Gloria Victis Update 1.3 Patch Notes – July 20, 2023

Gloria Victis update 1.3 is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Gloria Victis patch notes, players can now build guild castles on islands and participate in player-driven logistics to transport packs and fulfill stronghold needs. In addition, Gloria Victis patch 1.3 also includes various quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes.

Previously, a major update added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Gloria Victis patch 1.3 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Gloria Victis Patch 1.3 Notes – July 20, 2023


  1. Guild Castles:
    • Guild owners at level 10 or higher can buy their own island to build guild castles from scratch.
    • Guild castles can be accessed through the guild panel or by typing a command in the chat.
    • Players can build defensive structures, workstations, decorations, and farm plants on guild islands.
    • Guild castles will have basic technology laboratories for generating guild technology points.
  2. Guild Castle – Free building:
    • Players can pick up structures from the library and place them on a grid for fortifications or anywhere else for economy structures or decorations.
    • The grid remains the same regardless of the castle preset chosen.
    • Guild level and battle size affect the available points for building structures.
    • Structures can be built up to level 4 in the first iteration, with higher levels unlocked in the future.
  3. Player Driven Logistics:
    • Players can transport special packs using wagons to fulfill the stronghold needs of primary locations.
    • Bastion Supplies Packs are available at designated forts and are divided into four categories.
    • Players can put supply packs on wagons or carry them by hand.
    • Excess packs can be stored in warehouses for a guaranteed reward.
    • Rewards for delivering packs include character experience, coins, and fief points.
  4. Wagon Types:
    • Different types of wagons are introduced, which can be unlocked through the Logistics Character Development Tree.
    • Wagons vary in carrying capacity and can be spawned for free or crafted.
    • Wagons can carry resource packages, technology packs, and supply bastion packs.
  5. Character Development – Logistic:
    • Developing the Logistics tree unlocks better wagons and improvements in speed and chassis repair.
    • Players earn experience for driving wagons, leveling up both the Logistics tree and their characters.
    • Surplus experience can be converted to free experience using Conversion Cards.
  6. New Decoration – Light source:
    • Light sources in the form of torches are introduced for decorating Guild Castles.


  1. Improved workshop positions in Eaglenest Fort.
  2. Fixed walls in the old beast hideout near Skergard to prevent players from falling under the ground.
  3. Fixes related to Level Design and AI blocking behaviors.
  4. Fixed an issue where packages placed on the ground or in containers could disappear due to interruptions.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.