Icarus Update Patch Notes (A New Mission) – Sep 16, 2022

A new Icarus August update is available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Icarus patch notes, the latest update added some performance and UI improvements. Attachments to the game. Apart from this Icarus update 40 also includes a new mission, OPULENCE: Stockpile

Unfortunately, since the last major update, players are facing several issues. Today’s Icarus patch will address a few of these errors.

Also, check Icarus best graphics settings here.

Icarus Patch Notes – September 16, 2022

New Content

  • Added the OPULENCE mission. A wealthy client plans to come see the surface and you’re on preparation duty. You’ll be tasked to seek out some hard-to-find resources, so plan your routes carefully. This is a more upbeat mission than other contracts, so try enjoy the tranquility.
  • Minor tweaks to OPULENCE mission descriptions and requirements
  • Updated quest objectives for OPULENCE to clarify requirements
  • Added new sign variant that can be placed on walls and deployables. Sign text can now switch between several font colours, and small words will scale up to fit available space
  • Added option to display item icons on wooden signs
  • Added localized text to sign UMG
  • Fix texture setting on new small wood sign albedo
  • Fixed deployable sign icon scroll bar stuttering due to invalid data
  • Add icon for new Wall Sign deployable variant
  • Slightly increased mission requirements for OPULENCE. – Lowered ren reward for OPULENCE


  • Move FOV setting to Display
  • Remove hidden and unused Equipment FOV setting
  • Move Lightning Effects setting to Gameplay
  • Rename Disable Lightning Effects to Show Lightning Effects and inverted default value
  • Updates to BPs to support Settings changes
  • Consistency pass on Beam meshes. All beams now use Capsule collision. Horizontal beams have their Walkable Slope increased to prevent player getting caught on them. Tweaked LOD settings
  • Optimized Extermination Sandworm Clue mesh. Fixup redirectors
  • Fixed Inaris Envirosuits missing LODs
  • Add LODs to Black Wolf Knife, tweaked ballistic PA, changed PM from Wood to Bone
  • Add LODs to Arms Armor meshes
  • Fixed issue where fireplace chimney wouldn’t show smoke particle effects when active for clients. Fixed up instances where client initialisation was happening on IcarusBeginPlay (which would never run). ADeployable now has functions that are called when FoundationActor and AttachedDeployableActors are updated
  • Fixed assets which had null material references
  • Tweaked AssetInfo tool Material checking logic
  • Changed DM for Recovery Crashed Ship Defense BP to more optimized version. Delete old version
  • The various rare meat types are now correctly affected by PrimeMeatDropChance_% stat
  • Reimported Styx visual map textures at correct resolution (1024px, was 2049) which allows for streaming to work and reduced further down to 512px to save memory. Should result in ~1GB memory saving
  • Fixed modifier text descriptions on many food items to reflect the provided buffs, notably coconuts pointed out on Discord, thanks!
  • Deployables that support custom rotations can now be temporarily set down while colliding so that the player can orient them into a valid position before placing
  • Glass Jar is now stackable, can only be used for creating other food items, removed ability to fill with water and drink from
  • Converted the chat window to use the optimized widget list system to handle a large amount of chat history
  • Fixed the chat window not fully scrolling down when a new message or notification appeared
  • Fixed bug where highlighting building pieces with the repair tool would cause weather effects to pass through; added a new custom stencil value to be used in cases where we want to highlight a building that needs to also render to the shelter stencil SceneCapture
  • Miscellaneous texture fixups and optimizations
  • Added new on-screen warning text that shows when trying to place a deployable that requires shelter in an unsheltered location. This warning can be disabled in the settings menu
  • Optimization of numerous expensive textures, Pow2 format where applicable
  • Add support for socket snapping to floor buildable pieces for Crop Plots. Note: snapping can be temporarily disabled by Right Clicking during placement
  • Fixing issue where players had access to the the DLC mission talent tree as it was assigned the wrong archetype and not feature locked, this was causing some prospects near the end of the Olympus Mission tree to disappear at various zoom levels
  • Further texture optimizations and settings fixups to reduce memory consumption
  • Ignore collision when deploying crop plots that are snapping
  • Fixed issue with sign icons not saving to database correctly, signs no longer reload blank if they were previously displaying an item icon
  • Fixed an issue causing stockpile ships to be invisible until landed
  • Increased ALCAZAR and decreased BALLISTIC difficulty ratings, this is purely a visual change
  • Fixed a bug where in an inventory if you right click and hit “deploy” on an item (e.g. Crafting Bench) it would show both the inventory and the placing ghost. Now the inventory automatically closes on button press.

Future Content

  • Updated UI to show correct ‘Lead/Stop Leading’ text when interacting with juveniles being tamed. Juveniles don’t walk as far away anymore. Juvenile current action is aborted when new leader is assigned. Added melee damage to Moa. Fixed bug where multiple temporary tames would spawn from one host. Decreased juvenile movement braking speed
  • Edited GL_Cave_Med_03, created cave template assets for cave levels
  • Ice Cave Pass, Arctic Lake Pass and Tundra Landscape Painting, Blue Quad, Prometheus
  • Cliff Pass in Grasslands, Sculpted Landscape, Volcano Crater Pass in GL & Transition Cave GL to LC on Green/Purple Quad, DLC Map
  • Adding M Creature Eating sounds
  • Adding in more M Creature audio layers. Footstep anims, jump and various movement sounds to new anims
  • Adding RDog Roar sounds and event. Close and distant
  • CAVE_AC_Entrance Var2 and Var3 mesh, materials and textures
  • Added 3 variations of Groundcover_A for the lava biome
  • Submitting Fish04 – Piranha – mesh and textures
  • Submitting Fish05 – Speedy – mesh and textures
  • Submitting Fish06 – Glow Fish – mesh and textures
  • Edited GL_Cave_Med_01 and 02 assets materials, created cave template assets for cave levels
  • Orphaned juveniles no longer see nearby player tames as valid parents
  • Can now interact with juvenile creatures to cancel current taming progress
  • LC Macros 2nd pass – reduced tri count from 40ish to 25K, improved UVs + textures, custom LODs
  • Grasslands to Swamp Transition Finished, Transition Cave GL to LC Finished, Lave Lakes Added & Material Updated on Green/Purple Quad, DLC Map
  • Ice Cave Pass, Arctic Lake Pass and Tundra Landscape Painting, Blue Quad, Prometheus
  • Adding Rdog data table setup and sockets
  • Adding in all Rdog footstep notifiers
  • Adding Rdog unique footstep sound and event
  • Added server-wide chat message when mount dies
  • Adjustments to the M creature non mountable jump land volumes
  • Updates to M creature mounted footstep audio
  • Adjusting M creature footstep jump for the Mount. Also some vocal EQ balances and vlume adjustments
  • Adding in more M creature vocalisations and movements to animations etc
  • Adding more M Creature movement sounds. Land sound and adjusting volumes accordingly of footstep event. Re saving Ai table
  • Whitelist audio-specific environmental actors for world generation, enabling sound designers to position certain types of sound-emitting objects in world independently of environmental features
  • Add Jump footstep types to creature audio data and implementation. Enables creatures to play surface-specific jump sounds
  • Added Lava Lake material and setup on datatable
  • Adding in fur mast override for the buffalo and moa mount saddle setup in D_Saddles to cull the fur from clipping through the saddle when equipped, adding in a base Jump anim asset for the buffalo for proof of concept implementation
  • Juvenile creatures now require sleep. Juvenile creatures no longer require shelter. Fixed Juvenile creatures not wanting to eat or sleep without a nearby parent. Fixed mount stamina bar not working for clients. Mount jump and attack now consume stamina. Added Moa saddle. Can no longer ride a mount if holding a focus-locked item (e.g. deer carcass). Fixed bug where first-person rotation limits could be applied when riding a mount. Mounts are now always network-relevant
  • Remove EffectedByWeather from Animal Bed
  • Set Deployable_NoInteract to remove interaction from Animal Bed
  • Remove unncessary name field from Deployables which don’t use Radial options
  • Fixed juvenile taming tooltip not replicating correctly for clients. Fixed juvenile tame’s current leader not being replicated to clients
  • Fix Animal Bed and Trough Meshables and create icons for several missing items
  • Update to Frozen shaders, added NORVT blend, setup on River tool and tweaks on MIs
  • Add LODs to PredatorBird, delete SM version, fixed texture settings
  • Fixed missing LODs on Larkwell Envirosuit assets
  • Add LODs to SwampBird, Fixed texture settings, Add PM define
  • added LODs for the T3 cloth pack
  • Add LODs to Saddle SK meshes
  • Adding LODs to SwampQuad SK, delete SM version, fix texture settings
  • ‘Lead Creature’ tooltip for juveniles now displays which player the creature is currently following (if valid)
  • Audio implementation for geothermal pool BPs. Uses an overlap-controlled audio component as an emitter, but dynamically overrides the audio attenuation distances based on the pool instance’s water plane size so that we can automatically handle different pool shapes and scaling. Extended OverlapAudioComponent functionality to enable attenuation overrides and deferred initialization so that this would work
  • Add LODs to Baby Moa. Set Flesh PM, Fixed texture setting, fixup redirectors
  • Add LODs to Moa, add PMs to materials, fixed texture settings
  • Refactored the river audio proximity parameter setting function (which is used to offset audio volume stacking when there are a bunch of rivers close together) into a generic audio density subsystem which runs more efficiently and can be reused for other systems where the proximity or density of similar audio emitters is relevant
  • Add LODs to RockDog. created Carcass material, removed carcass settings from base material and added Flesh PMs, fixed texture settings
  • Apply physical materials to Terrain_019 landscape layers so we can perform surface checking queries on the landscape for footstep audio etc. First pass, may need some tweaks once landscape painting is done
  • Adding events for Teenage M creature idle, flinch and footsteps
  • Adding Teenage M creature data table entries and nip idle event
  • Adding in base Needler assets, skeletal mesh and all base anims for implementation, awaiting material and texture for final checkin
  • Transition Cave GL to LC Lights Added, Lave MF Updated & Artic Cliff Pass on Green Quad, DLC Map
  • Ice Cave Pass, Arctic Lake Pass, Added Updated Ice Material For Ice Cave Floors, Blue Quad, Prometheus
  • Testing LC ground cover in test scene
  • Test Level Updates
  • Fixed bug where player wasn’t able to dismount tame if they weren’t standing on world landscape
  • Fixed mounts being able to jump while swimming. Improved mount sprint and jump action latency for clients
  • Add biome audio data definitions for new Terrain_019 biomes
  • Fixed engine python install scripts for new computers
  • Artic Cliff Pass, Underwater Cave, Cave Templates & Mo Hideout on Green Quad, DLC Map
  • Ice Cave Pass, Arctic River Pass and Landscape Sculpting, Blue Quad, Prometheus
  • Volcanic Impassables – 01 added, plus LOD6 CAC and normal maps for macros
  • Submitting Needler and Needler carcass – and respective textures
  • Adding Clay, Scoria, Super Cooled Ice, Obsidian, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Clay Bricks, and Shaped Obsidian Resource Items
  • Adding Potatoes and Tomatoes growth states, rewards and seed rows
  • Added 9 variations of LC_Groundcover_B foliage assets to the project
  • LC Impassables – added 02-06 + required mats, assigned 01 to Vista group
  • Adding Cre Swamp-quad idle close and distant layers and event
  • Added Point Lights to the approved world actors list for lighting up lava in caves
  • Set all LC rocks to have no navigation to fix generation issues
  • Adding S Quad Cre Idle breath slosh, death and flinch sounds and events
  • Update Lava Materials and added new textures and controllers
  • Added Sulfur Pool Material to Water Setup Datatable
  • Added riverbanks Lava Lake 1 & Geothermal Pool on Purple Quad, DLC Map
  • Landscape Sculpting, Landscape Painting and Riverbank Pass, Green Quad, Prometheus
  • Landscape sculpting and blending of frozen river, painted cracks and snow, Blue Quad, DLC
  • Adding in S Quad Cre footsteps and event
  • Fixed tranq arrows sometimes duplicating the resulting mount character when temporary taming process completes
  • Fixed out of date function library build validation error
  • Adding foliage to test scene
  • Ice Waterfall Top – prototype mesh added
  • Adding new Exotic Resource Type (Unstable & Stable) and Setting up New Currency and Deposit Nodes
  • Adding Ice Borer Item and hooked up its functionaility so it extracts super-cooled ice from ice nodes
  • Adding Talent and Recipe for Ice Borer Item
  • Adding S Quad Cre Flee sounds and event
  • Adding more foliage to test scene
  • Add audio utility to copy creature footstep anim notifies between anim sequences
  • Add file missing from previous audio utility commit
  • Added 2 new generic mission icons and art. – Updated HIGHRISE art and icon
  • Added new editor tool called WT_FrozenRiver for placing down frozen rivers in the new map
  • Adding Exotic Seed Item, Farming Setup and Growth Stages
  • Adding new Exotic Processing Device, talents, recipes for processing exotics
  • Removed headers in IcarusPlayerCharacter that were causing the build to fail
  • Fixed shield related data table validation failure
  • Landscape Sculpting, Landscape Painting and Riverbank Pass, Green Quad, Prometheus
  • Added Riverbanks Lava Lake 2 & Finished Geothermal Pool on Purple Quad, DLC Map
  • Added option for single side on River side spline tool
  • Added WordPos option and PixelOffset blend on Seracs Shader
  • Adding all Cre S Quad footstep notifiers, data table setups
  • WIP commit of Icewaterfall_Bottom mesh and textures
  • Improving moa jump animation feel and adding in Buffalo Jump for use on the mount, added in check to see if mount in the animnotify to disbale scaling the capsule on Icarus Mount characters
  • Implemented wooden shield item along with shield functionality
  • checking in fur_set_01
  • Removed headers in IcarusPlayerCharacter that were causing the build to fail
  • Fixed shield related data table validation failure
  • Landscape Sculpting, Landscape Painting and Riverbank Pass, Green Quad, Prometheus
  • Added Riverbanks Lava Lake 2 & Finished Geothermal Pool on Purple Quad, DLC Map
  • Added option for single side on River side spline tool
  • Added WordPos option and PixelOffset blend on Seracs Shader
  • Adding all Cre S Quad footstep notifiers, data table setups
  • WIP commit of Icewaterfall_Bottom mesh and textures

Currently, Icarus servers are down on PS(Steam). Check Icarus server status here.

Download free Icarus update on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.