Hell Let Loose Update 1.010 Patch Notes for PS5 & XSX

Hell Let Loose update 1.010 (1.010.000) is now rolling out for PC and PS5 players. According to the official Hell Let Loose Console patch notes, the latest update added Night Maps including Remagen, Flare Guns, new Commander abilities, and much more. Apart from this, Hell Let Loose patch 1.010 also includes various bug fixes and changes.

Recently, a major update was released with minor gameplay changes. Recently, a hotfix was also released.

Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Hell Let Loose version 1.010 will address a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Hell Let Loose Console Update 2 Patch Notes – September 21, 2022

New with Console release:

Map Rotation:

  • Map rotation will be limited for first 2 weeks after Patch 12 release to make new maps more accessible through matchmaking
  • Limited Map rotation includes:
  • Foy Warfare (Night)
  • Remagen Offensive (US)
  • Hurtgen Forest Warfare (Night)
  • Omaha Beach Offensive (GER)
  • Remagen Warfare
  • Purple Heart Lane Warfare (Night)
  • Kursk Offensive (SOV)
  • Omaha Beach Warfare
  • Remagen Warfare (Night)
  • Foy Offensive (US)
  • Kursk Warfare (Night)
  • Stalingrad Offensive (GER)
  • Remagen Offensive (GER)
  • St Marie Du Mont Warfare
  • Changed Map rotation logic to prevent the same maps being randomly selected, all maps will now play through in a random order per server before repeating

Bug Fixes:

  • Speculative fix for the long standing ‘Loadout Bug’
  • [Addressed] Incorrect plane used to drop Ammo Drop for SOV/GER
  • [Addressed] The deploy button disappears when the player resigns the Commander role then creates/joins another unit without changing the role
  • [Addressed] The Soviet Commander Fuel abilities list order isn’t consistent and changes
  • [Addressed] Satchel Charges won’t destroy barbed wire at certain distances
  • [Addressed] German Fuel Nodes are unable to be destroyed with Satchel Charges
  • [Addressed] Gunshot SFX can still be heard after the player that is shooting with certain weapons dies
  • [Addressed] The “Back” button in the Barracks menu does not work correctly immediately after a new favourite role is selected
  • [Addressed] ‘Resign as commander’ button doesn’t disappear after rejoining previously created armor/recon unit
  • [Addressed] Panther (German Heavy) has a shorter cooldown after spawning it compared to the Tiger
  • [Addressed] Machine gun cannot be mounted in specific type of buildings across all the maps
  • [Addressed] Receiving an invite/request while on the deploy screen will block a player from leaving the loadout menu once accessed.
  • [Addressed] [FPP] The German Small Ammunition box, Medical Supplies box and Explosive Ammo box have identical models when held in hand
  • [Addressed] Proximity VOIP has no distance falloff
  • [Addressed] Proximity VOIP is too quiet at default setting
  • [Addressed] VOIP will toggle to off when pausing the game
  • [Addressed] VOIP Leadership Radio and Unit Radio need reactivating after leaving and joining a unit
  • [Addressed] The “VOIP Connection Status” setting is missing on console
  • [Addressed] Opening and closing the scoreboard while driving a vehicle will cause the vehicle to stop accelerating
  • [Addressed] Opening and closing the in-game map while driving a vehicle will cause the vehicle to stop accelerating
  • [Addressed] Switching profile after rejecting the EULA will softlock the title
  • [Addressed] Players are unable to join a locked unit after joining a different unit before invite is accepted
  • [Addressed] Controller vibration does not work on MEDIUM setting
  • [Addressed] Game will crash on Xbox If user is changed before loading into the main menu
  • [Addressed] PS5 Haptic rumble would not play when player is close to a bombing run
  • [Addressed] Double pressing ‘Join as Commander’ will break deployment menu on rare occasion
  • [Addressed] Unit Leaders may get softlocked on the ‘Leave Unit’ message if another player joins their unit whilst the message is open
  • [Addressed] Controller focus may be lost on the scoreboard after resigning from the commander role
  • [Addressed] Controller Layout B and Layout D use wrong input for looking when in a vehicle
  • [Addressed] Closing and relaunching the game after making cosmetic or loadout changes in the Barracks would revert changes to their previous state
  • [Addressed] Xbox Button icons would sometimes appear in the PS5 version
  • [Addressed] Every other shot from US Hull MG, US Coaxial, and all Half-Track MGs will be noticeably quiet
  • [Addressed] “Offensive Master” trophy and achievement will trigger after completing Warfare matches
  • [Addressed] Controller focus would be lost when cancelling out of the invite menu
  • [Addressed] ‘Precise Aiming’ functionality for Tanks and Recon vehicles is missing on console (controller support added)
  • [Addressed] Vibration effects are not present when firing the FG42 or FG42 x4 (scoped)



  • Added new US “M4A3 75w” medium tank
  • Added Machine guns to Half-tracks (M2 Browning, MG42)
  • Reimplemented the German “Panther” as a heavy tank with updated Smart Materials
  • Updated Tiger with new camo pattern
  • Updated Panzer IV with new camo pattern
  • Updated Luchs with new camo pattern


  • Added Flare Guns (LP-42, SPSh-42, AN-M8)


  • Added Flare Gun toSpotter lvl 3 “Scout”loadout
  • Moved Ammo Crate fromSpotter lvl 3 “Scout”toSpotter lvl 1 “Standard Issue”loadout


  • Added the following new Commander Abilities:
  • Precision Strike
  • GER: Stuka Dive Bomb
  • US: x2 P-47 Bombs
  • SOV: IL-2 Rocket Strafe
  • Ammo Drop
  • Improved animations for the strafing run Commander Ability
  • Added gore models for the Soviet faction (previously used US models)
  • Primary Weapons are now displayed on the player’s back while not equipped
  • Added the ability to interrupt weapon reloads
  • Adjusted MG deployment logic to prevent players from hiding their model inside objects
  • Updated Personal Stats screen with new stats and an organized layout
  • Tank crews are now notified when the gunner destroys an OP
  • Vehicle wrecks can now be removed using the Bazooka and Panzerschreck
  • Increased AT-Gun deploy timer from 3 to 8 seconds
  • Reduced AT-Gun damage from 600 to 350
  • Reduced Precision Strike cost from 500 to 250 munitions


  • Added new Remagen map:
  • Remagen Warfare
  • Remagen Warfare Night
  • Remagen Offensive GER
  • Remagen Offensive US
  • Added Night maps:
  • Foy Warfare Night
  • Purple Heart Lane Warfare Night
  • Hurtgen Forest Warfare Night
  • Kursk Warfare Night
  • Added additional Omaha map variants:
  • Omaha Warfare
  • Omaha Offensive GER
  • Reworked HQs on Kursk to provide additional cover for each faction


  • Improved legibility of Enemy Recon Markings on the Tactical Map

Audio Effects

  • Shortened incoming Artillery whistle SFX
  • Adjusted bullet crack SFX for the MG42
  • Adjusted Foy map ambience
  • Balanced volume of grenade throw SFX
  • Added sound occlusion to explosion SFX
  • Balanced end of round music volume
  • Adjusted flesh impact SFX
  • Adjusted wood impact SFX
  • Adjusted smoke grenade SFX
  • Adjusted volume attenuation of the Stuka Siren
  • Additional minor sound tweaks and improvements

Visual Effects

  • Updated TPP Blood Hit FX
  • Added lighting to the following in-game FX for better visuals on night maps:
  • Muzzle Flashes
  • Artillery cannons
  • Tank cannons
  • Panzerschreck/Bazooka rockets
  • Adjusted artillery impact and vehicle explosion FXs

Bug Fixes

  • [Addressed] Unusual camera stuttering when vaulting over an object while the server/player has a high ping
  • [Addressed] Disconnecting and Reconnecting from VoIP while making Microphone check will cause VoIP to permanently stop working.
  • [Addressed] Soviet Recon Tank doesn’t trigger any SFX when entering the vehicle or switching positions.
  • [Addressed] Panzer IV has incorrect armour collision
  • [Addressed] The player cannot be heard if they switch very fast between the VOIP channels
  • [Addressed] Players are unable to hear enemy Half-track SFX
  • [Addressed] M97 Trench Gun cannot penetrate any materials.
  • [Addressed] Outpost can be placed next to downed enemy but is instantly destroyed.
  • [Addressed] Bullet Crack Sound Plays when leaving Mounted Prone with PTRS-41.
  • [Addressed] Deployable explosives can’t be placed in an area around garrisons and airheads.
  • [Addressed] The player model can clip through certain building roofs by deploying LMG’s.
  • [Addressed] LMGs camera will lose its input when being deployed in another player
  • [Addressed] Some Personal Stats are not saved when the player exits and re-enters a server
  • [Addressed] Offensive mode initial Deploy Timer counts down before any players have joined the server
  • [Addressed] VOIP may not work immediately after creating a unit for 20-30 seconds
  • [Addressed] Career and Role EXP may not correctly display in change role menu if gained just before a match ends.
  • [Addressed] Two players can trigger the bandaging animation if the bandage is used at the same time
  • [Addressed] Players do not get suppressed from bombing run fire when in artillery reload seat
  • [Addressed] Players do not get suppressed from strafing run fire when in artillery reload seat
  • [Addressed] Deploying an LMG on a wooden beam of a specific barn causes graphical issue and un-deploys the LMG.
  • [Addressed] Half-Track spawn icon appears when the engine is on in Locked enemy territory
  • [Addressed] During idle animation the left hand is misaligned and clips through the weapon while holding any Rifle or Sniper Rifle
  • [Addressed] The player is unable to deploy or to enter the Change Role menu in certain scenarios after they’ve been switched to the other team via RCon during the last 3 seconds of deployment
  • [Addressed] The Anti-Tank gun turret will collide with vehicles, potentially causing collision/physics issues
  • [Addressed] Missing glass in Opel Blitz asset
  • [Addressed] Eastern Wood Peewee can be heard in Hürtgen Forest Map
  • [Addressed] Rebinding W A S or D in Infantry, Driver and Admin tabs will allow two bindings on one key.
  • [Addressed] Rebinding W A S or D to common and relaunching the title will rebind in Infantry, Driver and Admin Tabs.
  • [Addressed] Garrisons and Outposts render distances vary based on map
  • [Addressed] Airhead is destroyed by friendly grenades
  • [Addressed] The Damaged Engine Fire PFX always face directly toward the player
  • [Addressed] When a player quickly switches between VOIP channels, the nametag of the player will not show up or will show up for a brief period of time
  • [Addressed] Gear change animation plays twice in Soviet vehicles
  • [Addressed] Occasions where nametags appeared in Streamer Mode
  • [Addressed] Poor network conditions will cause bolt action rifles to not fire when inputting.
  • [Fixed] FG42 bullets land higher than the crosshair
  • [Addressed] Soviet Half-Track have no SFX while being repaired at a repair station
  • [Addressed] The map images on the ‘Maps’ section of the Field Manual are low resolution
  • [Addressed] There is a corrupted texture in the viewports of certain tanks
  • [Addressed] Outside parts of the Panzer IV is present in the viewport at FoV higher than 90
  • [Addressed] Airheads will deploy faster than the icon indicates
  • [Addressed] The prompt that appears after a player is kicked appears in German
  • [Addressed] Steam invites will bring a player into the last server the inviter was in if they’re on the Front End
  • [Addressed] Flare gun does not reveal the enemy players if the shooter is within in its radius
  • [Addressed] Soviet Mosin Sniper doesn’t 1 shot kill above 200m
  • [Addressed] VOIP channel volumes are reset after the map change
  • [Addressed] Half-Track deployment text fails to update its state correctly
  • [Addressed] The “Back” button located in Barracks is not functional if the player has the Favorite role selected
  • [Addressed] The “Welcome to Hell” achievement does not unlock
  • [Addressed] The “Commend and Conquer!” and “War Hero” achievements are not incremented correctly
  • [Addressed] The “Iron Cross” and “Medal of Honor” achievements are not incremented correctly


  • [Addressed] Increased height of certain foxholes to provide improved cover
  • [Addressed] Multiple instances of floating or misaligned assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to player collision across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to LoD settings across a number of assets


  • [Addressed] Adjustments to player collision across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to LoD settings across a number of assets


  • [Addressed] Adjustments to player collision across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to LoD settings across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Craters have sharp transition and look not up to standard

Hill 400

  • [Addressed] Visual issue with some riverbanks
  • [Addressed] Multiple instances of floating or misaligned assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to player collision across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to LoD settings across a number of assets

Hurtgen Forest

  • [Addressed] Adjustments to player collision across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to LoD settings across a number of assets


  • [Addressed] Some instances where the player could not deploy their MG on an asset
  • [Addressed] Multiple instances of floating or misaligned assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to player collision across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to LoD settings across a number of assets

Purple Heart Lane

  • [Addressed] Multiple instances of floating or misaligned assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to player collision across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to LoD settings across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Player can spawn into closed house in C8.

Omaha Beach

  • [Addressed] Multiple instances of floating or misaligned assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to player collision across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to LoD settings across a number of assets


  • [Addressed] Adjustments to player collision across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to LoD settings across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Players cannot walk in first floor of bridge tower when barbed wires are placed
  • [Addressed] Cliff missing collision allowing vehicles to hide
  • [Addressed] Embankment in H4 is floating
  • [Addressed] Location with Soviet graffiti on walls
  • [Addressed] Players are able to spawn inside of the bridge tower walls
  • [Addressed] Tanks can get stuck on the train tracks
  • [Addressed] Garden in C9 has open garden, trapping players inside unable to get out
  • [Addressed] Road texture is stretched in E2


  • [Addressed] Adjustments to player collision across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Adjustments to LoD settings across a number of assets
  • [Addressed] Town centre strongpoint has a closed building, needs an open building

Utah Beach

  • [Addressed] Hedge Collision is extending in E6

Download free Hell Let Loose update 1.10 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.