Grounded Update 1.03 Patch Notes (Patch 1.4.1)

A new Grounded update 1.03 (version 1.4) is available to download on PS4, PS5, PC and Xbox. According to the official Grounded 1.03 patch notes, the latest update brings major fixes like eliminating respawn screen glitches and creature freezes, along with optimizations for better performance. Apart from this, today’s Grounded patch 1.03 also increased damage reduction for trinket effects and the ability to activate text chat via gamepad on consoles.

Previously, a major Grounded update 1.3 added a new game mode called “Playgrounds,” offering extensive customization and creativity options, alongside quality-of-life improvements. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Grounded update 1.03 will address a few of these errors.

Read more details below.

Grounded Patch 1.03 Notes – March 29, 2024

Bug Fixes / Changes:

Major Fixes:

  • Players no longer respawn with a dark screen after dying to a boss in Single player.
  • Creatures in base attacks or Waft Emitter attacks don’t freeze for clients.
  • Boss shout attacks in New Game+ no longer trigger infusion AOE attacks.
  • Milk Molar upgrades carry over properly in New Game+.
  • Bases load correctly without structure errors.
  • Fixed Microsoft Account login screen error.


  • Increased damage reduction for “+Damage Resist” trinket from 10% to 50%.
  • Text chat can be activated via gamepad on consoles.


  • Improved overall game performance.
  • Better performance in Multiplayer mode.
  • Reduced memory usage.
  • Improved performance in Play mode with many links.
  • Better rendering performance in interior spaces on lower settings.

Crash Fixes:

  • Fixed crashes after looting a pet.
  • Fixed crashes after completing conversations.
  • Fixed crashes when rejoining a game.
  • Fixed crashes when loading into bases.
  • Fixed random crashes during playthroughs.

Other Bug Fixes:

  • Voice Chat settings now reapply correctly.
  • Loading in the Pond Lab no longer shows underwater effect.
  • Oak lab roots no longer pop out at a short distance.
  • Lighting transitions properly during defense events.
  • Pond lab cutscene works for distant clients.
  • Duplicating infused weapons properly copies random effects.
  • Improved water quality on low settings.
  • Clients no longer get Raw Science notification immediately.
  • Siren lights near Black Anthill boss fight properly animate.

Download free Grounded update 1.03 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC and Xbox.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.