Haarlep BG3 Guide: Mastering the Mindflayer

In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, you have the chance to recruit the mighty Githyanki Mindflayer Haarlep. This psionic swordmaster brings excellent crowd control and damage to any adventuring party.


Who is Haarlep?

Haarlep is an original companion in Baldur’s Gate 3. As a Githyanki Mindflayer, he boasts a fusion of psychic abilities and martial prowess. He excels at dominating foes and controlling the tide of battle.

Racial Traits

As a Githyanki, Haarlep has proficiency with medium armor and shortswords. His psionic aptitude gives him telepathy and other mental powers.

Mindflayer Abilities

The Mindflayer side allows Haarlep to cripple and destroy enemies with terrible psychic force. His signature Mind Blast stuns whole groups at once.


With powers ranging from telekinesis to mind control, Haarlep serves as the quintessential controller. He manipulates both enemies and environments to his will.

Proper ability use enables Haarlep to lock down foes and shred their minds. If played carefully, he brings world-bending power to your party.

Recruiting Haarlep

Luckily, Haarlep is available as an origin character from the start of the game. Simply choose him during character creation, and he will readily join your adventure.

As an established companion, Haarlep comes with his own deep storylines and quests. Make sure to explore them on your journey across the realms!

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Playing as Haarlep

Mastering Haarlep’s powers takes skill, but rewards clever maneuvers. Here are some tips for playing him effectively:

Lean Into Control Spells

Haarlep’s chief purpose is domination. Mind Blast, Dominate Person, Telekinesis – these spells form his core arsenal. Use them early and often to seize the advantage. Turn foes against each other while locking down the most threatening targets.

Flank Enemies

While a powerful spellcaster, never neglect Haarlep’s sword skills. As a Githyanki, he can reliably sneak attack. Constantly maneuver Haarlep to flank oblivious enemies for juicy backstab damage.

Abuse Mobility

With low health and defenses, Haarlep must avoid getting swarmed. Utilize your movement to kite enemies while unleashing psychic barrages from afar. Only engage closely when the odds are heavily in your favor.

Target Weak Saves

Many of Haarlep’s psionics target Intelligence saves. Pick on weaker-minded enemies like beasts and brutes. Leave resistant foes disabled or charmed.

Manage Resources

Haarlep’s immense power comes at the cost of limited spell slots. Budget your casts wisely to avoid losing steam at bad times. Don’t blow all your slots at the first encounter only to be helpless later.

Character Builds

To maximize Haarlep’s potential, tailor your build around his psionic talents:

Prioritize Intelligence – This governs the potency of Haarlep’s spells. Increase Intelligence early for stronger domination and damage.

Constitution Next – Concentration checks rely on Con. More health and concentration boosts Haarlep’s staying power through long battles.

Dexterity Over Strength – Focus on finesse over heavy weapons. Dexterity fuels Haarlep’s mobility, AC, and stealth attacks.

Crowd Control Spells – Pick abilities that paralyze, stun, and confuse foes. These render enemies helpless against follow-up attacks.

Defense Feats – Haarlep is squishy. Feats like War Caster greatly improve his resilience and concentration.

Dip Rogue or Fighter – Multiclassing shores up Haarlep’s weaknesses. Consider 2-3 levels in Rogue for Cunning Action and sneak attacks. Or Fighter for dueling and Second Wind.

Properly built, Haarlep grows into a force of utter psychic domination – while remaining nimble enough to evade any retaliation.

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Haarlep’s Best Abilities

Let’s look at some of Haarlep’s most potent spells and skills:

Mind Blast

This signature psionic attack blasts enemies in a cone, dealing psychic damage and potentially stunning them. It’s perfect for disabling a whole cluster of foes at once.

Dominate Person

Seize control of a humanoid’s mind – turning a deadly foe into an obedient puppet. Dominate is ideal for removing a single target from combat completely.


Manipulate the battlefield itself with the power of your mind! Push and pull enemies exactly where you want them – whether for tactical positioning or shoving them off cliffs.


Vaporize a troublesome enemy with a devastating ray of pure energy. The damage is immense, but so is the risk of this volatile spell.

Detect Thoughts

Read the surface thoughts of humanoids for useful intel. Scout ahead or uncover the true motives of suspicious individuals.

Dealing with Haarlep

As mighty as Haarlep is, smart opponents can mitigate his abilities:

  • Magic Resistance– Lessens the impact of spells and mental attacks. Race features like Gnome Cunning are ideal.
  • High AC– With attacks targeting mental saves, boosting AC reduces damage taken.
  • Dispels– Strip away Haarlep’s many potent buffs and debuffs. Spells like Counterspell and Dispel Magic do the trick.
  • Antimagic Fields– Completely shut down all of Haarlep’s psionic abilities in one go. A drastic but effective measure.
  • Crowd Control– Debuff and disable Haarlep before he controls you. Prioritize stuns, immobilization, paralysis, etc. Turn the tables on the dominator!
  • Mobility– With low defenses, Haarlep relies on distance. Close gaps quickly and deliver the beatdown.

Thoughtful party composition, positioning, and focus fire can neutralize even mighty Haarlep. Do not cluster together, and strike hard and fast.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some extra pointers to masterminding Haarlep:

  • Use Mind Blast to soften up groups before mopping up weakened stragglers.
  • Telekinesis can move unconscious allies to safety – or dangerous enemies into hazards.
  • Keep scrolls of Dispel Magic handy. You may need to remove an enemy’s pesky antimagic field.
  • Dominate a weak enemy first to use as a meat shield for the rest of the fight.
  • Cast Invisibility on a flanking partner to guarantee sneak attack for Haarlep.
  • Charm humanoids during dialogue to avoid conflict and uncover secrets peacefully.

With clever and unconventional use of his abilities, Haarlep becomes a true battlespace maestro.

Is Haarlep Worth It?

The Pros:

  • Domination spells offer great crowd control
  • Psychic damage pierces many resistances
  • Sword skills allow reliable sneak attack
  • Extremely versatile in and out of combat
  • Unique Mindflayer storyline and quests

The Cons:

  • Squishy at low levels before defenses develop
  • Spell slots limit his power
  • Susceptible to dispels, magic resistance, and close combat

Overall, a well-played Haarlep delivers excellent utility through unparalleled battlefield manipulation. If you crave unique abilities and cerebral playstyles, Haarlep is a worthy addition to your party.

Frequently Asked Questions – August 22, 2023

What is the best race for Haarlep?

Haarlep’s race is fixed as Githyanki. This gives useful starting features like medium armor proficiency and telepathy. Lean into his racial psionic talents.

What should Haarlep’s ability scores be?

Focus first on Intelligence for stronger spells, followed by Constitution for durability. Increase Dexterity over Strength for mobility and stealth attacks.

What spells should Haarlep concentrate on?

Prioritize crowd control like Mind Blast, Dominate Person, and Telekinesis. Disintegrate and Detect Thoughts provide damage and utility.

How can Haarlep stay alive in combat?

Utilize mobility and range to avoid getting pinned down. Keep him flanking enemies with durable allies. Take defensive feats like War Caster.

Is Haarlep better single or multi-classed?

Haarlep works great pureclassed, but 2-3 levels in Rogue or Fighter can offset weaknesses. Experiment to find your preferred playstyle.

What are Haarlep’s best weapons?

With finesse over heavy weapons, Haarlep favors shortswords, daggers, and rapiers. Flavor choice of weapons to match his psychic assassin theme.

Should I pick other Mindflayers for Haarlep’s party?

Too many Mindflayers may overlap niches. Better to complement Haarlep’s control powers with raw damage dealers and tanks.


Haarlep the Mindflayer presents a complex but engaging playstyle perfect for controlling the flow of battle. With an intricate fusion of martial and psionic skills, he excels at disabling foes and turning their powers against them.

Careful spell rotation and ability management are required to master Haarlep. But those who take the time will find him invaluable in dismantling opposing forces. Both in and out of combat, Haarlep brings unique utility through his signature psychic domination.

So gather your party, and set forth with faithful Haarlep by your side. Adventure awaits in the far corners of Baldur’s Gate 3!
