Grounded Update 1.0.1 Patch Notes – Oct 6, 2022

A new Grounded update 1.0.1 is rolling out on PC and Xbox One. According to the official Grounded patch notes, the latest update added tweaks and changes. Apart from this, today’s Grounded patch 1.0.1 also includes general stability fixes.

Previously, a major update 0.14.0 added 3 new base defense modes and tons of quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Grounded update 1.0.1 will address a few of these errors.

Read more details below.

Grounded Patch Notes – October 6, 2022


  • The PEEP a Creature action is now “E” on keyboard and “Right Bumper” on Controller. This to ensure the control for “Set Waypoint” is not the same key as PEEPing a creature while in PEEP mode.
  • Weapon and gear stat bars now show smithing enhancements separately from the base values, in a distinct color.
  • Added unique symbols to the various labs in the yard for easier identification.
  • Custom Game Settings that cannot be changed mid-game have icons next to them to signify this status when starting a Custom Game.
  • Arrows now show attack stat bars when selected in the inventory screen.
  • Crow has adjusted audio.
  • Exploding Strange Spores in the Haze now have an audio cue when getting ready to explode.
  • Creatures randomly return to their home locations during player rest.
  • Hot Deposit actions have audio now.
  • Flowering dandelions drop pollen when chopped down.
  • Slime Lantern durability has been increased.
  • You will no longer get thirstier while in conversations. This will prevent dying while talking with BURG.L and REDACTED.
  • You can no longer throw your equipped item while in building placement mode.
  • Players playing Multiplayer from the same household should experience lower latencies.

Crash Fixes:

  • Fixed random crash that could happen when building buildings or chopping foliage.
  • Fixed random crash that could happen when joining a Multiplayer Game Scenario screen.
  • Fixed a crash dealing with dew drops on grass.

Bug Fixes:

  • Points of interest will now be unlocked more reliably when spotted.
  • Dew drops knocked off grass will no longer disappear after a short time.
  • Fixing some lighting issues in the Fire Ant Hill.
  • Trinkets that repair weapons now properly work with all weapon types, instead of only Slashing weapons.
  • Super Venom Arrows now have proper world meshes when dropped.
  • Creatures can no longer slide around in their sleeping animation after loading a game.
  • Fixed an audio issue that occurred when loading a save game while underwater. Underwater effect is now properly removed when exiting the water.
  • Fixed issue with missing footstep audio on third person unarmed / hold run forward animation.
  • Bow damage bars in the UI are more accurate.
  • Corrected the location of the “ready” icon over the Cookery.
  • The mutation related to Staff kills will now unlock properly.
  • BURG.L Quests no longer display as empty in the quest notifications, for clients.
  • Bomb arrows no longer leave behind an arrow to pick back up.
  • Audio logs and other voice-overs can now be heard while the player underwater.
  • Tiger Mosquitos no longer fail to reach one of the Super MIX.Rs when activated.
  • Clients now have better collision with the world while the host is inside a menu.
  • Cleaned up various terrain issues.
  • Various interface fixes in various languages.
  • Ant audio should be less annoying when large numbers of ants are nearby.
  • Better audio transitions around the Dry Grass, Pond, and Oak tree areas.
  • Cloning a flipped building will enter placement mode with the building flipped correctly.
  • The visibility toggle for the resource survey overlay in the Map UI now actually works.
  • REDACTED has learned how to actually hit target with attacks.
  • REDACTED will now remember which player was being followed after a saved game is loaded.
  • Orb Weaver Jrs no longer have their legs go up in their air in tight spaces.
  • Sour Battle axe recipe should no longer unlock early. Not retroactive.
  • Removing incorrect additional Tech Chip slot in the data tab. Allows you to 100% the game now.

Bug Fixes – Xbox:

  • Fixed Mantis Pollen attack rendering solid yellow circles floating in the air.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when checking Xbox profile settings.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when putting the console into Standby mode and rebooting it into Grounded.

Download free Grounded patch 1.0.1 on PC and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.