Gloria Victis Update Patch Notes

Gloria Victis update is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Gloria Victis patch notes, the latest update added new features, changes, new skins and fixes.

Previously, a major update added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Gloria Victis patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Gloria Victis Patch Notes – June 30, 2022

Quality of Life

– Added multiline edit support to guild recruitment message. Text will not be shown as one line, go over the border of the window, and you can use Enter that will not open the chat.
– Reworked the Party side panel to match its visuals with the new User Interface.
– Added sorting friends list by online status on open party window.
– UI polishes: replaced scrollbars on chat panels and decreased notification center icon size.
– Eased up low-level small animals.

Tweaks to fishing minigame:

– Added randomized time gaps between direction indicators showing.
– Each 5 correct direction indicator clicks have a chance to reward the player with a special indicator that, when clicked properly, gives 5 times more minigame bar completion.
– Amount of time that is deducted for the minigame is based on current stamina. It means that if you manage your stamina properly and will keep it high, our direction indicator clicks will reward you with more mini-game completion time than clicks while on low stamina.


– Fixed the issue causing enemies to not switch their agro target even when the attacker’s limit is reached.
– Fixed edge case issue where mobs and players’ body parts are invisible, rendering only their weapons and shields. We are not 100% sure if there’s no other reproduction for it, so if it will happen please make sure to report it and send us a log file.
– Fixed an issue where it was possible to jump onto the Keep from the Guardhouse at Tenebrok.
– Fixed the issue with pyrite on the steel bar recipe that was not added to the workstation when using the “Add materials” button.
– Fixed issue causing that player couldn’t start a fire in the furnace on recipes that require a higher level of temperature than the max temperature of worst fuel.
– Fixed an issue with the Bulat bar recipe that was not turning green when the player had tektite instead of quartz.
– Fixed an issue where the game could show an unnecessary window informing about non-existing loot zones.
– Fixed an issue causing the Valley of Death Scoreboard title to not be translated to some languages.
– Fixed the invisible table in Tailoring and Leatherworking workshop models.
– Fixed the issue causing the “Originlogres” tag over the player’s head to be not translated.
– Fixed unclickable category buttons in Map legend interface.
– Fixed an issue preventing people from interacting with monuments in an armed state.
– Removed the placeholder text in the “deliver items” quest window launched from dialogues.
– Fixed an issue causing “Dove” and “Handshake” Coat of Arms symbols unable to be set and used.
– Fixed the issue with the apprentice axe recipe – it was using tier 3 wood instead of tier 2, like its counterparts.

New Cosmetic Skins

We are introducing a new cosmetic skin set to the game using heavy & medium glory items as its base. “Honor” heavy/medium armor mix and six new weapons skins are available for you in the in-game Supporter Shop – hotkey [K].

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.