A new Insurgency Sandstorm patch 1.23 is rolling out on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox. According to the official Insurgency Sandstorm 1.23 patch notes, the latest update Update 1.17 introduces crossplay, the Skirmish mode, three new weapons, fresh cosmetics, and significant gameplay improvements. Apart from this, Insurgency Sandstorm update 1.23 also includes a long list of bug fixes.
Previously, a major Insurgency Sandstorm update 1.11 added new features, changes, improvements, and more. Unfortunately, players are still facing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Insurgency Sandstorm version 1.23 will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
Insurgency Sandstorm Update 1.23 Patch Notes – December 5, 2024
Summary of Update 1.17: Operation: Resurgence
- Global Crossplay: Play across PSN, Xbox Live, and PC with new matchmaking settings.
- New Limited-Time Mode – Skirmish: 14-player battles with objectives and cache destruction mechanics.
- New Weapons: WCX, AR-7090, and F2000 added to the arsenal.
- Cosmetics and Weapon Skins: New free and premium gear sets and weapon skins for both factions.
- Game Improvements: Optimized map details, lighting changes, and reworked Arms Race mode.
Patch Notes for Update 1.17: Operation Resurgence
Global Crossplay
- Feature Added: Players on PSN, Xbox Live, and PC can now play together.
- Matchmaking Settings:
- Preferred input device: Mouse & Keyboard or Gamepad.
- Enable/Disable Cross-Play.
- Match with players using different input devices.
- Select preferred regions.
- Crossplay FAQ available for further details.
New Limited-Time Mode: Skirmish
- Game Details:
- Teams: 14 players (10v10 on consoles).
- Objective: Capture 3 points and destroy the enemy cache.
- Mechanics:
- Start with 1 owned objective, 1 cache, and 10 spawn waves.
- Gain spawn waves by capturing objectives.
- Cache destruction prevents additional waves.
- Class Limits:
- Rifleman: Unlimited
- Breacher: 3
- Advisor: 3
- Demolitions: 2
- Marksman: 2
- Gunner: 2
- Supported Maps: Ministry, Farmhouse, Summit, Refinery, Lastlight, Crossing, Prison.
New Weapons
- WCX (Security): Versatile and reliable for intense environments.
- AR-7090 (Insurgents): Rugged and durable combat rifle.
- F2000:
- Security: Standard variant.
- Insurgents: Tactical variant.
Free Cosmetics
- Survivor Gear Set (Security): Includes 7 items: helmet, mask, glasses, top, bottom, boots, gloves.
- Revolt Gear Set (Insurgents): Includes 6 items: cap, mask, glasses, top, bottom, boots.
Free Weapon Skins
- Pockets (Security): Available for weapons like M16A4, VHS-2, KSG, and more.
- National Pride (Insurgents): Available for weapons like M16A2, AK-74, SVD, and more.
Premium DLC
- Resurgence Set Bundle:
- Tactical Doc Gear Set (Security): 6-piece medical-themed cosmetic set.
- Night Raven Weapon Skin Set (Security): Applies to weapons like WCX, KSG, and M249.
- Desert Corpsman Gear Set (Insurgents): 6-piece survival-themed cosmetic set.
- Duct Taped Weapon Skin Set (Insurgents): Applies to weapons like AR-7090, ACE52, and M1911.
- Map LOD Optimizations: Resolved flickering textures and improved visual clarity on maps like Bab, Ministry, Refinery, and more.
- Lighting Enhancements: Updates made to Trainyard, Hideout, Tideway, and Tell.
We’ve made some changes to the way the limited-time mode Arms Race functions.
- Added thirteen weapons, including:
- AUG A3
- M60E4
- TOZ-194
- Added an onscreen message when a player reaches the final weapon.
- Reduced the number of players to 8v8.
- Simplified the HUD.
- Tier and Kill Score reworked.
- Added variation to how players progress through weapons.
- Melee kills now remove two tiers.
- Weapon preferences within Arms Race are now saved across matches (fire mode, etc).
- Fixed an issue where the player’s hand animation was out of sync when throwing a molotov.
- Fixed an issue where underbarrel attachments could become misaligned after picking up another weapon when viewed from third person.
- Fixed an issue where weapon rails could be invisible when viewed through a scope on “normal” scope settings.
- Fixed an issue where SSR was not turned on for water and glass materials.
- Fixed an issue where mounting a vehicle or turret from the prone position caused the camera to be positioned incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s hand could clip through certain scopes on the TAC 338 while chambering a round with the bipod deployed.
- Fixed an issue across multiple weapons where equipping the bipod could interfere with the rendering of scopes.
- Fixed an issue where if a spectating player had X-ray mode active and the player they were spectating looked at a friendly character that model would appear completely black.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s arm could clip through the L96A1’s scope when the bipod is deployed.
- Fixed an issue where if a player disconnected and reconnected to a server it could break the animation of another player mounted to a turret when observed from third person.
- Fixed an issue where one particularly sassy vase would glow red in Tideway.
- Fixed an issue where sandbags near Security spawn had an incorrect surface material applied in multiple levels.
- Fixed an issue where the Seasoned Fighter Top colors wouldn’t display correctly in first-person.
- Fixed an issue where certain weapons’ magazines could become invisible for a brief period following a reload cancel.
- Fixed an issue where a player’s weapon model could appear briefly on their face when equipping or un-equipping a gas mask.
- Fixed an issue where the magazine of an SKS would appear rotated incorrectly while performing a full reload when observed from third-person.
- Fixed an issue where the player camera could go inside the player model when ducking inside a vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s hand model could become stretched if they were holding a grenade while being blinded in third-person.
- Fixed an issue where if a player entered a vehicle from a crouching or sliding position they could become stuck in a crouched position until exiting the vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where the “check ammunition” animation could display incorrectly with the MR 73.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s arm would be twisted when using certain torso customizations with the TAC 338 rifle.
- Fixed an issue where lenses from goggles or gas masks could be visible through smoke.
- Fixed an issue where if the Worn Veteran weapon skin was applied to the MDR it would differ in appearance depending on if it was viewed in first or third-person.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s character would hold the TAC 338 incorrectly during the round start.
- Fixed an issue where scope rings could display incorrectly when switching between first and third-person. This affects the following scopes:
- 1.5X PK-AS
- 2X-1X Kobra
- 1.5X-1X A1 SCOPE
- 4X PSO-1
- 3X YMA95-1 SCOPE
- Fixed an issue where the exhaust trail for the rocket barrage would display rotated at 90 degrees.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s hand could obscure the scope when using the AS VAL with the loading grip attachment.
- Fixed an issue where the second-to-last bullet in a weapon would not have a bolt/slide animation.
- Fixed an issue where multi-zoom optics would experience a single frame glitch when switching between hipfire & ADS while in “Picture in Picture” mode.
- Fixed an issue where a multi-zoom optic lens would display the wrong color when switching between hipfire & ADS while in “Picture in Picture” mode.
- Fixed an issue where a pistol’s optic could be displayed at a player’s feet while in third-person.
- Fixed an issue where a player’s ammo carrier or armor could disappear when inside a vehicle in online modes.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Mosin-Nagant to be fired twice before needing to chamber another round.
- Fixed an issue where parts of the Brute’s body would turn invisible when first launching into the Main Menu.
- Fixed an issue where the female hairstyle “Low Chignon” was not displayed in third-person.
- Fixed an issue where the colors of the Mountain Nomad were inconsistent between the Customize menu and gameplay.
- Fixed an issue where the Protective Gear Gas Mask clips when equipped with the Brute head.
- Fixed an issue where the glass on the S.O.R.T. helmet was not rendered correctly.
- Fixed an issue where female hairstyles could clip through the Chemical Combat Helmet.
- Fixed an issue where the player could not equip the Gray Man Bottom (Camo) while wearing the Protective Gear Top.
- Fixed an issue where Sirwal pants could be equipped with the Protective Gear Boots.
- Fixed an issue where the Protective Gear Gloves could be equipped with long-sleeve shirts, leading to clipping issues.
- Fixed an issue where the Uniform Camo for the PASGT helmet was selected the helmet would display a solid color.
- Fixed an issue where the Revolt Glasses wouldn’t display the correct color in third-person.
- Fixed an issue where Climber gear items could clip with other cosmetic items.
- Fixed an issue where any triangle-shaped patch would clip with other cosmetics.
- Fixed an issue where the Chemical Combat helmet would not display uniform camo correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Protective Gear Gloves would appear differently depending on if they were observed in first or third-person.
- Fixed an issue where the Protective Gear boots would clip with the Biker Bottom.
- Fixed an issue where facial hair styles would clip through the “Neck Gaiter Low” Facewear.
- Fixed an issue where melee attacks with the Handjar and Shiv weapons would not play any audio.
- Fixed an issue where muted players could again be heard after a round change.
- Fixed an issue where the sound for changing weapon fire modes could be absent.
- Fixed an issue where applying default settings resulted in the player not being able to navigate the menu correctly.
- Fixed an issue where a player could pick up another player’s thrown explosive.
- Fixed an issue where the M1 Garand couldn’t be reloaded after shooting the Smoke or Explosive Launcher underbarrel.
- Fixed a game crash introduced in Update 1.15, Hotfix #3.
- Fixed an issue on PS5 where firing a turret could result in the adaptive triggers working in unintended ways.
- Fixed an issue where a player mounted on a stationary turret could be kicked for inactivity.
- Fixed an issue where using a turret in the warmup phase could result in it becoming unusable upon round start until that player mounts and unmounts.
- Fixed an issue where the scaling of the number of bots in a match would not work properly during counterattacks.
- Fixed an issue where analog sticks could behave as though receiving input with the deadzone set to 0.0.
- Fixed an issue where aim-dampening settings wouldn’t function as intended.
- Fixed an issue where the player would respawn faster if they disabled the death camera.
- Fixed an issue where some kills wouldn’t allow you to advance through the pool of weapons in the Arms Race mode.
- Fixed an issue where players would receive two kills for a single kill achieved with a door.
- Fixed an issue where it would be impossible to kill a player with a door if they are from the same faction in the Free For All mode.
- Fixed an issue where a player could be the target of auto balance more than once.
- Fixed an issue where the “Wallbanger” trophy could be awarded from a regular kill.
- Fixed an issue that could cause gameplay to stutter.
- Fixed an issue where the party leader status could switch to another party member.
- Fixed an issue where a player’s Kill/Assist/Death totals wouldn’t show while in a resupply area.
- Fixed an issue where in the Arms Race mode players wouldn’t have enough supply points for a third explosive with the heavy carrier equipped.
- Fixed an issue where changing the character’s gender would swap to a previously created preset instead of changing the gender of the selected one.
- Fixed an issue where AI wouldn’t run away from IEDs.
- Fixed an issue where explosive damage could be blocked by geometry not located in between the player and the explosion.
- Fixed an issue where if the Shiv or Baton melee weapons were equipped to the player’s Default loadout, they could revert back to the default melee weapon.
- Fixed an issue where some rounds of the A10 support call-in would land at the map origins (0,0).
- Fixed an issue in Frenzy mode where AI wouldn’t attack a player if there is a thrown IED or C4 charge nearby.
- Fixed an issue where the party leader would be unable to control the party if they close the application and then rejoin the party.
- Fixed an issue where the PS5 version could crash on launch.
- Fixed an issue where the application could crash after 56 minutes of gameplay.
- Fixed an issue where the application could crash after 1 hour and 20 minutes of gameplay.
- Fixed an issue where the application could crash after deploying at the beginning of a round.
- Fixed an issue where the application could crash when loading a map after 1 hour and 39 minutes.
- Fixed an issue where the M1 Garand could not be reloaded after shooting the smoke or explosive launcher under barrel attachment.
- Fixed an issue where the explosive launcher for the M1 Garand could be missing in Versus modes
- Fixed an issue where the technical vehicle would spin on its axis if a player put an explosive charge in the wheel well and entered the vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where bots could spawn under the map at point G on Trainyard Checkpoint.
- Fixed an issue where certain doors would appear to be different colors due to lighting on Prison and Powerplant Night.
- Improved the look of some areas where walls meet the terrain on Hillside.
- Fixed some areas where objects on the floor were improperly illuminated on Hillside.
- Added movement to the leaves on the trees on Hideout.
- Fixed a door on Prison at Objective E that was lit too brightly.
- Fixed an issue where certain train materials weren’t reflecting properly on Trainyard.
- Fixed some of the areas where the road and terrain meet on Hideout.
- Added light to an electrical particle on a downed power line in Trainyard.
- Added light to a fire particle in Prison.
- Fixed an exploit on Crossing.
- Added damage to the fire in a burning car on Trainyard.
- Fixed an issue where the chemical gas wouldn’t cause damage to the player on point A of Defusal on Last Light.
- Fixed an issue where the restricted zone overlapped the unrestricted zone on Crossing, Push Insurgents.
- Fixed an area that allowed players to travel outside of the map on Gap.
- Fixed an issue where some braziers were lacking flames on Bab and Gap.
- Fixed an area on Gap where the player could see through a wall.
- Fixed an issue where there was a restricted zone missing between points B and C on Farmhouse Push Security.
- Fixed multiple areas where the player could fall through the map on Outskirts.
- Fixed an issue where the restricted area was incorrectly displayed on the map when defending point C on Refinery Push Insurgents.
- Fixed various localization issues.
- Fixed an issue where having the privacy setting “ Others can communicate with voice, text, or invites” set to “Friends” wouldn’t apply it to Versus mode text chat.
- Fixed an issue where a muted player’s voice could be heard again upon loading a new map.
- Fixed an issue where recently recorded replays could have a “Replay Unavailable” status.
- Fixed an issue where searching for the game and loading the game would occur only for the Party leader.
- Fixed an issue where voice chat could be disabled after opening and closing the scoreboard in any game mode.
- Fixed an issue where after the game had been closed the former party leader couldn’t return to the party from Local Play or Matchmaking.
- Fixed an issue where player names were needlessly censored.
- Fixed an issue where most gun fire sounds were missing from the mod editor.
- Fixed an issue where most weapons were invisible in third person in the mod editor
- Fixed an issue where Primary and Secondary weapons could be invisible in first person.
- Fixed a player desync exploit.
- Fixed an issue where mousing over menu items didn’t trigger hints.
- Fixed an issue where the title screen hint wouldn’t change according to the input device.
- Fixed an issue where if the player modified control layout then canceled without saving, the menu would reflect the unsaved modified layout.
- Fixed an issue where the “Customize” and “Select” buttons in the Loadout menu would function differently whether they were interacted with via mouse or keyboard.
- Fixed an issue where if the player modified control layout then canceled without saving, the menu would reflect the unsaved modified layout.
- Fixed an issue where the “Remove” button in the Loadout menu could not work when interacting via mouse.
- Fixed an issue where the player could highlight Main Menu options while the Tutorial pop-up window should have focus.
- Fixed an issue where players couldn’t right click on player names in replays.
- Fixed an issue where the player could be unable to cancel joining a match using a controller.
- Fixed an issue where if the player modified the “Motion Blur” or “Dismemberment” settings then canceled without saving, the menu would reflect the unsaved modified settings.
- Fixed an issue where the player would be unable to close the “report Player” or “ Custom Color” windows while on the scenario vote screen.
- Fixed an issue where disconnecting and reconnecting a controller while on the “Details” pop-up of game mode selection could result in the “Details” pop-up losing focus.
- Fixed an issue where players would not see friendly messages from the Comms menu wheel show up in the general chat area.
- Fixed an issue where creating a party with mouse and keyboard while in the game type selection screen would result in the Main menu screen containing a second instance of the word “Play”.
- Fixed an issue where when changing the games language the “Cancel” button wouldn’t close the language selection window.
- Fixed an issue where the application could crash if Steam accepted an invitation from EGS via the EGS overlay.
- Fixed an issue where in the Arms Race mode there were menu elements referencing “Objective Secured” & “Objective Capture Time” and “Kills” was not always accurately displaying the number of kills.
- Fixed an issue where on Xbox the “key Bind” window could not be closed by pressing “Cancel” after reconnecting the controller.
- Fixed an issue where in the Loadout menu weapon descriptions of rocket-based weapons did not contain information about shell caliber or number of rockets.
- Fixed an issue where the Kukri and Combat Knife weapons displayed the wrong icons in the Loadout menu.
- Fixed an issue where after saving a loadout with the “Survivor CAMO” Top and Bottom, and then switching to the “Survivor” Top and Bottom , the loadout would switch back to the “Survivor CAMO” Top and Bottom if the player closed and then re-opened the loadout section.
- Fixed an issue where the player would be able to change the “Region” preferences after initiating a game search.
- Fixed an issue where in Arms Race the second weapon a player achieves would show the incorrect HUD elements unless the player dies and respawns.
- Fixed an issue where the female “Low Chignon” hairstyle wasn’t displayed in the Customize menu on consoles.
- Fixed an issue where the player could be bound to open All/Team text chat in the settings with M&K.
- Fixed an issue where some patches did not have a name.
- Fixed an issue where slider settings would not save when using M&K.
- Fixed an issue where the “search canceled” pop-up would not disappear after switching party leader.
- Fixed an issue where the faction icon would cover the “Camera Height” hint when watching a replay.
- Fixed an issue where the input for opening/closing the comms menu would also issue a command when playing in-game.
- Fixed an issue where some radial menus were missing the black backdrop.
- Fixed an issue where the text in the loadouts screen would get cut off in some languages.
- Fixed an issue where the vote-kick window would not be displayed for all players in a match.
- Fixed an issue where the “Customize” and “Select” buttons in the loadout screen would not function with a mouse click.
- Fixed an issue where the UI icons were missing when doing the “Leaning” lesson.
- Fixed an issue on consoles where menu navigation wouldn’t function correctly after closing the bind menu with a mouse.
- Fixed an issue on consoles where the “button binding” window would close after any controller input.
Download free Insurgency Sandstorm update 1.23 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.