Icarus July 29 Update Patch Notes (Black Wolf Boss)

A new Icarus July update is rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Icarus patch notes, the latest update added Black Wolf Boss and a long list of bug fixes.

Unfortunately, since the last major update, players are facing several issues. Today’s Icarus patch will address a few of these errors.

Also, check Icarus best graphics settings here.

Icarus Patch Notes – July 29, 2022


  • Adding base implementation of Alpha Wolf World boss spawner BP and entry int D_WorldBosses for spawning in world
  • Added first implementation of Alpha Wolf World Boss spawner BP
  • Added new combat dodging to Follower Wolves and Alpha Wolf. Improved Wolf LookAt anims when dodging
  • Black Wolf: EXTERMINATION, Adding base implementation for Alpha Wolf world boss mission Blueprints and corresponding DT entries. Player will have to hunt Black wolf world bosses and collect teeth to unlock new Balck Wolf knife and arrow. Currently quest points to scorpion item to complete, will switch over once new item entries are in
  • Added Alpha Wolf boss icon onto D_MapIcons and applied it to AlphaWolf on D_WorldBosses
  • Adding in Black Wolf Knife, Black Wolf Tooth and Black Wolf Arrow Data table entries to use with the Alpha Wolf world boss extermination mission. Items are gated behind item specific character flag which is granted to the players when the required mission step to craft the items is reached, updated the mission steps to point to the new Wolf items instead of the scorpion items that were there as a place holder
  • Updated name and description for LUPINE extermination mission
  • Updated names and descriptions for new mission itemsAdded Black Wolf Arrow and Black Wolf Knife Icons into D_Itemable
  • LUPINE: Extermination, Reordering final quest steps in Parent BP so return to dropship is after the Optional craft quest stages, fixed the black wolf arrow not working with bows by assigning it as a valid ammo type in D_FirearmData, fixed the wolves getting stuck on the dens when emegerging by ensuring multiple dens weren’t spawning on top of one another when randomly selecting which dens to spawn, fixed the black wolf knife not having a valid skeleton due to a missed commit
  • Adding a new modifier – Hemorrhage – which deals damage periodically to whatever object it is attached to, more damage is dealt when the object is moving, it can be cured via a sutcher kit. Adding new stats for Afflicting and Resisting Hemorrhage. Applying 25% change for Alpha wolf to inflict Hemorrhage when attacking
  • Added Black Wolf Tooth Icon into d_Itemable
  • LUPINE: Extermination, updating faction mission reward for the mission and setting mission timer to 5 hours
  • Adding debug visualizer for den placement in editor to assist with the black wolf world boss spawning, a sphere will show approximate room needed to accomodate all of the dens for when the BP is toggled as a preview actor on the boss spawn locations
  • LUPINE: Extermination,adding correct talent as a reward for completing the mission, previously was none, now it rewards the D_Extermination prospect talent
  • Adding wolf howl summon event tailored for updated mission spawns
  • Alpha Wolf World Boss followers no longer spawn once boss is killed. Alpha Wolf Dens now limit possible follower spawn locations to nearby dens only (75m) instead of all den locations
  • Adding Stats and Setup for Minor Hemorrhage Modifier so it can be applied on attacks like the normal Hemorrhage modifier
  • Adjusting the close layer of the wolf howl on follower summon to be more appropriate for the event
  • Play wolf howl audio cue when alpha wolf world boss spawns pack of wolf followers
  • Adding in Black wolf world boss spawn locations in STYX and defined spawn ranges in the different styx prospects, they range from a minimum of 0 to a max of 7 potential spawns in any one prospect. Added a culling volume to the world boss wolf spawner which removes foliage actors at the den location to assist with an unobstructed fighting ground clear of trees and bushes, hooked up new mission art to the Lupine Extermination
  • Adding wolf dodge audio and event and adding it to the animations
  • Adding player specific Minon Hemorrhage to add to the black wolf knives that do less damage but stack higher than the boss specific version which does more damage but lower stack count, lowered the chance that the boss applies hemorrhage on attack by 10%, replaced the mesh for the black wolf tooth from the placeholder scale to a generic item mesh, tweaked the wolf world boss spawner den amount to be a range depending on prospect difficulty as opposed to a static value
  • Adding wolf dodge audio and event and adding it to the animations
  • Adjusting the close layer of the wolf howl on follower summon to be more appropriate for the event
  • LUPINE: Extermination: Adding in briefing and landing dialogue for the mission to better suit it being an extermination
  • Adding Character Flag to LUPIN: Extermination faction Mission Reward so item recipes are reward and the unlock display is shown on the prospect selection screen


  • Having too many buffs active at once pushes your character to the side in the inventory screen
  • Wapped UMG_InventoryStatusBox in a horziontal scroll panel
  • Adjusted weighting on UMG_MainInventory to keep main layout nice when box fills
  • Accolade has incorrect title and description compared to game unlock
  • Corrected accolade title and description for aluminum construction
  • Update to tree cover parameter, more representative of the area surrounding the player
  • Missions where the radar is invulnerable will now keep the radar invulnerable on relaunch
  • Fixed an issue where armor recipes say they are crafted at an Armor Bench instead of the Textile bench. Visual only change
  • Turn off tree audio debug printing accidentally left on
  • Adjustments to the cave reverb / delay. Making it more prominant while you are entering the cave and lower level details now have more cave vibe
  • Fix fillable deployables not being emptied when destroyed by their floor being removed
  • Removed prior fix specific to BP_RainReservior
  • Add generic fix to BP_DeployableBase (pickup and foundation destroyed)
  • Fixed bug where when a player was spawned into a new or existing prospect a level up widget would pop up showing how many Talent/Solo/Blueprint points you gained from your last level. Also the level up popup no longer shows +0 talent points past level 50
  • Fixed the order of sockets on the Oxite Dissolver so the 3d space appears the same as the UI order
  • Adjusting internal reverbs to better accomodate for different size structures. Smaller rooms will feel smaller, bigger rooms will feel much bigger with longer reverb decays
  • GOAP setup table can now specify custom behaviour trees to be injected into actions that support it. Added some placeholder dodge mechanics for Wolves during combat. Fixed a bug where IcarusCreatureAnimInstance wasn’t correctly identifing when a target actor was ‘in view’ when determining LookAt values
  • Added first implementation of new ItemCreator wizard
  • Adding some shotgun gun tails for internal rooms and caves. Also adjustments to how the reverb works so that internal reverb reduces based on sheltered amount to avoid odd situations where it could sound overly large
  • Adjustments to gun internal tail conditions. Plays for local player only to avoid oddities
  • Adding in more gun tails. Will need finessing
  • Adding more gun tails for internal rooms and caves. Finessing volumes etc
  • Balance tweaks to internal gun tails. Swapped out pistol tail to be more in unison with other guns. Adjusted volume to be appropriate for the weapon
  • Adjusting logic for gun tails to paly correctly in first and third person when in shelter inside a cave. Small balance tweaks to volumes of the tails
  • Create new delegate on stat container that fires when stats of a certain category are updated
  • Add check to prevent potential editor crash when dereferencing river spline mesh, which seems to occur if exiting PIE when world is still loading
  • Update player audio shelter functions to return surface audio reflection data, and use it to set corresponding new FMOD parameters. Enables us to adjust the sound of indoor reverb when players are in structures made of different material types
  • Fixed name of Interior Wood Halfpitch and Halfpiece, so they are no longer refered to as Refined Wood Halfpitch and Halfpiece respectively
  • Fixed a typo in Wine wine text
  • Glass Doors / Windows and Other Deployables can now be crafted with the Reinforced Alteration when crafting on the glassworking bench with an active water resource connection
  • Fixing Issue where any Alterations crafted onto building pieces that after placement were not being saved in the game save correctly, players can now craft buildings with alterations like ‘Reinforced Glass’ and have the alterations (example ‘Reinforced’) exist on their placed building pieces when reloading a prospect save
  • Fixed an issue causing the Meta Extractor powersource icon to not show in the Fuel UI
  • Fix texture setting on pebbles texture causing shader to not compile
  • Fixed issue where all stackable items could duplicate an unlimited amount of time, ensure slot is refreshed to sync BP variables when all slots are filled
  • Collision fixes for various Assets
  • Fixed some cases where SK wasn’t assigned PhysicsAsset
  • CollisionChecker tool now ignores ComplexAsSimple assets which can’t be simulated on
  • Fixed rifle not having correct play logic for internal room tail causing it to not play in first person
  • Deep Ore Deposits tooltips now show their ore type to help accessibility for color blind players
  • Fix logic mistake in previous commit 99013 which broke player character footstep sounds
  • Change BP_Farming_Plot_Base from BeginPlay to IcarusBeginPlayto correct serialization order of events
  • Fixed an issue preventing angled walls to be upgraded to or from glass and aluminium
  • Fixed Hard Axe talent not applying durability alteration to crafted axes
  • Fixing issue where Deep Mining Ore Deposits highlightable components where set up incorrectly and displaying the wrong information, Deep Mining Ore Deposits In World Popups will now reflect the state of the object correctly
  • Fixed Hard Axe talent not applying durability alteration to crafted axes
  • Adding Character Flag to LUPIN: Extermination faction Mission Reward so item recipes are reward and the unlock display is shown on the prospect selection screen
  • Fixed an issue preventing angled walls to be upgraded to or from glass and aluminium
  • Adding Stats and Setup for Minor Hemorrhage Modifier so it can be applied on attacks like the normal Hemorrhage modifier
  • Fixed Alpha Wolf and Scorpion World Boss Spawners from duplicating on prospect reload. Added BP data validation to AWorldBossSpawner to prevent RecorderComponentClass from being set. Fixed issue where WorldBossManager had a chance to generate new world bosses before existing prospect save state was succesfully reloaded. Fixed Alpha Wolf Boss Character from sometimes walking towards target instead of running
  • We’re now fetching driver information for AMD cards with a more reliable method – this will fix the Out-of-date Notification showing for some AMD cards that were already up-to-date
  • Fixing issue where Deep Mining Ore Deposits highlightable components where set up incorrectly and displaying the wrong information, Deep Mining Ore Deposits In World Popups will now reflect the state of the object correctly
  • Fixed Arctic Scorpion variants using wrong corpse actor, and stopped them from being carryable. Increased Black Wolf Knife durability and made it repairable with Wolf Tooth
  • Fixed Alpha Wolf World Boss not being tethered to it’s spawn location (and not returning to it when drawn away by player). Increased player distance at which ambient follower wolves spawn from Alpha Wolf World Boss Dens from 60m -> 100m. Fixed Arctic Scorpion locomotion anim speed & head blocker collider being incorrectly scaled. Reduced turn rate of Arctic Scorpion

Future Content

  • Decal LC LavaCracks – first pass textures
  • Landscape Material changes for Swamp and Lava, Textures Optimizations, Grasss type setup and MI setup for DLC1 map
  • First implementation of new critical hit system prototype. Critical hits now governed by explicit ‘critical areas’, these are defined by primitive colliders of any type attached to animating mesh in Character BP
  • Fix LC cliffside texture on MI_Landscape_DLC1
  • Inner Impassable Blockout, All Quads, Prometheus
  • Added SW_GrassA
  • FT_D_LavaCracks – added FT and material
  • FT_D_LC_SulfurPatch – first pass
  • FT_D_LC_ErosionRockBlend – first pass
  • Color tweaks to LC_Sand textures
  • FT_D_SW Moss variants – first pass
  • Flushed grass on Terrain_017, Outpost_002, Outpost_003, Outpost_004, Outpost_006 & Outpost_007
  • Flushed grass on Terrain_16, Outpost_01, Outpost_05
  • Finished CAVE_LC_MED_001, Added cave voxels & cave worms
  • Decal_LC_PlantDebris – first pass
  • Decal_LC_FlatRock – first pass
  • Decal_LC_DirtDebris – first pass
  • Impassibles and Macro cliff pass, Green and Blue quads, Prometheus
  • Impassable and Macro Cliff Pass, Red Quad, Prometheus
  • Added 3 variants of SW_Bramble_A to the project
  • Adjusted normal strength settings on billboards for SW_GrassA
  • Submitting Armadillodoge, carcass and respective textures
  • Imapssibles and Macro Cliff Pass, Landscape sculpting in Green Quad, and blending landscape between Red and Green Quad, Prometheus
  • Impassable, Macro Cliffs and Caves Added to Swamp on Blue Quad, DLC Map
  • Impassable, Macro Cliff Pass And Transition Cave Blockout, Red Quad, Prometheus
  • Added 3 variants of Bramble_C plant to project
  • Tweak Mask compression and fade mask on MA_tree_v2
  • Added Mask option to fade on MA_Tree_v2
  • Added larkwell suit sk meshes for testing
  • Added larkwell suit materials and textures
  • Added Color Fade and Top Darken function for MA_Tree_v2
  • Added SW_LichenA with 4 variants
  • Updated new critical hit system to support picking from multiple simultaneous area overlaps using a DT-defined priority in the future
  • Added CF_Aspen_Var1 as a test for Grass Plains biome for DLC
  • First pass on LC_LavaCold meshes 01-03
  • Added 3 variants of Bramble_D bush to the project
  • Removing Attachments Bench and Combining into Alterations Bench, Adding a T3 & T4 Alterations Bench, Adding 22 Attachments for Melee Tools, Adding Various Alterations required for the new Attachments, Setting up Tag Queries for Attachment slots so specific attachments can only go into certain tool attachment slots, added crafting recipes for the new attachments, updating prototype UI and interactions so that both crafting and altering items can be performed on the same bench at the same time
  • Fix billboard for CF_Aspen Tree
  • Imapssibles clean up, Macro Cliff pass in vulcanic biome, landscape sculpting and added water bodies around Tundra biome, Green Quad, Prometheus
  • Impassable, Macro Cliff Pass And Transition Cave Blockout, Red Quad, Prometheus
  • Impassable, Macro Cliffs and Caves Added to Swamp on Blue Quad, DLC Map
  • Updated Ponga trees with latest LODs, tweaked wind settings and added collisions
  • Submitted asset SM_DCO_StatueHyena_Bronze, created material and added textures
  • Decal LC ErosionRockBlend – tweaks to scree textures
  • Decal LC Plant debris – tweaks to FT and albedo
  • First pass on LC LavaCold meshes 04-07
  • Apply a range of audio system fixes and refactors which will be required for dedicated server compatibility
  • Main FMOD integration library function which is used to instantiate audio components will now return null if world is inaudible
  • Most audio behaviour components and actors will be prevented from initialising and binding to events etc. for dedicated server
  • Added a bunch of checks to prevent unnecessary audio-only behaviours from running on dedicated servers
  • Refactored some classes to separate server and client functionality more explicitly to enable the above checks to be performed
  • Refactored some logic which assumed that the server could check FMOD runtime data, which a dedicated server cannot
  • Improved the processing speed of the firepit to be a middle ground between the campfire and fireplace
  • Fixed CF Sandbanks LOD going from wet to dry, also added Specular/Roughness control to Rock LOD Material
  • Added subsurface RVT blend funtion to vegetation, setup swamp grass/moss types and tweaked color/blending for their shaders and billboards
  • Adding new skinned inaris suit mesh
  • Adding crashed satellite audio and event. Not currently hooked up to any blueprints
  • Added Swamp water to datatable D_WaterSetup
  • Adding new skinned female inaris suit mesh
  • SW_Tree_SML_Dead mesh and textures
  • Impassable, Macro Cliff Pass And Transition Cave Blockout, Red Quad, Prometheus
  • Impassable, Macro Cliffs and Caves Added to Swamp on Blue Quad, DLC Map
  • Added Macro Cliffs in Vulcanic biomes, landscape sclpting in Arctic and Conifer biomes and added rivers and lakes in Grassy Plains, Green Quad, Prometheus
  • fixed skinning for the larkwell suit
  • Fixed Terrain 019 crashing during world generation
  • Added test prospect setup and updated minimap for Terrain 019
  • Fix invalid critical hit area enum value in GOAP character GetCriticalHitAreas function which may have affected default critical area functionality for creature head sockets
  • LC Macro 04 – first pass
  • Double checking and fixing any incorrect cave context parameters on creatures and ambient creatures. This ensures external creatures should not be audible when the player is deep in a cave
  • Adding second variation of crashed satellite audio for better variation
  • Second pass of audio system fixes for dedicated server compatibility on various classes:
  • Includes weather, fire, dropship, dialogue, footstep, particle emitter audio
  • Mostly just disabling audio-specific functions or component initialisation where required
  • Removed the unnecessary replication of DialogueManager, and instead let each client spawn their own
  • Alteration Bench will now create an item attachment inventory if one does not already exist, Adding Attachment slots T2/3/4 melee tools, fixing up Alteration Bench UI so it draws from the correct inventory, Exposing functions in the InventoryContainerManager so they may be called and inventories created via BP, Tidied up Alteration Bench UI so it reflects the states of the Alteration Bench, You can now Alter Items by Adding and Removing Attachments at the alteration bench, the Attachment and Removal process currently takes 10 seconds each
  • Impassable, Macro Cliff Pass And Transition Cave Blockout, Red Quad, Prometheus
  • Landscape sculpting, water bodies placement and river spline adjustments, Green Quad, DLC
  • Add/Improve LODs on various assets
  • Added HIGHRISE to the prospect list for testing

Currently, Icarus servers are down on PS(Steam). Check Icarus server status here.

Download free Icarus update for PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.