Grounded Update 0.13.3 Patch Notes – June 8, 2022

Grounded update 0.13.3 is available to download on PC and Xbox One. According to the official Grounded patch notes, the latest update added various bug fixes, tweaks, changes and gameplay improvements. Apart from this, today’s Grounded patch 0.13.3 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a major update 0.13.0 added 3 new base defense modes and tons of quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Grounded patch 0.13.3 will address a few of these errors.

Read more details below.

Grounded June 8 Update Patch Notes


Jumping creatures stuck in small areas will now periodically attempt to escape from them.



  • Reduced memory usage while in the Oak Lab for Xbox One and Xbox One S to prevent Out of Memory crashes.
  • BURG.L conversation now has proper text for various languages outside of -English (translation pass now complete).
  • Creatures no longer walk through base walls when you are not looking at them.


  • Fixed crash when running “Cancel Nearby Blueprints” when the player is dead.
  • Fixed crash when near a newly spawning Dew Drop by the Oak Tree that immediately combines into an already existing Dew Drop.
  • Fixed random crash that could occur when looking at buildings that get destroyed or recycled.


  • When using a gamepad to select a Charcoal Canteen in the inventory, “Consume” will now be shown instead of “Repair”. Repair can be accessed through the Actions menu.
  • Slashing weapons that were previously upgraded into the Mint, Spicy, or Salty trees and could not be upgraded further now can be.
  • Artificer quests to craft cut Eyepatch+ and Shovel+ can now be completed by crafting Eyepatch and Shovel.
  • Clients should see ladder climbing animations properly again.
  • When respawning back to the nearest discovered Field Station, it will use the nearest Field Station anyone has ever discovered, not just Field Stations the respawning player has discovered.
  • Crow is visible at large distances.
  • Spending Science at an ASL terminal no longer triggers a “Raw Science found” notification.
  • The “Get Yoked” achievement will properly unlock on load if you have already infused enough Milk Molars.


Major Issues:

  • Progressing a game logged into Xbox Live, then logged out and progressing more will have your player data properly continue to carry over when you log back into your Xbox Account again and continue to play on that save. Should prevent future incidents of player data / inventory loading back to an older version when loading saves made on 0.13.3 or newer.

Download free Grounded patch 0.13.3 on PC and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.