How to Fix WWE 2K24 error CE-108255-1 (Crashing)?
WWE 2K23 can now be downloaded on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. However, several players have reported encountering the WWE 2K23 error code ce-34878-0 since its release. If you are one of those players experiencing this error, here are a few solutions you can attempt.
Read more details below.
Related: WWE 2K23 Known Bugs and Issues.
Related: WWE 2k23 Day 1 Patch Notes.
Uninstall/reinstall your game:
Reinstall the original hard drive:
WWE 2K23 error CE-34878-0 is a general error indicating that the game has crashed. If you receive a CE-34878-0 error, you will need to restart the game. A fix is coming in the future update.
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