Gloria Victis Update 1.1.8 Patch Notes – June 15, 2023

Gloria Victis update 1.1.8 is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Gloria Victis patch notes, the latest update increases the durability of all items and tools from tier 1 to 4 from now on will have the same higher base durability. In addition, Gloria Victis patch 1.1.8 also includes a new Skin set – Armoured Landsknecht with a new weapon skin for Lordly Haven Halberd.

Previously, a major update added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Gloria Victis patch 1.1.8 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Gloria Victis Patch 1.1.8 Notes – June 15, 2023

Transport Wagons

We’re glad that our recent building changes have been received so well. But we want to make it even more funnier by implementing the most common feedback about it – Transport Wagons!

– Transport Wagons that can be used to transport resources have been added.
– A player can spawn one cart by talking with an NPC called the Siege Engineer that stands around each barracks.
– Transport carts are capable of transporting 5 Building Mortar, 7 Building stones and 9 Building wood at the same time.
– Added minimap icon to Siege Quartermaster to make it easier to find him
– Wagon will despawn automatically after 5 minutes of lack of inactivity
– Each interaction with Wagon is restarting that timer, which means each material add or collection is counted as an interaction.
– Resources from destroyed wagons are not disappearing instantly and they are still pickable for a few minutes.

Durability Changes

– The base durability of all weapons, armours and tools in all tiers was slightly increased, by about 10%. Also, tools in tiers 1 to 4 have the same base durability and with new durability it is equal to 900 base durability. Previously each tier of tool had different durability values. It has been equalized because there are fewer options to restore item durability. Additionally, to make durability changes nicer for players, we increased base % of durability restore and added new guild technology.

New guild Technology – Karleonian Craftsman

– Karleonian Craftsman technology makes repairing items at NPC Vendors much more effective.
– With each level in the Karleonian Craftsman technology, all NPC Vendors will restore more item durability.
– The base amount of durability that Vendors restore has been increased. Previously, they restored 50% of the lost durability. Now they restore 65%.With level 10 Karleonan Craftsman tech, Vendors restore 92% of the item’s durability

New Reinforcement System

The following changes are being made to Reinforcement kits:

– Failing does not destroy the item.
– If the reinforcement attempt fails on an item of +4 or higher quality, the item loses one 1 quality level.
– If the Reinforcement attempt fails on an item between +0 and +3, the item does not lose a quality level.
– Successful reinforcement does not repair the item’s durability.
– The Renovation Kit restores base durability as it did before but from now on, they restore different values of base durability based on the Renovation Kit tier and each tier is restoring more of base durability than previously.
– Common Renovation Kit restores 20% of base durability (Previously 20%)
– Decent Renovation Kit restores 25% of base durability (Previously 20%)
– Master Renovation Kit restores 35% of base durability (Previously 20%)
– Changed the chances of a successful and unsuccessful renovation and from now on, the chances for successful renovation are higher.
– Meteoric Iron Reinforcement prevents an item from losing a quality level on a failed reinforcement.
– Meteoric Iron Reinforcement no longer restores item durability.
– From now on the reinforcing window will tell you about what impacts the chance for successful reinforcing.

Crafting changes

Changes to the quality of crafted items produced by hand versus using workshops. Crafters will keep a high income from selling items because their crafting level and skill will have a big impact on the quality of crafted items. Which with reinforcement kits prices update will let them bypass quite expensive reinforcing.
– Items crafted by hand will always have +0 quality.
– Items crafted at workshops have a possibility for +0 to +3 quality results. The chance of crafting +3 quality depends on the personal crafting level, Workshop level, and any Crafting Chance modifiers.
– As of today, crafting a +1/+2/+3 item is as difficult as crafting a +4/+5/+6 item before today’s update. This is to increase the importance of high-level crafting.

Tweaks in resource gathering

– Based on our data since the last update, the yield of some resources has been increased.
– Wood and mining resources will respawn faster.

– Herbs have been repositioned on the world map to more suitable and logical places.
– The number of herbs in the loot zone has been increased.

Quality of life

– Improvements have been made related to ping compensation of kicking mechanics.
– Wooden billets can be used to craft Hersir’s, Veles’ and Soldier’s weapons. Previously, it required using coal.
– Siege weapon spawning has been improved so that they do not float as much when spawned. Now they will fall more fluidly to their position and snap to the ground better.

Skin – Armoured Landsknecht Set

– The Armoured Landsknecht Set has a medium helmet and gloves, with heavy chest, legs, boots and shoulders. It is based on the Midland style so it requires Karleonian, Knight’s or Guardsman’s equipment.
– The Armoured Landsknecht Weapon Set includes skin for the Lordly Haven Halberd


– Fixed the chest drop at The Griffin’s company.
– Fixed the storehouse drop from the chest at Aquitania.
– Fixed the recipe for the Fish Soup. The ingredients didn’t fit in the recipe UI.
– Fixed invisible colliders at Hordun Temple that could lead to blocking siege machines.
– Fixed some bridges at locations (Skogar, Dimar) that could block siege machines.
– Fixed exploitable windows at Abbey where attackers could kill guards through them.
– Fixed skins for throwing rocks.
– Fixed stone keeps. NPC could walk through closed doors, walls and columns.
– Fixed quest board event Farming Aid for Midland and Ismir nation.
– Fixed the visibility of feet on Karleonian Chainmail Leg Armor.
– Fixed displaying the crafting chance of an item.
– Fixed the position of coal that was stuck in a wooden structure and it was not possible to gather it.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.