Humankind Update 1.2.166 Patch Notes – August 29, 2021

A new Humankind update 1.2.166 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Humankind patch notes, the latest update removed the Endless mode and resolves issues related to client and server crashes. Apart from this, today’s Humankind patch 1.2.166 also includes various stability and performance improvements.

Currently, Humankind servers are down. You can check the Humankind server status here.

Since the release, players are experiencing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Humankind patch 1.2.166 will address a few of these errors.

Humankind 1.2.166 Patch Notes (August 29)


  • Broadened generation conditions of Oil and Uranium depositsto scale backthe dangerof not enough deposits of either spawning.
  • Technology endgame condition is triggered by having every endgame Technology (instead of gettingeverywithin thegame Technology).
  • The number of Cities contributing to a Shared Project is now displayed on its pin.
  • Increased the legibility of walls employed byFortifications level 0 in Battle view.
  • Improved the legibility of the Outpost panel.
  • Changed the bonus provided by some Cultural Wonders.
  • Improved the way AI Units hold City walls and handle sieges.
  • Improved the way AI handles Shared Projects.
  • Improved the way AI handles Armies upgrading.
  • Improved the way AI handles military objectives.
  • Improved AI performances (faster computing).


  • Fixed an issue where the players will remain stuck on the “New tenet unlocked” mandatory notification if the other players have already selected all available Tenets for that tier.
  • Fixed an issue where the end turn could hang when an AI Empire tries to build a Wonderous Extractor on a Tile which is not connected to the Main Plaza.
  • Fixed an issue where the end turn cannot be ended due to a trespassing Stealth Unit.
  • Fixed an issue where the end turn cannot be ended due to a Cultural Wonder being finished while being ransacked.
  • Fixed an issue where the end turn cannot be ended due to an Idle Army notification.
  • Fixed an issue where the a battle cannot be ended due to a deployed Unit that has returned to Reserve.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, a Battle cannot be ended due to Unit movements.
  • Fixed an issue where a stuck situation can be encountered in the Diplomacy screen when trying to end a war (due to a conflict between “Heresy” grievance and “Secularism” civic).
  • Fixed an issue where a stuck situation can be encountered during a Battle with an AI opponent after ending deployment.


  • Fixed an issue where Patronage meter isn’t correctly updated when clicking on multiples Minor Cities.
  • Fixed an issue where AI’s Affinity Action is still active after capturing a City.
  • Fixed an issue where Merchant’s Ability Action “Power Investor” can be used multiple times by reloading the save.
  • Fixed an issue where queuing and building 2+ Districts in the same turn cost less in Industry.
  • Fixed an issue where Edo Japanese Emblematic District does not display bonus for being next to a Mountain until it is built.
  • Fixed an issue where Edo Japanese Legacy Trait does not appear to be applying correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where a Curiosity is giving too much Science and Influence.
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect Status is obtained after the follow-up event “Poison Apples? II”.
  • Fixed an issue where the placement mode for the “Resource Exploitation” District is not canceled by ending the turn.
  • Fixed an issue where the player can construct Harbors on Glacier Tiles.


  • Fixed an issue where breaking an Alliance cancels every Grievance.
  • Fixed an issue where Counter-propose costs do not scale with Empire economies.


  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, AI Empires keep offering a Border treaty when the player made a Counter Proposal.
  • Fixed an issue where Expansionist AI Empires keep triggering Trespassing on the Player’s Territory.
  • Fixed an issue where AI Empires keep making demands on Trespassing grievances.
  • Fixed an issue where an AI related error is encountered after advancing to the Medieval Era.
  • Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires are unable to cancel task when they don’t have enough Money to execute it.
  • Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires don’t correctly evaluate distances with reachable Armies.
  • Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires are not able to correctly interpret some Technology-related gains.
  • Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires don’t consider all City gains whent they have a lot of Cities.
  • Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires don’t correctly interpret gains for other Cities but the Capital.
  • Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, AI Empires don’t check for Emblematic Districts in the Construction Queue.
  • Fixed an issue where, in a few cases, Nomadic AI Armies are assigned to regular Claim missions.


  • Fixed an issue where Army 3D model can disappear while a camera sequence is played.
  • Fixed an issue where Army 3D model can disappear for all players, after they continue a game that finished by winning the “Space Race”.
  • Fixed an issue where errors occur when moving Units with Multi-Move specialty during Battles.
  • Fixed an issue where an Independent People could ransack a Ruin.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Dug In” status is displayed again despite being removed by shatter/bombard Units.
  • Fixed an issue where Independent People don’t lose Levies over time during Sieges.
  • Fixed an issue where Construction Queue get locked for one turn if a Battle is started nearby but one Army retreats.
  • Fixed an issue where the player does not lose their air or missile Units when overwriting their District.
  • Fixed an issue where false information is displayed in the siege panel during the Industrial and Modern Eras.
  • Fixed an issue where the Naginata Samurai Emblematic Unit models are grouped very close, leading to clipping during animations.
  • Fixed an issue where the instant battle resolution mechanic is not explained through the tutorials.
  • Fixed an issue where the Iron Reserves affinity action cannot be used following an error received when inspecting the ability.


  • Fixed an issue where an error can appear during a Battle after trying to make a reinforcement spawn on a Tile that has already made one spawn this round and is still occupying the Tile.
  • Fixed an issue where an error can be encountered when collecting a Curiosity.
  • Fixed an issue where the Empire name is not displayed on fresh sessions in the Diplomacy screen, Battle panels or notifications.
  • Fixed an issue where the ability to convert to another Empire’s Religion is not available to the player through the interface.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Add extractor to queue” button disappears once a City or Outpost is selected and deselected.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Power Investor” effect preview panel can be obscured by the resource pin.
  • Fixed an issue where players are not informed regarding the name and traits of the naval transport Units used by opponents.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera focuses on incorrect Cultural Wonder for the End Game sequences.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Cancel Civic choice” text is scaled down instead of being split, making it difficult to read.
  • Fixed an issue where the Final Era notification displays a small cut-off at the bottom of the card.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hint ‘Preparing for Battle’ has a wrong position on the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the notification indicator for “New wonders available” is not displayed for the “Show unclaimed Wonders” button.
  • Fixed an issue where the detection area for the Diplomacy mode trade link toggle is larger than the toggle are.
  • Fixed an issue where the Surrender Terms scroll bar does not work.
  • Fixed an issue where the scroll wheel doesn’t work in the Map list in the Map Editor menu.
  • Fixed an issue where Construction queue help layer scroll can only be navigated via mouse scroll.
  • Fixed an issue where Construction queue help layer scroll bar is barely visible and exits the tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where the saved maps list cannot be scrolled with the mouse scroll when hovering over the saved maps in the list.
  • Fixed an issue where the close help layer button displays the open help layer button tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where the help layer cannot be closed with the right-click mouse action.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Disband Units” tutorial is overlapped by the game’s UI elements.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Deployment” tutorial is displayed for all Battles if deployment is performed by Automatic Battle.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Battle Rounds” tutorial highlight area is misaligned the first time it is shown.
  • Fixed an issue where the War Resolution’s scroll bar does not work.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling for existing Religions only partially works.
  • Fixed an issue where the player is not able to scroll through the Video Tutorials list with the mouse scroll wheel while hovering over tutorials.
  • Fixed an issue where initial notifications of a new global Pollution state doesn’t pop up as important.
  • Fixed an issue where the notification received when the atmosphere has a specific global Pollution status applied to it doesn’t pop up as important.
  • Fixed an issue where the “All good things must end…” important notification does not remind the player of the Pollution threshold.
  • Fixed an issue where “Select next outpost” option when giving Independent People an Outpost does not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where dead Population from starvation are not updated in UI or City resource production.
  • Fixed an issue where Territory border lines when an Outpost is next to a different Empire’s City do not render as dashed lines.
  • Fixed an issue where the player is not clearly informed that the Unit upgrade feature is restricted by location.
  • Fixed an issue where false information is displayed in the placed placed Marker button description tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where the marker buttons are flickering on the Empire screen when ending the turn.
  • Fixed an issue where false information is displayed in the “Revolution ends” notification.
  • Fixed an issue where false information present in the placement mode estimated turns duration when placing Districts or Outposts on Ruins.
  • Fixed an issue where the notification for the unavailability of the vsync option is incorrectly displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where too many unlocked Deeds are not correctly displayed and exits the End Game screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Christ the Redeemer” Cultural Wonder’s City panel tooltip is too large.
  • Fixed an issue where misleading information is displayed for the button and tooltip of the Hex and FIMS Grid in the Setting panel.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in Treaties tab for Vassalage Related Treaties when the player and another Empire are both Vassals from another Empire.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed when checking the Inspirational personality trait without having the additional content to unlock it.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the event “A Thousand Years Hence​”.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text is present in the “Land Unit Spawn Points” tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the description of the Low Pollution notification.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the Community screen for the tooltip description of empty strength slots.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text is displayed in the “A thousand years hence” Event for the “Ignore” choice.
  • Fixed an issue where text error is present in the “Mutinous!” tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue where text error is present in the “Your First City” tutorial.
  • Fixed several typos.


  • Fixed an issue where an error occured for the host while having the Religion panel open and Trade Road pins displayed during a multiplayer game-play.


  • Fixed an issue where player made AI Personas save only after exiting and re-entering the game.
  • Fixed an issue where avatar changes are saved without user consent when exiting the Avatar Customization screen (during the First Timer User Experience).


  • Fixed an issue where, in the Map Editor, Territory pass says that one or more Territories are too small or too big but the player can’t identify them.
  • Fixed an issue where, in the Map Editor, a series of exception errors are generated when placing Lake Tiles.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the Map Editor can only create tiny size maps.
  • Fixed an issue where, in the Map Editor, the player is unable to remove terrain features and spawn points.
  • Fixed an issue where mods cannot be uploaded to the correction (retail) environment.
  • Fixed an issue where mods cannot be downloaded from the correction (retail) environment.
  • Fixed an issue where mods with “.” in mod names are not correctly taken into account.
  • Fixed an issue where the connection with a Steam account is failing during the first attempt.
  • Fixed an issue where an “invalid user profile” error message appears when connecting to via email.


  • Fixed an issue where a serie of exception errors are generated when selecting the Merchant’s “Power Investor” Ability Action after a fresh install.
  • Fixed an issue where a wrong narrator voice line can play when an enemy starts ransacking a player’s building.
  • Fixed an issue where loading a save file for the FTUX session causes the Neolithic cinematic to be played back regardless of the Era.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Rewilder” trophy is not unlocked when completing the requirements.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Falling Out” achievement is not unlocked when completing the requirements.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Life of Luxury” achievement is not unlocked when completing the requirements.
  • Fixed an issue where the “How the Mighty Have Fallen” achievement is not unlocked when completing the requirements.

Humankind Hotfix – August 20

  • Removed temporarily the Epic Overlay setting, which could induce a crash on the Steam build while having Epic Game Launcher installed.

Humankind Patch Notes (August 18)


  • Removed the Endless mode from beginner and advanced tutorials.
  • Added subtitles to the last 4 tutorial videos.


  • Fixed an issue where the end turn could hang when an Independent People ransack a Ruin.
  • Fixed an issue where the end turn could hang when a Contemporary Russian Emblematic District is built on a Point of Interest which is not a Resource Deposit.
  • Addressed a bug where a crash can occur at start while having Epic Game Launcher installed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cloud saves system is not working.
  • Fixed an issue where one Territory is removed by the Map Editor each time a save is performed.


  • Fixed an issue where a wrong value is displayed when the player has not enough War Support to declare a war.
  • Fixed an issue where the default Avatar is displayed in game on the First Time User Experience scenario and not the player’s customized Avatar.
  • Addressed a bug where an error can be encountered during a battle against Deers which uses the Automatic Battle feature.
  • Fixed an issue where Resource icons could be no longer displayed on Deposits after being exploited.
  • Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed in the Attack Prediction panel when the Ferocious bonus is applied on Units.
  • Addressed a bug where a debug text could be displayed in the Narrator’s subtitles when creating the first Emblematic Unit.
  • Fixed an issue where “?” character is displayed in numerous event descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue where a debug text is displayed in the tooltip of the Luxurious AI Persona Bias.
  • Addressed a bug where a debug text is displayed in the Diplomacy log for White Peace proposals.
  • Fixed an issue where the fail message when joining a modded Multiplayer lobby isn’t clear enough.

Download free Humankind update on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.