Icarus Feb. 10 Update Patch Notes Details

A new Icarus update is rolling on PC (Steam). According to the official Icarus patch notes, the latest update adds a new Thumper to the game. Apart from this, the Icarus patch also includes a long list of bug fixes and changes.

Unfortunately, since the last major update, players are facing several issues. Today’s Icarus patch will address a few of these errors.

Also, check Icarus best graphics settings here.

Icarus Patch Notes – February 10, 2023

New Content

  • Adding in pass on landshark tweaks and swapping out thumper mesh for proper version, adding in entries for unique projectile for landshark with modifiers to be hooked up
  • Added power connection requirement to thumper. Set up animations and placeholder VFX/Screen Shake on thumper
  • Adding audio to the thumper
  • Updating Thumper Name and Description
  • Adding Talent for Thumper and Unlocking Recipe
  • Adjusting Thumper Minimum Time and adding ability for players to Pause the Thumper
  • Added Thumper icon to D_Itemable
  • Adding back context for Thumper device and hooking up to D_Meshables
  • Adjustments to Thumper VFX, add working and final thump NS
  • Adding in unique modifier for the landshark spit poison and adding in telegraphing for the dive attacks
  • Added new in-world tooltip for Thumper
  • Added ability to override default tooltip widget class
  • Increased recipe cost of Thumper device
  • Increase carry weight of the Thumper Device to do its size justice
  • Added retreat death animation to LandShark. Added ‘risk level’ info to Thumper tooltip that gives an indication of how difficult the process will be. Added Thumper-related UMG text to ST_UMG. Doubled health of LandShark. Thumper now cleans up dead worms
  • Thumper device no longer affected by weather
  • Fixed bug where regenerated voxels would need to be manually updated by mining them to force their mesh to update to the ‘reset’ visual state
  • Increased initial connection timeouts for all net drivers to 3 minutes to reduce potential connection issues with joining dedicated servers
  • Increased initial connection time out to 3 minutes. This should reduce cases of error 61’s when trying to join a server
  • Fixed bug where a prospector dying in one prospect then beginning a new prospect would cause the prospector to drop in an already dead state
  • Updating landshark dive attack audio to be more appropriate for an attack
  • Fixing normal issue due to Unreal Computing normals instead of manually importing then with the Skeletal Mesh
  • Added a reset to the DBNO logging on death
  • Making unique asset for the Landshark death to use correct audio, upped the damage of its projectiles slightly and added in stamina action cost to the poison modifier
  • Increase radius on Thumper screenshake effect from 10m to 15m
  • Changing the Landshark ranged modifier to be cured with antibbiotics and added a modifier to the dive attack
  • Adding unique landshark death movement event to sync up with new death animation. Adding notifier
  • Optimize Thumper GroundImpact effect
  • Adding heavy metal deploy sound to Thumper
  • Added more logging and fixed another case where auto-retry joining was failing during an error 65
  • Increased thumper effect radius.
  • Added map icon and radius to indicate thumper location & effect radius.
  • Thumper tooltip now displays voxel count instead of raw resource count.
  • Increased maximum thumper event duration.
  • Increased maximum LandShark spawn count per event.
  • Fixed bug where LandShark dive attack could a target twice.
  • Thumper is now deactivated when it takes 20% total health damage (since last activation)
  • Fixed extraction mission progression blocker UI presentation and detection steps.
  • Fixed hidden sort UI to not hide title of container.
  • LandShark dive now has a chance to apply a new modifier debuff.
  • Increased resource count to reach maximum thumper difficulty again, increased maximum number of land sharks at highest difficulty.
  • Added new pulse material effect when first placing thumper down
  • Added a more suitable specific soundset and event for the landshark dive.
  • Adjusted timing of notifiers
  • Added a more suitable specific soundset and event for the landshark dive. Adjusted timing of notifiers
  • Fixed issue where AI running on behaviour trees (LandShark, ScorpionBoss, SandWorm) weren’t correctly removing their attack stats after attack animation finishes
  • Land Shark boss melee attack: Fixed blood thinning paste not applying to the debuff duration
  • Land Shark boss spit attack: Lowered the movement speed and physical resistance penalties, increased the stamina action cost penalty
  • Thumper: Removed glass from recipe cost
  • Fixed a typo in the Thumper description


  • Fixed issue where deployables in pre-built structures wouldn’t load in correctly
  • Fixing all affliction trigger percent chance stats and affliction triggers so that resistance reduces the chance of getting an affliction instead of increasing it (Cave Dwweller Alteration is now Fixed)
  • Adding Cheat for Triggering Afflictions
  • Fixes for client-side replication of regenerated voxel rocks. Voxels that have been regenerated into a new resource type now have their new type replicated to clients correctly. Re-enabled support for reinitialisation on mineral voxels
  • Fixed bug where venomous fish would continue to be able to attack the player after they had left the water
  • Added temporary logging for testing if camera movement is being allowed on death
  • Fix an issue where the weather forecast would reset the pattern index if saved, then loaded, then saved, then loaded after the initial forecast, past the first block and save/load/save/load during the same block

Future Content

  • Painted Yeast Plant and Reed Flowers in Swamp biome, pt2 Purple Quad, DLC
  • Adding Ponga Audio, event and data table entry
  • Fixed GeothermalSplines 2nd layer being generated multiple times
  • Finished Leveling Out Landscape Under Lava Rivers/Lake on P2 Area Purple Quad, DLC Map
  • Small adjustments to lava hunter notify timings
  • Tonal adjustments to a few of the lava hunter layers
  • Update Prometheus map image textures to reflect world changes and fix missing lava rivers. Texture settings fudged to alleviate dark image output prior to final art pass
  • Update Prometheus heightmap image textures to reflect changes to world layout. Ensured settings match Oly/Styx
  • Collision, LODs, optimization of SW, TU, GL Cliff meshes and materials
  • UnPainted Yeast Plant and Reed Flowers, Added Mushroom on Hollow Trunks Purple Quad, DLC
  • Foliage pass on Blue and Green Quads and Added Multiple New PFS Prometheus
  • Painted Green Tea in Swamp biome, Wild Tea and Cocoa in Lava biome, pt2 Purple Quad, DLC
  • Adding Lava Hunter vomit start sounds, event and notify
  • Update GOAPDebugger to output Relationship data
  • BatDogs are no longer hostile towards other AI types
  • Adding lava hunter vomit loop, event and anim loop notify
  • Transition Cave P1-P2 Set Dressing & fixing bugs on purple on Purple Quad, DLC Map
  • Foliage pass on Blue and Green Quads, Prometheus
  • Remove ProjectionLocation component from Flax BPs
  • Correct LOD settings on numerous Prometheus foliage assets to fix meshes from billboarding way too soon
  • Adding additional vomit throat gargle layer for lava hunter
  • convex hull collision for SW, GL, TU Macro Top meshes
  • Painted Beans and Cocoa in Lava biome, pt2 Purple Quad, DLC
  • Cleand up and re-painted breakeable Obsedian closer to lava and Scoria more in-land around p2, Purple Quad, DLC
  • SW Cliffs – re-imported Cliff_03 (SW, GL, TU) to fix positioning in map
  • Initial partial pass for Generated LODs for Prometheus. Still very much WIP
  • Fixed fishing trap using an invalid inventory id (none)
  • Polish pass on thumper audio
  • Added ability to collapse the log window with the Escape key and added Logging to the server lobby window
  • convex hull collision for SW, TU, GL macro meshes
  • Weather Device VFX Prototype
  • Adding Lavahunter Roar sounds, event and data table entry
  • Transition Cave P1-P2 Set Dressing & Decal Pass in P1 Area on Purple Quad, DLC Map
  • Adding Lava Hunter Attack sounds and data table and anim notifys
  • Reduced The Amount of Aloe Vera On the map and Continued With Foliage Pass, Blue and Green Quad, Prometheus

Currently, Icarus servers are down on PS(Steam). Check Icarus server status here.

Download free Icarus update on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.