Gloria Victis Update Patch Notes ( – November 18, 2021

Gloria Victis update (new Glory Season) is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Gloria Victis patch notes, the latest update added new Glory Season and performance improvements.

Previously, a big update was released with various quality of life improvements.

Unfortunately, since the last update, players are facing various issues with the game. Read more details below.

Gloria Victis Patch Notes – November 18, 2021

New Glory Season

The new Glory Season starts now! This is the first season where we have the pleasure to give the winners extended, unique rewards: Each player who became Arena Master or earned the God of War title in the ending season will receive unique, signed swords as a souvenir. We believe the winners will be pleased with the souvenirs and will see them as a token of their dedication and hard work.

A little explanation for the new players: Glory is a season-based ranking which rewards you for activity in the faction v faction v faction PVP. The seasons last 2 months and are rewarded with unique titles, as well as gold. Also, every Thursday night you’ll get Contribution Points – an in-game currency used to purchase special items from the Glory Quartermasters. The amount of earned CP depends on your position on the leaderboard, so climb up it!

Quality of Life:

– Added static horses to the capital cities and other locations near the logisticians, to make it easier to find logistician services.

– Optimized the system of music loading in the game, which will have a positive impact on the game performance, greatly reducing potential spikes when the new tracks start playing.

– Optimized the minimap and markers systems code.

– Added an ingame notification to the Volcano and Sea Wraiths world events about unavailability to join the event anymore when the event is closing.

– Balanced the chances for double drops in Smelting and Roasting. It was necessary to reduce it because metals started to overflow the market and were created in quantities much higher than needed to sustain the world.

– Added puddles to Hordun Temple, Lordly Haven, Abbey, and also to Sea Wraiths, Volcano, Sirius, and Brandon events locations.

– Disabled scaling for the options window, since it could partially move outside of the screen.

– Introduced better collision particles for throwable objects, specifically for newly added stone cosmetic skins – Tomatoes and Eggs.

– Removed Halloween rewards event. Thank you for your participation!


– Fixed an issue causing the User Interface windows that have two modes (full screen and side ones) to not properly remember the last state of the interface while moving between them.

– Fixed an issue causing donating items to Bastions in stacks were not giving proper profession experience.

– Fixed an issue causing hiding metallurgical districts in the map filters was not working properly.

– Fixed an issue where buffs, Hitpoints/Stamina, the mount user interface could be pushed outside of the screen when the interface scale was changed.

– Fixed an issue causing unresponsiveness of depot or vendors User Interface after using the /relog command.

– Fixed an issue causing resource nodes to not fracture properly after using the /relog command.

– Fixed an issue causing average market price information on item tooltips could show wrong data when there were no listings of given items on the market. From now on, the tooltip will show 0 if there are no items on the market to calculate the average price.

– Fixed an issue causing Dacian, a quest NPC from Sangmarian questline, could be killed by the boars.

– Introduced over 40 small terrain and model fixes in the game world.

Download free Gloria Victis update on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.