the Support and the HRG Medic Missile for the Field Medic. Check them out and show the Zeds what you are made of!

New Additions and Highlights

  • 1 New Community Map
    • Crash
      • Compatible with Survival, Weekly, VS and Endless Game Modes.
      • An industrial plant where a Horzine cargo train has crashed.
  • 1 New Weekly Mode
    • Perk Roulette


  • Option to disable enemy seasonal skins, only active during seasonal skin periods:
    • Added option in the HUD for “Create a Match” and “Solo Game”.
    • Server Admins can use the command: ?AllowSeasonalSkins=1 to enable Seasonal Skins or ?AllowSeasonalSkins=0 to disable Seasonal Skins when creating a Server.
    • Added icon for Server Details.
    • Added filter in the Server Browser.
  • New order rules in the Cosmetics and Crafting items sections in the inventory:
    • Items will be grouped in categories by outfit, type or skin variation.
    • Rarity is also accounted for.


  • Weapons
    • Gravity Imploder
      • Equip Speed from 1.3 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
      • Fire Interval from 1.33 seconds to 1 second (which means from 45 RPM to 60 RPM).
    • Doshinegun
      • Damage per hit increased from 60 to 80.
      • Trader price decreased from 600 to 400.
      • Dosh cost per shot decreased from 20 to 10 (which means full magazine cost decreased from 400 to 200).
    • HRG Beluga Beat
      • Remove need of pre-activating alt-fire.
      • Alt-fire Fire Interval adjusted to 0.75 (80 RPM).
      • Magazine size decreased from 12 to 10.
      • Spare ammo decreased from 96 to 90.

Beta Balance

  • Weapons
    • HRG Ballistic Bouncer:
      • Damage (uncharged) reduced from 114 to 29.
      • Damage (charged) reduced from 600 to 200.
    • HRG Medic Missile:
      • Explosion damage from 400 to 700.
      • Explosion Damage Falloff exponent from 2 to 1
      • Reload speed faster, from 2.56 seconds to 1.88 seconds
      • Added Scrake’s vulnerability to Ballistic rocket impact x3
      • Reduced distance needed for the explosion of the projectile, from 4 meters to 2 meters.
    • ZED MKIII:
      • Magazine ammo from 100 to 50.
      • Spare ammo from 400 to 350.
      • Energy bullets StunPower from 15 to 5.
      • Magazine price from 60 to 75.
    • HV Storm Cannon
      • StunPower from 50 to 25.
      • StumblePower from 200 a 85.
      • GunHitPower from 150 to 0.
      • MeleeHitPower from 100 to 0.
      • EMPPower from 100 to 25.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the Demolitionists Utility Knife had a visible crosshair at all times.


  • Mine Reconstructor
    • Fixed an issue where the screen shake caused by nearby exploding projectiles was more intense than intended.
    • Fixed an issue where the bash attack would not play its SFX.
    • Fixed some animation issues with the bash attack.
    • Fixed an issue where the visuals for the liquid in the cartridge did not align with the rounds left after aborting reloading.
    • Fixed an issue where the ammo container would shake during the reload animation.
  • G36C Assault Rifle
    • Improved elite reloading animations to reduce clipping.
  • HRG Medic Missile
    • Fixed an issue where the Demolitionist skill Mad Bomber was applying to the HRG Medic Missile.
    • Fixed an issue where the Demolitionist skill Destroyer of Worlds was applying to the HRG Medic Missile.
  • HRG Ballistic Bouncer
    • Fixed an issue where log spam would occur when using the weapon.
    • Added impact decals when the projectile impacts objects.
    • Fixed an issue where the weapon could not be reloaded after firing successive quick shots.
    • Fixed an issue where the particles created from the projectile impact did not share the color of the projectile.
    • Fixed an issue where the projectile’s texture was unchanged based upon the charge level of the weapon.
    • Improved the reload animations in relation to hand placement/movement.
    • Zeroed in the iron sight which was offset from center which was especially noticeable while crouching.
    • Fixed multiple instances of the radar not displaying ZEDs.
    • Corrected the 1p and 3p bash attack animations to be inline with each other.
    • Changed the camera position to reduce instances of clipping during the bash, gun check, and reload animations.
    • Fixed an issue where the firing sound would play continuously in multiple situations.
    • Fixed multiple instances of spent magazines being displaced and/or duplicated during the reload animations.
    • Increased the volume of the reload sound as it was exceptionally quiet.
    • Improved the walking and crouching animations in relation to hand placement/movement.
    • Improved the bash attack animations in relation to hand placement/movement.
    • Improved the reload animations in relation to hand placement/movement.
    • Improved the gun check animations in relation to hand placement/movement.
  • HV Storm Cannon
    • Fixed an issue where ZEDs animations were constantly interrupted by hits from the weapon.
    • Fixed an issue where the domino/chain effect from headshots was not jumping to invisible targets (ex. Stalker, Patriarch).
    • Fixed multiple issues with the scope in 1p and 3p.
    • Fixed an issue where unintended effects occurred from killing Zeds with a head shot while they are in the frozen state.
    • Fixed the issue where the skins were misaligned on the weapon.
    • Fixed an issue where collectibles were not destroyed by the aimed shot.
    • Fixed an issue where quick scoping would have the weapons projectile fire low from zero.
    • Fixed an issue where ArcGenerator warnings were being spammed in the logs when switching to this weapon.
    • Changed the camera position to reduce instances of clipping during the bash, gun check, grenade throw, and reload animations.
    • Fixed multiple instances of spent magazines being displaced and/or duplicated during the reload animations.
    • Improved the walking and crouching animations in relation to hand placement/movement.
    • Improved the bash attack animations in relation to hand placement/movement.
    • Improved the reload anima
        • tions in relation to hand placement/movement.
        • Improved the gun check animations in relation to hand placement/movement.
        • Improved the ADS animations in relation to hand placement/movement.


      • Fixed an issue where the Demolitionists Fragmentation Rounds skill would apply twice to thrown grenades.


      • The Rig
        • Fixed an issue where kismet warnings were being sent to the chat.
      • Barmwich
        • Fixed an issue where the waypoint from the Blue Plaza to the various SYG zones would not appear.
        • Fixed an issue where light rays were being projected onto the walls in the tavern area with no visible sources of light.
      • Dystopia 2029
        • Fixed floor seams across multiple areas to remove them and prevent dropped weapons from falling through.
      • Crash
        • Various Street Areas
          • Changed the draw distance on multiple objects in the area to be less likely to disappear while in line of sight.
          • Fixed multiple instances of bullet decals disappearing and reappearing from walls as you move around them.
          • Fixed multiple instances of certain walls not being lit by flashlights.
          • Fixed multiple instances of objects clipping into other objects within the area.
          • Fixed multiple instances of z-fighting/flickering of various objects throughout the area.
          • Fixed multiple collision issues throughout the area.
          • Fixed multiple instances of destructible and movable objects remaining still when being shot with any weapons.
          • Fixed an issue where the SYG boundary was not visible under garbage piles in the West area.
          • Fixed multiple lighting issues where lights were shown with no light source.
          • Fixed multiple lighting issues where light sources did not show any light.
          • Fixed an issue where the light from the s
            • oda machines was extremely bright.
            • Fixed an issue where weapons could be dropped into ZED spawners and be lost.
          • Cargo Station Areas
            • Fixed an issue where the SYG boundary was not visible as it was placed underneath a snowdrift.
            • Updated the splatter maps on multiple objects in the area to ensure blood is applied.
            • Fixed multiple instances of bullet decals disappearing and reappearing from walls as you move around them.
            • Fixed multiple instances of objects clipping into other objects within the area.
            • Changed the draw distance on multiple objects in the area to be less likely to disappear while in line of sight.
            • Fixed multiple collision issues in the area.
            • Fixed multiple lighting issues where lights were shown with no light source.
            • Fixed an issue with ZED pathing in the area.
            • Fixed an issue where the collectible on the wagon was inverted.
            • Fixed an issue where the hanging icicles were hanging in mid air.
          • Office Areas
            • Fixed multiple instances of z-fighting/flickering of the baseboards throughout the area.
            • Updated the splatter maps on multiple objects in the area to prevent duplication of the blood splatter being applied.
    • Fixed multiple instances of bullet decals disappearing and reappearing from walls as you move around them.
    • Fixed multiple instances of objects clipping into other objects within the area.
    • Fixed multiple instances of destructible and movable objects remaining still when being shot with any weapons.
    • Fixed multiple collision issues on the main floor of the area.
    • Fixed multiple collision issues on the 2nd floor of the area.
    • Fixed an issue with large ZED pathing on the main floor of the area.
  • Warehouse Areas
    • Fixed multiple instances of z-fighting/flickering of the railing and beams throughout the areas.
    • Updated the splatter maps on multiple objects in the area to prevent duplication of the blood splatter being applied.
    • Fixed multiple instances of bullet decals disappearing and reappearing from walls as you move around them.
    • Fixed multiple instances of objects clipping into other objects within the area.
    • Fixed multiple instances of destructible and movable objects remaining still when being shot with any weapons.
    • Fixed multiple lighting issues where lights were shown with no light source.
    • Fixed multiple lighting issues where light sources did not show any light.
    • Fixed multiple collision issues on the 2nd floor of the warehouse.
    • Fixed multiple collision issues in the sewer area of the warehouse.
    • Fixed an issue where the snow VFX was passing through the warehouse wall on the 2nd floor.
    • Fixed multiple instances of certain walls not being lit by flashlights.
    • Fixed a visible gap between the stairs and the ground.
  • Storage Shed
    • Fixed multiple instances of bullet decals disappearing and reappearing from walls as you move around them.
    • Fixed multiple collision issues in the area.
    • Fixed multiple instances of destructible and movable objects remaining still when being shot with any weapons.
    • Fixed an issue where the snow VFX was passing through the wall of the Fuel Storage Shed.
  • Balcony
    • Fixed multiple collision issues on the balcony.
    • Fixed multiple instances of bullet decals disappearing and reappearing from walls as you move around them.

Download free Killing Floor 2 update 1.68 on PS4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.