KartRider: Drift Update 1.05 Patch Notes – May 11, 2023

The latest KartRider Drift update 1.05 details released for PC and Switch. According to the official KartRider Drift patch notes, the latest season 2 adds new characters and quality-of-life adjustments and bug fixes. Furthermore, the KartRider Drift patch 1.05 also includes performance improvements.

Following its positive reviews upon release, players encountered several glitches, including a black screen, sprint bug, high temperature, and audio issues, after installing the Dredge patch. Today’s KartRider Drift update 1.05 aims to fix some of these problems.

Here are more details about the update:

KartRider Drift Update 1.05 Patch Notes – May 11, 2023

  • Season 2 Major Changes:
    • 4 new World Kart Championship theme tracks have been added.
    • 2 new Village theme tracks have been added.
    • New feature: Balloons!
    • L2 License has been added, featuring new challenges to test your racing skills.
    • New feature: Mode Lab, featuring special game modes to enjoy for a limited time.
    • New Mode Lab game mode: Infinite Boost Mode, a Speed Mode variant where you’ll be boosting all race long.
    • The Decal Market has been added, allowing you to buy and sell custom Decals to and from other Racers.
    • Replays have been added, allowing you to save and watch recent matches.
  • Note on Seasons:
    • When the season ends, there will be an Open Season until the beginning of the next season.
    • This Open Season is a rest period until the beginning of the next season, with no season content such as Racing Passes or Daily/Premium Challenges.

Other Changes

  • Lobby Image and Background Music have been updated for Season 1.
  • PC Only: [Settings – Graphics] menu now has the following additional options:
    • Character Quality: Affects character quality. You can set different quality levels for your own Racer and other Racers.
    • Planar Reflections: Improves the realism of reflection in the Garage, but has an increased load on your system.
    • Foliage Density: Sets the density of plants in the environment. A higher value will create denser foliage, but will increase the load on your system.
  • “Emote Locker” category has been added to the [Garage – Character – Emotes] menu.
    • If you receive an Emote without the character that can use it, it will be temporarily stored in the Emote Locker.
    • When you receive a new character, any valid emotes for that character will be automatically relocated to that character.
  • Emoji item description has been removed.
  • Mine: Gold Rush: Jump shortcut has been improved, making for a slightly faster lap completion when taking the shortcut.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Mobile app version where the resource patch screen and login screen were not appearing properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the English-only Voice Chat Text-to-Speech / Speech-to-Text feature not functioning properly after a match ends and during custom races.
  • Fixed an issue on PC where the white border focus would follow around even if the option wasn’t selected in Settings.
  • Fixed an issue with characters and karts disappearing from the Race Results screen right before the podium.
  • Fixed an issue where the sound that is played when clicking the Change Mode button is different between PC and Mobile.
  • Fixed an issue with clearing a certain license, even though you failed to cross the finish line.
  • Fixed an issue on PC where the options in the Settings menu were spilling out the drop box area if the aspect ratio wasn’t 16:9.
  • Fixed an issue with some emote effects not appearing correctly in the Event Rewards UI when the Graphics settings are set to High.
  • Fixed an issue where the Voice Chat UI of party members on mobile would sometimes appear late in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue with key guides, such as Item Hint and Drift Zones, appearing at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue with a pop-up confirming saves were appearing in certain situations, even though “Exit without Saving” was selected in Settings.
  • Fixed an issue with all sounds being enabled when you unmute Master Volume and then select “Exit without Saving”.

Download the free KartRider Drift patch 1.05 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.