GRIME Update 1.03 Patch Notes (GRIME 1.03) – Official

GRIME update 1.03 is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Grime patch notes, the latest Zharkov update added bug fixes, tweaks, changes, and gameplay optimizations. Apart from this, GRIME patch 1.03 also addressed periodic stuttering.

Previously, a big update was released with various bug fixes and changes. Unfortunately, since the release, players are facing several issues. GRIME patch will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

GRIME Patch Notes

Major bugs:
  • Potentially fixed an issue causing periodic stuttering.
  • Harmless Rockgiant’s head is now vulnerable, taking increased damage as intended.
  • Addressed a bug causing certain controllers to not function as intended.
  • Addressed an error where some controllers blocked the cursor from appearing when it should.
Quality of life improvements:
  • Consumables will no longer be auto-equipped.
  • Added the ability to change the Inventory, Prey, Map menu panels shortcut keybinds, and change the Toggle HUD keybind as well (If any of you want to take screenshots!)
  • Stat requirements for early weapons have been reduced.
  • Added the option to disable back-step when no input direction is pressed for dash.
Minor Bugs
  • Potentially fixed a bug causing the mouse cursor to be visible when it shouldn’t.
  • Addressed a visual bug with the Whispering Mothers Health bar.
  • Fixed the Health Segments of the Captured Rockgiant.
  • Addressed a collider bug that allowed players to inconsistently reach Yr Den without the necessary ability.
  • Fixes to areas in the map which were not being revealed consistently.
  • Added a collider to the throne chair in the Shapely Fidus boss arena.
  • Inventory character preview appears in better detail on low-quality graphics settings.
  • Addressed an issue that left an invisible damage zone inside of the Vulture arena.
  • Fixed a bug blocking the ability to exit the credits screen after finishing the game with a controller.

Download free GRIME patch 1.03 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.