Guildhall BG3 Guide: Location, Tips and Tricks

The city of Baldur’s Gate holds many secrets and organizations unknown to the common folk. One of these secretive groups is the Guild, a shadowy crime syndicate that operates out of a hidden base known as the Guildhall. This guide will provide an overview of the Guildhall in BG3, including how to locate it, the characters involved, creating a character, determining the best classes, building a strong character, and gameplay tips.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Guildhall is home to an underground criminal syndicate called the Guild in Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Complete the “Aid the Underduke” quest to gain access to the Guildhall
  • Interact with characters like Nine-Fingers Keene inside the hall
  • Use the character creation system to customize your character
  • Fighter, Wizard, Rogue, Cleric and Ranger are strong class choices
  • Allocate attributes, select skills, gear up appropriately to build a robust character
  • Explore, quest, converse and engage in combat encounters in the Guildhall

How to find Guildhall in BG3

Locating the concealed Guildhall in the sprawling city of Baldur’s Gate takes effort and skill. Here are a few methods to uncover the secret entrance to this criminal base:

The burly orc Tusgront guards a small corner in the Lower City slums, concealing a hidden passage behind the wall to his left. You have multiple options to get Tusgront to open this secret door:

1. Succeed at a Perception Check – Notice a bit of history through dialogue and compliment Tusgront with a Deception check.

2. Fail Perception, Pick Dialogue Option 1 – Use the Detect Thoughts “Darkhold option” from the Mind Flayer tadpole.

3. Fail Perception, Persuade/Intimidate/Deceive – Influence Tusgront through conversation.

4. Enter from the Basilisk Gate – Go through the prison barracks and pick the lock on the back door into the Guildhall.

The most direct route is to pass the Perception check and persuade Tusgront to open the wall himself. Otherwise, grab the Guild Ring from a nearby chest after picking the lock. This ring unlocks the secret wall slot.

With cleverness and skill, you can gain access to the Guildhall’s secrets. But beware untold dangers that lurk within!

Inside the Guildhall

Once inside the Guildhall, you will meet an assortment of rogues, spies, assassins and other shady figures who operate this criminal syndicate.

The most prominent NPC you will encounter is Nine-Fingers Keene, the sly half-elf who leads the Guild. Keene oversees the Guild’s operations from the Guildhall, and is eager to recruit capable new allies to his cause.

You may also come across Oota, Keene’s right-hand scout, a cynical dwarf who keeps tabs on Guild members. The Guildhall houses plenty of regulars like Card Player #1 and Hob. These mostly nameless figures provide insight into the atmosphere and daily dealings within the hall.

There are many secrets to uncover within the walls of the Guildhall. Snooping around may reveal covert meetings, hidden treasure troves, and clues pertaining to the Guild’s illicit activities around Baldur’s Gate. Tread carefully however, as not everyone will take kindly to your prying.

Creating a Character in Guildhall BG3

Once you’ve gained access to the Guildhall, it’s time to create your protagonist and forge their destiny.

Baldur’s Gate 3 provides an extensive character creation system where you can define your hero’s physical appearance, class, ability scores, skills, background and more.

This is done through the following steps:

  1. Select Race– Choose from races like human, elf, dwarf, tiefling, halfling, etc. Your race determines unique traits and bonuses.
  2. Customize Appearance– Edit gender, face, hair, body type and other cosmetic features.
  3. Select Class– Pick from classes like fighter, wizard, rogue, ranger, cleric, warlock and more. Your class shapes proficiencies and playstyle.
  4. Allocate Ability Scores– Distribute points across six abilities – strength, intelligence, wisdom, etc.
  5. Choose Skills– Pick skill proficiencies that fit your character concept.
  6. Pick Background– Select your hero’s backstory which provides roleplaying flavor and additional proficiencies.
  7. Finalize Details– Name your character and modify remaining details.

The wide range of options enables you to create almost any character you can imagine. Let your creativity run wild!

Determining the Best Classes in Guildhall BG3

When designing your protagonist, one of the biggest choices is selecting your class. Classes like Fighter, Rogue, Cleric and Wizard have proven to be powerful options in Guildhall BG3 based on community feedback. Here’s a quick overview:

Fighters – Versatile warriors that excel at melee combat. Their weapon and armor skills make them durable damage dealers. Great frontline tanks.

Wizards – Spellcasting masters capable of massive area damage. With crowd control, buffs/debuffs, they adapt to any situation. Squishy but phenomenal utility.

Rogues – Agile experts in stealth attacks and hit-and-run tactics. Strong single target damage and lockpicking abilities. Flexible skillmonkeys.

Clerics – Healing and support specialists. They buff allies, keep them alive and can inflict some solid damage too. Fantastic utility.

Rangers – Ranged weapon experts with battlefield control abilities. They deal damage from afar while casting spells that manipulate the environment. Decent scouts.

These 5 classes have toolkits that lend themselves well to the Guildhall’s combat encounters, exploration, and quests. But don’t be afraid to experiment with other classes too!

Building a Strong Character in Guildhall BG3

Once you’ve selected your protagonist’s class, there are several steps you can take to build an effective hero for tackling the Guildhall’s adventures:

  • Distribute Ability Scores– Prioritize the abilities that benefit your class. For example, high intelligence for a Wizard or strength for a Fighter.
  • Select Optimal Skills/Spells– Pick skills and spells that augment your core class features. Stealth, lockpicking, persuasion, etc.
  • Acquire Class-Specific Gear– Seek out equipment like robes, weapons and armor that boost your build.
  • Maximize Action Economy– Learn to use your class resources like Bonus Actions efficiently together each turn.
  • Use Consumables– Keep potions, scrolls and other items handy for clutch moments.
  • Employ Tactics– Take advantage of surfaces, chokepoints, line of sight and other tactics that enhance combat efficacy.
  • Explore Vertically– Use the verticality in levels to gain positional and stealth advantages.
  • Focus Fire Enemies– Take out dangerous targets quickly before they can retaliate.

With these tips, you can craft a specialized, highly capable protagonist ready to join the Guild!

Gameplay Tips for Guildhall BG3

Here are some general gameplay tips to help you make the most of your time in the Guildhall:

  • Speak to every NPC. You never know which conversations might unlock hidden quests and valuable lore.
  • Take your time exploring every nook and cranny. The Guildhall is riddled with secrets for inquisitive adventurers.
  • Save often and in different slots. Having multiple saves prevents you from getting stuck or having to replay large sections.
  • Combat is turn-based and tactical. Make use of action economy, positioning and combinations to overwhelm tough enemies.
  • During dialogue, look for Persuasion, Intimidation and Deception skill checks to steer conversations advantageously.
  • Keep a balanced party to handle various situations. Having a mix of melee, ranged, magic, healing, etc creates versatility.
  • Quicksave before making critical decisions or story choices. This allows you to experience different narrative paths.
  • There’s no single right way to play. Enjoy shaping the story through your own unique choices and style of play.

With these tips in mind, you’re ready to dive into the ominous Guildhall and leave your mark on Baldur’s Gate 3! What adventures await you? The narrative is yours to control.

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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.