Illithid Jar with Larvae BG3 Guide – Baldur’s Gate 3 Wiki

BG3 illithid jar with larvae is one of the most mysterious and intriguing items found in the game. This jar contains illithid tadpoles which can infect characters and grant them dangerous mind flayer abilities. However, the powers come at a terrible price – losing control over one’s mind and body.

This guide will provide information on finding the illithid jar, using the tadpoles, and the consequences players face. With the right strategies, the illithid jar can be an invaluable tool, but wielding its powers requires caution.

Key Takeaways:

  • The illithid jar with larvae contains parasitic tadpoles that can infect characters.
  • Consuming tadpoles unlocks powerful psionic abilities but turns characters into mind flayers.
  • The jar can be found in the temple ruins in the Underdark after defeating the Matriarch.
  • Tadpole abilities include telepathy, levitation, and mind control.
  • Removing the tadpole requires help from powerful NPCs.
  • Using mind flayer powers has consequences like physical changes.
  • Manage tadpole infection carefully to balance risk and reward.

How to find Illithid Jar in BG3

The illithid jar can be found in the Underdark location called the Lost Chapel after defeating the mind flayer Matriarch boss. Specifically, players will discover the jar inside a temple ruin hidden behind the Matriarch’s throne room.

The jar sits on top of a pedestal along with two other collectible jars – the umber hulk brain jar and the intellect devourer jar. Interact with the illithid jar to add it to the inventory. Be sure to grab the jar before leaving the ruins, as it cannot be recovered later.

Other illithid jars may also appear elsewhere in the game, but the Lost Chapel jar is guaranteed. Check thoroughly after the Matriarch fight and in other mind flayer lairs. Stocking up on multiple jars gives more chances to use the tadpoles.

Using Illithid Tadpole Powers

Once acquired, the illithid jar can be opened from the inventory screen. Inside players will find 2-3 tadpoles swimming in briny fluid. These parasitic creatures can infect humanoid brains and eventually transform them into mind flayers.

Interacting with the tadpoles allows infected characters to consume them. This unlocks special psionic abilities based on illithid powers. Abilities vary but include options like:

  • Telepathy – Read thoughts and communicate telepathically.
  • Levitation – Levitate and propel oneself through the air.
  • Mind Control – Take control of another creature’s mind.
  • Psionic Blast – Project a damaging blast of psychic energy.
  • Psychic Drain – Drain life force from another to heal oneself.

These abilities provide advantages in combat, exploration, and social interactions. However, they come with significant downsides.

Illithid Jar with Larvae BG3 Guide
Illithid Jar with Larvae

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Consequences of Using Tadpoles

As the tadpole infects the player’s mind, their body also changes. Dark veins appear on the skin, fingers elongate, and eyes turn black – the host transforms into a mind flayer.

If not cured, the tadpole will eventually overtake the host’s personality and turn them into a NPC. This leads to losing the character permanently.

Other effects include receiving headaches that negatively impact stats when resisting the tadpole’s influence. The character also becomes dependent on the tadpole and suffers withdrawal effects if removed without help.

So while the mind flayer powers seem very tempting, use discretion. The tadpole infection must be carefully managed.

Removing the Tadpole

Once infected, the only way to remove the tadpole is through complex rituals with powerful NPCs. Three prominent options are available:

Volo: The famous author Volo knows rituals to remove tadpoles safely. He can perform a ritual at camp provided the player brings rare ingredients.

Halsin: The druid Halsin was once infected with a tadpole himself. He can guide players in purging it if rescued from the goblin camp.

Auntie Ethel: This hag offers to remove the infection in exchange for a disgusting favor. Her methods are risky but effective.

Keep in mind the rituals can only be performed once. Choose wisely when picking an NPC ally. And take care, as waiting too long advances the infection past the point of removal.

Tadpole Infection Stages

The tadpole infection progresses through 3 main stages:

Stage 1: At first the tadpole simply unlocks abilities. No physical changes occur yet.

Stage 2: Headaches and vein marks appear as the parasite spreads through the brain. Personality shifts become apparent.

Stage 3: The host starts to transform into a mind flayer. A cure must be secured quickly.

Try to remove the tadpole during Stage 1 or 2 to prevent permanent consequences. But don’t wait too long that removal becomes impossible.

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Recommended Strategies

When using the powers of the illithid jar, some recommendations include:

  • Consume tadpoles early to take advantage of abilities before transformation.
  • Limit tadpole use to critical situations to minimize infection time.
  • Research where to obtain ingredients and supplies for removal rituals beforehand.
  • Speak with Volo, Halsin, and Auntie Ethel as soon as possible to unlock ritual options.
  • Carefully monitor the infection’s progression and journal any personality changes.
  • Remove the tadpole during Stage 1 or early Stage 2 at the latest.

With clever resource management, players can safely utilize the tadpole without losing their character.

Curing the Tadpole

If infected, moving quickly to cure the tadpole is imperative. Here are key steps when pursuing the different ritual options:

Volo’s Ritual

Volo requires the following ingredients:

  • Brain of Intellect Devourer
  • Umber Hulk Blood
  • Phase Spider Venom Gland
  • Holy Water

Collect these items through combat, exploration, and trade. Once acquired, speak to Volo at camp and provide him the ingredients to begin the ritual.

Halsin’s Ritual

First Halsin must be rescued from the goblin camp after the party rests at the Druid Grove. Lead him back to camp safely.

Halsin can then guide the party in collecting reagents for the ritual:

  • 3 Sprigs of Mistletoe
  • 2 Vials of Owlbear Blood
  • 1 Vial of Drow Poison

Once collected, let Halsin perform the ritual back at camp.

Auntie Ethel’s Ritual

Auntie Ethel asks the party to retrieve a hag’s eye from within the hag lair. This dangerous task is the favor she requests for curing the tadpole.

Recover the grotesque eye and give it to Auntie Ethel to complete her ritual. But be prepared for her stomach-churning methods.

Outcomes of Removing the Tadpole

If the ritual succeeds, the tadpole infection is safely removed with no chance of transforming into a mind flayer later. However, side effects include:

  • Permanently losing mind flayer abilities.
  • Withdrawal symptoms like weakness or exhaustion.
  • Loss of any memories collected by the tadpole.

So while the character is spared from becoming an illithid, their body is still altered by the experience.

FAQ – August 20, 2023

Are there any other items that can infect characters like the tadpoles?

No, the illithid tadpoles are the only parasites that can infect characters and transform them in Baldur’s Gate 3. Other jars like the umber hulk brain jar provide different effects.

Can I infect multiple party members with tadpoles from the same jar?

Yes, one illithid jar contains enough tadpoles to infect an entire party of 4 characters if desired.

Do companions approve/disapprove of tadpole use?

Some companions like Shadowheart and Astarion approve of judicious tadpole use for new abilities. Others like Gale strongly caution against it for safety reasons.

Can tadpoles infect any humanoid or just the player?

Tadpoles can infect any humanoid including party companions and NPCs. However, only the player’s infection progresses without a cure.

Where can I find more lore about illithids in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The library in the Druid Grove contains several books detailing the history and biology of mind flayers that provide more background lore.

Is there a way to keep mind flayer powers permanently?

No, the powers are intrinsically tied to the tadpole infection. Once cured, the abilities are lost for good.

Do mind flayers drop loot when killed?

Yes, mind flayers often drop valuable items like equipment, gold, gems, and most importantly, additional illithid jars with tadpoles.

The illithid jar with larvae holds great power but using it wisely is paramount. Weigh the risks and benefits before unleashing mind flayer abilities. With caution, players can take advantage of the tadpoles without losing themselves.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.