Idling to Rule the Gods Update Patch Notes – August 17, 2022

Idling to Rule the Gods update 3.95.1349 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Idling to Rule the Gods patch notes, the latest update added a new milestone, bug fixes and changes.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Idling to Rule the Gods patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Idling to Rule the Gods Patch Notes – August 17, 2022

  • Added milestones. You can find them on the statistics page. You can get some rewards for various goals ingame. Just go to the milestones page and click the ‘claim’-button after you have achieved a milestone. You can only claim milestone rewards if you are not in a challenge.
  • Moved the export button from the main statistics page to the other page because there was no space for it anymore.
  • Removed the newbie boost. The milestone rewards are a replacement for that. While they are different and not as big early on, they are permanent and you don’t lose them after beating Baal.
  • You can now set free food as favourite.
  • Fixed a few bugs (some exploits, emc monument upgrade cost, some offline issues).

Download free Idling to Rule the Gods patch on PC(steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.