Insurgency Sandstorm Console Update 1.09 Patch Notes for PS4 & Xbox

Insurgency Sandstorm PS4 update 1.09 is now available to download. This update is also available for Xbox One and PS5 players. According to Insurgency Sandstorm 1.09 patch notes, the latest update added a long list of bug fixes and gameplay changes. Apart from this, Insurgency Sandstorm patch 1.09 also includes various performance fixes.

Previously, a major update was released with various tweaks and fixes.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still facing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Insurgency Sandstorm patch 1.09 will fix a few of these issues.

What is new in Insurgency Sandstorm update 1.09 Patch Notes? – February 10, 2022


  • Fixed a crash that could occur during Basic Training.
  • Addressed a bug the game may crash on Ministry when shooting AI at a specific location.
  • Addressed a bug the “Play to Win” and “There For You” achievements could not be unlocked.
  • The Two-Tone weapon skin colours have been adjusted to more visually represent Sandstorm’s visual guidelines.
  • Fixed multiple clipping issues with the Insurgent hairstyles when equipped with certain facewear and torso cosmetics.
  • Addressed a bug the mute buttons were not functioning properly and consistently.
  • Addressed a bug the Makarov was seen with incorrect textures at times.
  • Addressed a bug the red dot did not always appear on the 4x-1x optic on the M16A2.
  • Addressed a bug the store could not be accessed in-game if players owned all available gear sets.
  • Addressed a bug “Hide Owned” was applied by default in the in-game store.
  • Addressed a bug the in-game store images for Warlord and Peacemaker were missing.
  • Addressed a bug weapons occasionally disappeared after vaulting.
  • Addressed a bug the VIP occasionally spawned with the incorrect model.
  • Addressed a bug the ‘Sport Shirt Top’ was incorrectly named ‘Short Shirt Top’.
  • Addressed a bug the ‘Chamber’ slot was unreachable on the M24 and the Mosin-Nagant in the Loadout menu while using a controller.
  • Addressed a bug the Secondary Ammo Carrier was not granting the correct amount of ammunition for the MR 73.
  • Addressed a bug the score display in Team Deathmatch and Domination would occasionally not initialise correctly.
  • Addressed a bug the available supply points was 10 in Domination, now it is 20 as originally intended.
  • The notification that indicates to the player that they are banned from a dedicated server now shows the unit of time i.e. minutes, hours or days.
  • Addressed a bug the fingers would obstruct the sight picture when ADSing with a weapon equipped with either a 4x or 7x scope with the following gloves: Big Spender, Peacemaker, PMC, Gray Man, and Warlord.
  • Fixed multiple localization issues across all the supported languages. There will be more improvements and fixes in future updates.


  • Addressed a bug the screen would flicker green and black which often occurred when several smokes were set up close to each other or when using the commander’s binoculars.
  • Addressed a bug the Praetorian DLC Bundle did not properly unlock when purchased prior to this update.
  • Addressed a bug the gamepad tooltip showed the incorrect button prompt.
  • Compressed certain UI textures to improve optimization.


  • Insurgency Sandstorm Xbox update addressed a bug the skin texture would clip with the camera and cause unintended visual artifacts to appear on the screen.
  • Fixed an issue that caused distortion of the suicide bomber explosion sound effect.
  • Compressed certain UI textures to improve optimization.


  • Crossing is now available in matchmaking on console.
  • Updated the overview maps for the following levels: Crossing, Farmhouse, Hillside, Summit, Powerplant, Precinct, Hideout and Outskirts.


  • Addressed a bug players were able to access exploitable areas.
  • Fixed various visual landscape issues.


  • Addressed a bug players could get stuck between a wall and a box.
  • Insurgency Sandstorm PS4 update fixed several minor visual issues on the map.


  • Addressed a bug players were able to access exploitable areas.


  • Fixed an issue that caused a decal to apply to surrounding objects near the gas station.
  • Upscaled background textures to 2048p.


  • Addressed a bug the AI would not attack Objective C in Outpost mode.
  • Addressed a bug players were able to access exploitable areas


  • Fixed a shadow issue at a specific location on the level.


  • Fixed a visual issue on Summit where looking ADS at the ground caused deformation.


  • Reduced the supply points of Civilian Amber and Green NVGs to 0 from 2.


  • Insurgency Sandstorm console update addressed a bug the AI could get lost and stuck on Ministry.
  • Addressed a bug AI had reduced accuracy indoors due to poor eyesight.
  • Addressed a bug AI was sent to the field without side arms or knives.
  • Addressed a bug AI did not know what to do when out of ammo and just stared at the player ominously.
  • Addressed a bug AI could not decide on a weapon and just swapped back and forth mid-firefight.

Download free Insurgency Sandstorm update 1.08 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.