Grime Update 1.1.25 Patch Notes (Official) – Sep 2, 2021

Grime update 1.1.15 (Sep 2, 2021) is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Grime patch notes, the latest update added a potential fix for players who experienced issues with the controller key-binding. Apart from this, Grime patch 1.1.15 also includes some minor gameplay tweaks and additions

Previously, a big update added various new changes, fixes, and more. Unfortunately, since the release, players are facing several issues. Grime patch 1.1.15 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Grime Patch Notes (1.1.15) Sep 2, 2021

Added a respawningSpinesnake to Feaster’s Lair.

Some additional tweaks to theCarven Palace encounters and mandatory early platforming.

Palace elevator has been tweaked again to be both fast but also allow you to jump on and off if (we had multiple issues with the elevator since the fps fix and we went from slow elevator to fast elevator but you cant jump, to now this)

Performer’s slam attack has reduced AOE to better match the actual attack’s visual

Quality of Life:

– Enabled transferring Demo characters created in version 1.1.2 or later to the full version of the game.

– New Help Menu lets the player re-watch tutorial messages

– Prey tab will no longer show empty boxes.

Major Bugs:

– Potential fix for players who had problems with control key-rebinding.
– Fixed an issue letting players skip the intro crawling part while using a controller. Sorry speed-runners, but this was able to cause soft locks to unassuming players.
– Fixed another issue causing Pale Sky portals to not work properly.
– A change to the Carven Palace elevators movement to make them snappier.
– Fixed an issue causing crumbling platforms to never respawn.
– Entering the Crab arena from the left side will now start the battle properly.
– The player shouldn’t reform on moving elevators anymore.

Minor Bugs:

– Fixed a bug blocking the descend of the Bloodmetal Scythe special air attack.
– Some Nervepass puppets should no longer block the player’s movement.

Jaw Axe will not pull the player forward if there is a wall in front of him.
– Fixed an issue causing a certain Fly Spitter in Lair to stop working properly.
– Characters should now slip less through from ledges when retreating (Especially the Fledgling Yr).

Download free Grime patch 1.1.15 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.