Hunt Showdown Update 1.7.2 Patch Notes (Official) – January 27, 2022

Hunt Showdown update 1.7.2 is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Hunt Showdown patch notes, the latest update addressed performance and textures issues. Apart from this, today’s Hunt Showdown patch 1.7.2 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a major update added reconnect support, a new weapon (Berthier Mle 92), new traits, and much more.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Hunt Showdown patch 1.7.2 will fix a few of these issues.

Hunt Showdown patch notes 1.7.2 (Updated) – January 27, 2022

  • Implemented several dedicated server performance improvements tied to the AI cast.
  • Crouch-walking over broken glass/cans is now slightly louder than crouch-walking on other surfaces. This sound is audible at roughly 25m.
Friendly Fire
  • The damage reduction from explosives to yourself and teammates has been removed.
  • This means damage from the following is applied to you and your teammates as normal:
    • Dynamite (sticks and bundles)
    • Explosive ammo (including Explosive crossbow bolts)
    • Red Barrels
    • Bomb lance splash Damage
Developer note:

Recently, we have seen an increase in players attempting to exploit the friendly-fire damage reduction. Due to this, we have decided to remove friendly fire/self-damage reduction that we had previously introduced to the game. This means that you will need to be far more careful when using explosives near your teammates as they will now take the exact same amount of damage as enemy players.

Bounty Revive
  • Increased the damage dealt when reviving a red-skulled teammate with the bounty from 25 to 50 HP.
    • Players performing this revive will not be able to kill themselves accidentally. If you have 50HP or less while performing this revive, it will stop at 1HP but will still finish the revive process.
Developer note:

The bounty revive mechanic was introduced to give an advantage to those that play the objective. We are very pleased with this feature overall, but we must acknowledge that it can potentially create some difficult situations, especially for solo players taking on teams.

Increasing this damage to the size of a big health chunk will ensure that at some point, the reviving player will run out of healing regardless of the health chunk configuration, which results in the reviving player becoming just as vulnerable as the teammate they are reviving. This should give solo players a much better chance to even out the odds during a fight.

We will continue to monitor the feedback around these changes and if need be, will make further adjustments in the future.

Hunting Bow
  • Increased the damage dealt when the bow is at minimum draw.
    • This means that performing a quick shot by tapping the fire button with inflict more damage to enemies.
  • Increased the damage multiplier of the Basic Arrow against Grunts and Hellhounds.
    • This will increase the chances of performing a OHK on these enemies.
    • Hitting these enemies at center mass from 15m will have a much higher chance of performing a OHK (one hit kill).
Developer note:

While we feel the Bow is in a good position in the current meta, we still want to give it some more general utility so that it remains a viable option in most situations. These adjustments will ensure that it is slightly more versatile for both PvE and PvP encounters.

Dragon Breath Custom Ammo Type
  • Increased the damage across all barrel lengths to improve the chance of landing a one hit kill (OHK). The OHK ranges for Dragonbreath are as follows:
    • Long and medium Barrel: 5-6m
    • Short Barrel: 3-4m
Developer note:

It’s important to note that a OHK at these ranges is still not a guarantee. A solid hit with the majority of pellets from this shell will still be required to ensure the OHK.

Winfield 1873 Full Metal Jacket ammo
  • New Custom ammo type available for the Winfield 1873 and Winfield 1873c:
    • Similar in function to other FMJ ammo types, this increases wall penetration and the effective range.
    • Price – $35
Higher Rate of Fire weapon changes (Dual Wield, Levering and Fanning)
  • Significantly increased the recoil for all pairs of Dual wield pistols making it harder to reacquire your target for a follow-up shot.
  • Dual wielding, fanning, and levering no longer benefit from an accuracy bonus while crouching.
Developer note:

We know that there has been some friction within the community regarding these high rate of fire options, but we are hoping these changes will help to alleviate some of these frustrations. These changes are aimed at ensuring these options require a lot more skill to use. The extra recoil for Dual wielding will ensure players need to use more control and trigger discipline while using them. We feel that these changes will ensure that it is a bit harder for players to fall victim to an ambush from shots from Dual wielding, fanning, and levering.

Explosive Crossbow adjustments
  • Significantly reduced the aim-punch that occurs when hit by the blast of an Explosive bolt. This means you will encounter much less screen movement when caught in the area of effect.
  • Reduced the spare ammo for Explosive bolts to ¼ (previously 1/6).
  • Slightly increased the hip fire spread for Explosives bolts.
Developer note:

We feel that overall, the Explosive crossbow is in a good spot in the meta, however we have seen several exploitive strategies appear (primarily on console) which means some changes are required. Along with the explosive changes mentioned in an earlier dev note, these changes are aimed at reducing some of the pain points that are experience, mostly from our console community. We also hope that by reducing the aim-punch this will give players a chance to reach quicker when caught in the explosion.

Trip Mines
  • Poison Trip mines now produce a poison cloud that persists for 30 seconds.
    • When triggered, a more intense level of poison will be applied to the player that set it off.
  • Alert Trip mines will now deal a small amount of burning damage to players (slight charcoal of your health bar).
  • Alert Trip mines can no longer be triggered when placed in water.
Developer note:

These changes are aimed at bringing these trip mines more in line with the Concertina Trip mine in terms of its effectiveness in a defensive role, ensure that all traps have roughly the same level of potential.

Poison Trip Mines will now produce a lasting effect meaning attackers will require a higher level of commitment if they want to push defenders. Triggering these mines is no longer a trivial matter due to these changes. This means defenders can capitalize on the attacker’s mistake, especially if the attacker commits to the fight and remains near the trap instead of retreating to a different location.

Alert Trip mines will now burn a small amount of health when triggered (charcoal effect to a small portion of the first health chunk). Two Alert Trip mines in proximity will be enough to set a Hunter on fire making them a far more effective tool, and not just when used near Red Barrels.

Happy trapping and stay vigilant!

  • Decoys will now produce a “footstep” sound. This sound will vary depending on the surface they hit to keep them in line with the standard footstep audio.
  • The sound generated will behave exactly like a footstep of an enemy Hunter.
  • Equipping, unequipping and throwing decoys is now less audible to other Hunters
Developer note:

Decoys have struggled to find a solid place in players inventories, especially when compared with the usability of its cousins the Blankfire decoys, Decoy Fuses and Chaos Bomb. Selecting Decoys meant that you have a lot more of them to throw around, but the practical use was rather limited as experienced players would easily notice the attempted deception based on the sound they produced.

We want Decoys to be more useful when enemies are close by, giving you a chance to use them more reliably to create confusion. We have opted to change the impact sound from the generic metallic sound to something that represented the sound of footsteps.

Players can now decide if they want to use them to trigger sound traps (Dogs, birds etc), trigger AI to provide a distraction or by using them to deceive enemy Hunters, especially in those high-tension moments such as approaching or defending a Boss lair.

Regional prices for Blood bonds packs on Steam
  • Applied local prices for Blood Bond packs on Steam for all currently supported regions
Animal Sound Traps
  • Horses are now audible at further ranges bringing them in line with other animal sound traps.
    • Due to a bug, the Horse audio was only audible at up to 80m which has now been rectified.
    • Horses will take a longer time to de-escalate from their “aggro” state after they have been alerted.
  • Horses will now always be one shot to throwing axes regardless of where you hit the horse, bringing the damage to horses more in line with other powerful “one shot” attacks.
Doors and Windows Rendering Exploit
  • Fixed an exploit tied to the rendering of windows and doors. It is no longer possible to tell if others have visited a compound based on whether the doors and windows have rendered or not.
    • Doors and windows will now only be determined by how close you are to the compound and is no longer impacted by other players visiting a compound first.
Developer note:

This exploit was the result of a bug and was not intended by the team. We have been attempting to track down this bug for quite a while and have now found a good solution to this problem. From now on, it will no longer be possible to draw conclusion about other players and their presence in a nearby compounds based on whether the doors and windows have rendered in or not.

  • Added the Berthier Carbine Deadeye variant for $388
  • Added the Scottfield Model 3 Spitfire variant for $108
  • Added the Scottfield Model 3 Precision variant for $85
  • Added the Scottfield Model 3 Swift variant for $95
  • Added the Winfield 1873 Full Metal Jacket ammo for $35
  • Added the Winfield 1873c Full Metal Jacket ammo for $35
  • Slightly reduced the modifier given when selling equipment.
    • From 80% to 50%.
New Legendary Weapons
Winfield M1873 Musket Bayonet “Patre” for 800 BB.
  • “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Unholy spirit, Hunters christen and cleanse the Bayou with the shot of this Winfield M1873 Bayonet. “
Flare Pistol “Death’s Beacon” for 400BB.
  • “Against a dark sky, this Flare Pistol blazes its foreboding message to Death, marking the next place from which souls need be collected, and graves dug. “
Romero 77 Talon “Maelstrom” for 700BB
  • “Get caught in the Maelstrom and you will be crushed in the stream of its current – sailor’s curse and Hunter’s dream – a tide of devastating shots.”
Bornheim No. 3 Match “Mockingbird” for 800BB
  • “It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird, but it’s no sin to kill a monster, and the call from this Bornheim No. 3 Match mimics the torment of its victims with every shrill cry from its deadly barrel. “

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue on consoles that resulted in specific Hunter skins have a very low texture resolution.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a few second of a delay when switching weapons in case where the weapon switch is triggered by the auto-switch (e.g. using a grenade and once thrown it auto switches back to your gun).
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in not being able to hear the Hive swarm in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Horses to only be audible below 80m.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Hive swarms to pass through windows and doors when they were closed just as the swarm is about to pass through.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Butcher to get stuck on the pig’s head.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to switch away from a cooking throwable, effectively faking a throw (Only applies to controllers)
  • Fixed a bug where choke bombs would not extinguish horses that were on fire.
  • Fixed a spot near a group of barrels in Blanc Brinery where players could potentially become stuck.
  • Fixed a spot near some hay bales in Windy Run where players could potentially become stuck.
  • Fixed a hole in the roof of Maw Battery that could give players and unfair advantage.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some sliding gates having a gap that could provide an unfair advantage.
  • Fixed an issue tied to the rendering of windows and doors. It is no longer possible to determine if other players have been present in the compound.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Frag and Flash bombs to sink instead of floating on top of the water.
  • Fixed a bug that caused explosives to explode when directly hit with a choke bomb, instead of defusing it as intended (does not apply to waxed dynamite).
  • Fixed a bug where fuses would remain active when thrown through the choke bomb cloud.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a loud sound to be heard when retrieving items such as knives, bolts an axes. The audio for this should now return to normal.
  • Fixed an issue with the Martini Henry, where players could become stuck in the scop animation when releasing aim directly after firing a shot.
  • Continued maintenance on naming and translations of Legendary weapons.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck when starting the game.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the store sorting to reset when switch tabs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the random contract description to appear behind the searching for match banner when joining a quickplay match.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the confirmation pop-up from appearing, when the last man standing attempts to “leave the match” through the esc menu. A pop up should now appear asking if you wish to confirm leaving.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the bounty Lightning strikes from the previous round to briefly appear on the map of your current match.

Performance issues:

Addressed FPS drops, stuttering, and performance issues.

Addressed a bug where compounds not loading fix.

Fixed low-resolution textures.

Download free Hunt Showdown update 1.7.2 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.