Grounded Update 0.12.2 Patch Notes (Official) – February 12, 2022

A new Grounded update 0.12.2 (February 12, 2022) is now available to download on PC and Xbox One. According to the official Grounded patch notes, the latest update added fixes for achievements, crashes and more. Apart from this, today’s Grounded patch 0.12.2 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a major update added new locales, new crafting contents, building updates, and much more.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Grounded patch 0.12.2 will address a few of these errors.

What is fixed in the Grounded 0.12.2 February 11 update?


  • The “Splinter Master” achievement is now unlocked for players.
  • The “Shrinky and the Brain” achievement is now unlocked
  • Milk Molar upgrade values properly reapply after reloading your game. Health, Stamina, Food, and Water upgrades were reverting back to their starting values often after loading your save game.
  • Addressed a bug where weapons models are invisible when equipping them.
  • Addressed a bug where Walls and roofs end up invisible for clients after being built.


  • Addressed various crashes related to base buildings.


  • Addressed a bug where Armor visually fits incorrectly on some teens.
  • The “Craft Many” text in the crafting menu properly shows how many you can craft when using materials from nearby storage.
  • Gnats will now render further than 30cm away on lower graphics settings and on Xbox One making the “Aim Small” achievement less impossible to obtain in those scenarios.
  • Aphids run up grass blades again when scared.
  • Resource Surveyor performance improved for clients.
  • Night base music will play again when near your own base at nighttime.
  • The Dandelion element on the game HUD properly reappears after loading a game with a Dandelion Tuft equipped.


Crash Fixes:

  • Reduced peak memory usage when loading a game in Multiplayer which was causing out of memory crashes prior to loading in.

Download free Grounded patch 0.12.2 on PC and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.