How to Change Starfield Language on Steam, PC, & Xbox

Starfield is now available on PC, Game Pass and Xbox consoles. With an expansive open world and full mod support, players want to know how to change the language in Starfield to their preferred locale.

Fortunately, there are a couple different methods to change the language in Starfield depending on if you’re playing on PC or Xbox.

On PC, you can change the language through Steam or by editing the game files directly. For Xbox, you’ll need to change your console’s system language.

In this guide, we’ll cover all the steps required to change the language settings in Starfield on both platforms. We’ll also look at what languages are supported in the game and how to install language packs.

Follow along below for everything you need to know about changing language in Starfield.

Change Starfield Language on PC

There are two main methods to change language in the PC version of Starfield – either through Steam or by editing the game files directly.

Change Language through Steam

This method allows you to change the language without having to dig into the game files yourself.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open your Steam library and right-click on Starfield.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Click the Language tab.
  4. Select your desired language from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

Once you launch Starfield through Steam, it will now be in the language you selected. This makes it quick and easy to swap languages as needed.

Change Language through Game Files

You can also change the language by editing Starfield’s game files directly. Here are the steps:

  1. Make a backup copy of the game files you plan to edit.
  2. Open the Starfield installation directory through the Xbox App.
  3. Navigate to the StarfieldData folder.
  4. Open the Starfield.ini file in a text editor.
  5. Add the following line, replacing English with your desired language:

6. Save the changes to the INI file.

7. Launch Starfield and it will now be in your chosen language.

This method gives you more control and allows you to swap languages without re-downloading game files. Just be sure to back up the files before making changes.

Change Starfield Language on Xbox

For Xbox users, the method to change Starfield’s language is different. Rather than editing game files, you’ll need to change the system language on your Xbox console.

Here are the steps:

  1. From the Xbox home screen, go to Settings.
  2. Select System > Language & Location.
  3. Choose your desired language from the menu.
  4. Restart your console when prompted.

Now when you launch Starfield, it will automatically load in the system language you selected. Keep in mind your console’s menus and other games will also change languages.

What Languages Are Supported in Starfield?

Starfield will support a variety of languages across PC and Xbox at launch. Here are the supported languages confirmed so far:

  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • German
  • Spanish (Latin American)
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese

The exact languages supported may vary by region and platform. We may see additional languages added later on as well.

Install Starfield Language Packs

For languages not supported natively in Starfield, you may be able to install a language pack created by the community. These packs translate all text and dialogue into other languages.

Here are a few tips for installing language packs:

  • Make sure the pack matches your game version to avoid issues.
  • Back up your game files before installing.
  • Follow the instructions carefully for placing the files.
  • Test the game to ensure the pack is working properly.

With custom language packs, you may be able to play Starfield in languages like Dutch, Arabic, Hindi and more!

FAQ – September 6, 2023

How do I change the language in Starfield?

On PC, you can change it through Steam or editing the INI file. On Xbox, change your console’s system language.

Where can I find the language settings in Starfield?

There’s no in-game settings menu. You’ll need to use the methods mentioned above.

What languages are supported in Starfield?

English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

How do I install a language pack for Starfield?

Find a language pack that matches your game version. Carefully install the files into your game directory. Test it out before playing.

Can I change the language of my Starfield save file?

Unfortunately, no. The save files do not store text/dialogue translations. You’d need to start a new game.


With these steps, you can change the display language in Starfield to match your preferences. On PC, use Steam or edit the INI files. For Xbox, change your console language. Be sure to use a supported language or install a language pack.

Immerse yourself in the expansive world of Starfield by playing in your native tongue or learning a new language as you explore the stars!

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.