How to Fix PS4 Error Code WC-40383-8? [FIXED]

PlayStation 4 owners are currently experiencing error code WC-40383-8. Players are unable to create a lobby or view a friends list. Players are also reporting PSN network connection issues. Today, we have posted a guide on how to fix the error code WS-37470-1 on PS4.

Read more details below.

What is Error Code WC-40383-8?

This error occurs when PlayStation 4 is unable to communicate with the game server. Players might also experience this error code when the PSN network is down for backend maintenance.

The following message shows up on the PS4 screen.

An Error has occurred – WC-40383-8

How to fix error WC-40383-8?

Check your network connection, it may be temporarily busy or unstable.

Clear Cache

  1. Turn off your console.
  2. Unplug the power cable from the console.
  3. Press and hold the power button several times to remove any excess charge.
  4. Turn on your console again.

You might want to reinstall the game after restoring licenses if you still come across this error.

Restart your router

Try to power down your router for 10 seconds and then power it back on.

Check the status of the game server on the game publisher’s website.

Check PSN server status.

A future PlayStation 4 firmware update will fix the error WC-40383-8.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.