Gloria Victis Update Patch Notes – February 10, 2022

Gloria Victis update released on PC(Steam). According to the official Gloria Victis patch notes, the latest update added various bug fixes, gameplay changes, and improvements.

Previously, a major update added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Gloria Victis patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

What is new in Gloria Victis February 10 update Patch Notes?

Quality of Life improvements

– Made some polishing touches on recently moved NPCs and quest objectives in sangmarian questlines to improve player retention.

– Hired Team Rocket to finally catch the wild lynx interrupting players’ dialogues with quest NPCs in the Sagmarian questline. From our sources, we know that the lynx is now living in a better place, closer to the Midland border.

– Tweaked the system of ingame emotes, to limit their impact on chat logs and reduce their potential negative effects on players’ morale. Among others, from now on, when a player is dead, he will not see emotes chat messages.

– Abandoned Mines events are getting some improvements. From now on, every spawner chooses randomly from a pool of 4 minerals, so events will be even more interesting, as each mine will have a more unique resource pool.

– Our internal Bob Ross of Level Design beat the devil of his magical brush and fixed over 40 terrain/collision/model bugs across the game world. Remember, there are no mistakes, only happy accidents.


– Fixed an issue where it was possible to change the direction of the attack indicator during the attack.

– Fixed an issue causing the second tournament affix to not be completely random.

– Fixed an issue causing text overlapping over notification boxes.

– Fixed an issue where it was not possible to open info windows on farm/lumber mill/mine buildings on guild castles.

– Fixed an issue causing client animations to get bugged sometimes, after using bracing.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.