Hero’s Hour Update 2.0.4c Patch Notes – March 7, 2022

Hero’s Hour update 2.0.4c released on PC(Steam). According to the official Hero’s Hour patch notes, the latest update added various quality of life changes and fixes.

Unfortunetly, since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Hero’s Hour patch 2.0.4c will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Hero’s Hour March 7 Update Patch Notes


  • Addressed an issue where faction mods using the wrong units as wall turret defense units, especially when several faction mods were installed at once
  • Addressed an issue where the “done” button on hero level up screen potentially overlapping with UI elements, interrupting the level up
  • hovering over the Battle speed button no longer moves the camera in battle
  • Addressed an issue where several errors in the first version of the new load game screen
  • Addressed an issue where a bug that allowed you to gain units from monuments without paying
  • Addressed an issue where a save corruption issue where sometimes an artifact would not save its index. This might still cause artifact corruption (turning into a Four Leaf Clover), but won’t crash the game. If you see artifacts turned into Four Leaf Clovers when saving/reloading, please report any relevant circumstacnes with your bug report
  • Addressed an issue where a crash that happened when switching to a custom map while selecting starting hero for another map
  • Addressed an issue where a crash relating to first aid tents resurrecting bodyguards (might also need to have been frogged bodyguards)
  • Addressed an issue where the Pillar of Essence graphics looking wrong when using the small or classic town screen
  • Addressed an issue where Arcane and Order towns showing the wrong icons for their faction mechanics
  • roaming armies can no longer spawn inside neutral towns
  • changed map generation code so no maps can have more than 16 sets of portals (this affects at least Ten Towns, making the map more playable)
  • Addressed an issue where a bug that made new maps with randomised skill trees unable to start
  • Addressed an issue where several issues relating to randomised skill trees. They should now work correctly
  • Addressed an issue where Tea House giving access to Engineer’s Workshop when using the small or classic town screen UI
  • Addressed an issue where graphical issues with Tea House on small / classic town screen UI
  • made changes that should fix an irreproducible crash that happened sometimes in combat at 2x speed
  • Addressed an issue where crash that happened while trading units between two heroless regiments and the > buttons overlapped the units
  • Addressed an issue where Puzzle Master not unlocking if you had saved and reloaded during the game
  • made changes that should fix an irreproducible crash that happened sometimes with a first aid tent
  • AI will now value visiting a Mana Well proportionally to how much mana their hero is missing
  • Addressed an issue where some Tide units not being boostable by pearls
  • Addressed an issue where the pearl boosting button being placed poorly in the unit creation UI
  • Addressed an issue where a crash that happened in combination between certain mods and changing language
  • Addressed an issue where map-building Palace of X not showing its gold income in the gold income tooltip
  • Addressed an issue where the gold income tooltip showing the wrong amount of gold income if you had several gold mines
  • Addressed an issue where an issue where Midas Touch gold would be awarded to the wrong player sometimes
  • (potentially fixed) Voices of Wrath music track being silent for some users
  • Nomads no longer will survive being killed or fleeing
  • Addressed an issue where a bug relating to trading units with Earthen Guards?
  • Addressed an issue where Scrying achievement not unlocking correctly
  • Addressed an issue where AI players fighting against AI players being able to flee, appearing back at their home town and bringing the boat with them
  • there are now graphics for skills leveling up beyond Rank 10 all the way up to Rank 20
  • Addressed an issue where a bug that made upgraded dragons from Dragon Temple not correctly stack
  • weaker enemy stacks in Easy mode now apply to all human players instead of just player 1
  • Hex now prevents de-frogged non-permanent units to Split or Bud, fixing issues where high levels of Hex could make units like Mercurials go infinite


  • setting for combat camera. Three options: Auto (current), Mixed, which both automatically moves camera, but allows panning / WASD / edge scrolling and temporarily disables automatic motion, and manual, which entirely removes the automatic combat camera
  • load game menu has been redesigned
  • MODDING: Unit group modding
  • MODDING: Mod loading progress log


  • Increased health and damage by +5% for the following units (and upgrades): Militia, Cavalry, Strongarm, Treant, Bladesinger, Golem, Scroll, Boneguard, Imp, Canine, Capra, Goblin, Raider, Cyclops, Anaconda, Gilazard, Rex, Moss Golem, Troglodyte, Minotaurs, Cannoneer, Geyseral, Harpooneer, Rock Earthen, White Yeti, Horror, Carcass
  • Decreased health and damage by -5% for the following units (and upgrades): Forest Spirits, Deadeyes, Bonewyrm, Runescribe, Tricrow, Spirited Fire, Hellgoat, Ash Demon, Ashen Giant, Ocean Menace
  • Decreased health and damage by -10% for Mercurial
  • All Blight units gain +5% base stats (Onyx Rod, Malavian, Blightstinger, Crawler, Malcorvid, Blight Monstrum)
  • Seraph gains ability Aura of Power – Gryphon starts with retaliation
  • Wildspeaker now summons Forest Spirits – the Druid now starts with Summoning for Anima
  • Liongod gains ability Terror – Incarnation now starts with charge
  • Thundergod gains ability Empower
  • Stats of units summoned by Hunter and Ice Sculptors (bodyguards ability) has been reduced by 10%
  • Pride gains ability Rebirth – Wrath now starts with Burning
  • Archopriest gains ability Empower
  • Miner gains ability Taxpayer – Carver loses ability Knockback
  • Unit ability Fortune has its luck strike chance reduced from 30% to 15%
  • Waveborn gains ability Versatile
  • Aetherting gains ability Empower
  • The “Power” stat of boss units, Horror and Rex has been decreased slightly, making them slightly cheaper to field in battle – their stats remain the same


  • In Easy difficulty setting, AI have the number of units healed by infirmary reduced by 66%
  • In Normal difficulty setting, AI have the number of units healed by infirmary reduced by 33%
  • Heroes that are killed will now not only lose all movement points, but also gain Tired: 1
  • Earthen Guards and Guardposts will no longer send units to the infirmary when defeated
  • when choosing a different map in the map selection screen, the menu for picking faction and hero will now reset instead of staying open
  • Lexicon > Faction > Skill tree – clicking anywhere on screen will hide the selected skill tree once more
  • When opening the game, it should now unlock steam achievements that have been unlocked in-game previously
  • Call of Champions now specifies in text that it only works for Horde units (translations might take some time)
  • Nomad armies now recover their units more slowly (from 50% to 33%)
  • Crawling Cave now correctly specifies that it creates Corpseeaters, not Goblins
  • Dragonking skill can now spawn several dragons after a fight if you get enough points. Also slightly changed the Dragonking proc graphic
  • Scrollbar on map selection screen is now correctly aligned
  • Very slightly increased XP requirement growth per level (+1%)
  • Pillar is no longer always shown as one of the combatants in the main menu battle
  • numbers of units sent to infirmary is now rounded down instead of to closest integer

Download free Hero’s Hour patch 2.0.4c on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.