Gloria Victis Update Patch Notes ( – December 2, 2021

Gloria Victis update ( is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Gloria Victis patch notes, the latest update added new ability, crash fixes, adjustments and more.

Previously, a big update was released with various quality of life improvements.

Unfortunately, since the last update, players are facing various issues with the game. Read more details below.

Gloria Victis Patch Notes – December 2, 2021

Quality of Life:

We added the ability for players to choose the tournament mode. Before joining the tournament, if a player has entered and is not in the queue, we display a button in the right panel of the tournament, opening the voting panel. The player has the opportunity to vote for one of the two drawn affixes displayed with the corresponding button. The button has graphics corresponding to the tournament mode. On the button tooltip, we show the name of the tournament mode and its description. Votes are tallied when the tournament start timer reaches 0 and players are moved to the VoD area.

Each pop-up window could be moved freely by the player except the depot window. We are removing this exception and making the depot window work the same as the rest of the pop-up windows, so you can now move it around the screen. 🙂


– Fixed an issue causing some attacks while on horseback were not hitting the enemy, depending on the camera angle of the attacker.

– Fixed an issue where blocking while on horseback could block not work properly, and block different sides than desired.

– Fixed an issue where closing the settings window with the Esc key was opening the Esc menu.

– Fixed an issue where when the Escape menu was opened over any other window, clicking Esc was closing only the Esc menu, instead of all opened windows.

– Fixed an issue causing the non-loot zone to work improperly in siege events.

– Fixed an issue causing Huntsman skill to give armor penetration to weapons that do not have any armor penetration at all.

– Fixed an issue causing details of offers on other players’ stalls not to be displayed.

– Fixed an issue where some pop-ups, i.e. hint windows could move outside of the screen after scaling the interface.

– Fixed an issue causing the Horse Hud position on the screen to not be remembered and reset to default after using the /relog command or client restart.

Download free Gloria Victis update on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.