Hot Dogs and Horseshoes update 107 is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Hot Dogs and Horseshoes 107 patch notes, the latest update adds a new Agent Spawning Toy: Steak Jet Controller and various bug fixes.
Recently, a major update added a long list of quality-of-life improvements. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Hot Dogs and Horseshoes version 107 will address a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Hot Dogs and Horseshoes Patch 107 Notes – February 4, 2023
- Added New Agent Spawning Toy: Steak Jet Controller
- Moved M9 Cleric and M93RA9 to ‘Grounded Fictional’ metadata set
- WA2000 now has a bolt release trigger you can ‘tap’ with the other controller
- Glass Windows in Grillhouse 2Story now properly block player navigation until shattered
- GP_Hangar now defaults the Player IFF to 0, allowing bots to see the player. (WHOOPS) Configurability for this will be added soon.
- Fixed Ceiling physical material in side rooms of GP_Hangar
- Bolt behavior and ammo metadata fixed on M26
- Fixed long-standing bug in RotRW ending where player could drift from standing point while ending plays
- Fixed incorrect metadata on break action shorty, rolling block pistol, both rolling block rifles, sharps rifle, asval, m4a1 (and lefthook), vss vintorez, aks74u, draco ak, kalishnikluger, mauser trench carbine, model 8, model 81, tommy gun carbine, mp5sp5k family, graviton beamer, kolibri, potato cannon, crossbow, china lake, m320, rg6, 1860 lever action, 1894 lever action, rio big bores, 1887 lever actions, 1918 bars, m249, m60s, minigun, rpk, stoner lmg, m1912/p16, longflop, m9 cleric, m93r, m93ra9, kwg, mk12, mp203, toz, honey badger, gepard, b600, bfr, fa83, bull 454, 1851 conversion, detective special, hawk 357, hunter 44, judge, bodyguard, model 10, m1879, sw29 and sw629, mp412rex, sw stealth, nagant revolver, ots38, python, r8, rhino family, rs15, schofield, single action army, sw500 family, triple regret, unica, both webleys, błyskawica, both tommy guns, mp40, pp bizon, stenmk2, stenmk5, tomacuzi, vector45, vipermk1, ks23, ksg, m1014, m2, both sjogrens, tactical spas12, super shorties, t14, and vt13