Hunt Showdown 1.07 PS4 Update Details (May 29, 2020)

Hunt Showdown 1.07 PS4 update (v1.3.1) details (May 29, 2020) is now available for PS4 players. According to the official Hunt Showdown 1.07 changelog, the latest update resolves issues related to crashing and missing assets. Apart from this, Hunt Showdown update 1.07 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, a major update was released with crossplay, new AI variations, new Time of Day: Sunset, new equipment and more. The long-awaited Crossplay function between Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is now available for players.

Unfortunately, many players are experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Hunt Showdown update 1.07 update is expected to fix a few of these issues.

What is new in Hunt Showdown 1.07 (v1.3.1)?


  • Fixed an issue that caused some assets/textures to not render during missions (invisible walls, stairs, roofs).
  • Fixed a bug that caused concertinas to stream-in very late.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the controller sensitivity (max value) to be too low.
  • Fixed Hunt Showdown crashing issues.

***Developer Note:***With this update we are applying a hotfix which should fix the most frequent reported crashes you have been experiencing. Unfortunately, these crashes are very rare in our testing environment and therefore we cannot be 100% certain yet until we see the results on the live environment.We appreciate your help and cooperation following the instrumented version we implemented during last update, which helped us in narrowing down the cause of the problem.

Free Hunt Showdown PS4 update 1.07 is now available for download.
