Icarus Update 21 Patch Notes – April 29, 2022

Icarus update (April 29, 2022) is now available to download on PC (Steam) players. According to the official Icarus patch notes, the latest update brings a range of rustic decorations to the carpentry bench for creative prospectors.

Unfortunately, since the last major update, players are facing several issues. Today’s Icarus patch will address a few of these errors.

Also, check Icarus best graphics settings here.

Icarus April 29 Update Patch Notes

New Rustic Decorations

This week is for interior designers. We’re introducing 20 new items to the new ‘Rustic Decor Crafting Bench’ with a distinct rustic theme for you to decorate your bases and turn them into comfortable homes.

The Rustic Decor Crafting Bench will be unlockable from the Crafting Bench at Tier 2, and all the blueprints will come with it, meaning it will only cost you a single point.

All items will be craftable at Tier 2, however the Statue requires Gold, which can only be forged in a Concrete Furnace at Tier 3. It comes in table-mounted and wall-mounted variations.

New Mission

To give you a chance to try out the new Rustic Items, the African Assembly has a new mission requiring you to craft them all. Your briefing is as follows:

HOMESTEAD: Construction

// OPERATOR:African Assembly
// BIOME:Forest
// BACKGROUND:Operator is hosting a VIP investment on Icarus, and requires advanced infrastructure for their guests in the region.
// MISSION:Construct a fully equipped base to Operator specifications.
// TERMS:Flat fee. All resources and construction materials responsibility of the Contractor.

Full Changelog

  • Added a new mission – HOMESTEAD: Construction
    //OPERATOR: African Assembly // BIOME: Forest // BACKGROUND: Operator is hosting a VIP investment on Icarus, and requires advanced infrastructure for their guests in the region. // MISSION: Construct a fully equipped base to Operator specifications. //TERMS: Flat fee. All resources and construction materials responsibility of the Contractor.
  • Added new Rustic Decor Items
    • Rustic Decor Crafting Bench – You’ll need this to craft most of the new pieces.
    • Rustic Bench
    • Rustic Bookshelf
    • Rustic Cabinet
    • Rustic Candles
    • Rustic Coffee Table
    • Rustic 3-Seater Couch
    • Rustic 2-Seater Couch
    • Rustic Dining Chair
    • Rustic Armchair
    • Rustic Nightstand
    • Rustic Pot
    • Rustic Stool
    • Rustic Table
    • Rustic Large Table
    • Rustic Round Table
    • Rustic Wardrobe
    • Rustic Narrow Wardrobe
    • Rustic Icarus Statue
  • Fixed a rare issue where buildings supported by caves and cliffs were breaking when reloading a prospect.
  • Adjusted the lake sound to lower in volume when on an island so it doesn’t feel like you are in the middle of the water.
  • Fixed an issue where ambient audio transitions could sound jarring between the Desert and Arctic biomes.
  • Fixed some naming inconsistencies and spelling issues on talents.
  • Fixed deep mining drills not saving their active state when walking out of range or logging out.
  • Fixed damage over time effects not awarding credit for killing the target (i.e. no experience rewarded for kills with poison).

Currently, Icarus servers are down on PS(Steam). Check Icarus server status here.

Download free Icarus update for PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.